Obviously, the rank and file of the Washington Post are all for working from home (and the beach, the mountains, in between Call Of Duty sessions and binge watching their shows), especially since those who run the WP have told employees they need to work from work. There is something interesting in this article
Trump wants federal workers back in the office. It may be a tall task.
President-elect Donald Trump warned federal employees last week that they must return to the office – or else “they’re going to be dismissed.”
The threat was the latest and loudest signal yet that Trump, his allies and Republicans in Congress are committed to ending a remote-work culture that became widespread for the civil service of 2.3 million during the coronavirus pandemic but that many conservatives now decry as an outdated taxpayer-funded perk that has hurt performance across the government.
A quick return to pre-pandemic – or even stricter – federal office policies is not likely to happen with the stroke of a presidential pen.
It’s 2024, almost 2025: the time of Wuhan Flu is long behind us. What is the point in all these taxpayer funded federal employees (supposedly) working from home? How about a study from productivity specialists to see if these taxpayer funded federal employees are actually doing their jobs. How many are getting perks associated with coming in to their place of work, which they aren’t doing?
“It’s in a lot of labor contracts,” Cathie McQuiston, deputy general counsel at the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the largest union representing federal workers, said of the telework arrangements. “And at a lot of these agencies, the reality is, they don’t have the place to put people to force them back five days a week.”
Um, what? Where were they working beforehand? What happened to the office space? Oh, right, Biden was dumping the space over the years. Anyhow, here’s the part that really got my ire up
“AFGE embraces a work environment that includes full in-person, alternate work schedules, telework, and full remote work to best serve the needs of our members and staff,” Brittany Holder, another union spokeswoman, said in an email. The AFGE represents about 750,000 federal employees.
It’s not about what serves the federal employees, it’s what best serves the American taxpayers, who have their money involuntarily taken to pay the federal employees to work from home (at the racetrack, at the bar, sitting out at the pool). That should be the primary consideration. That’s what the job entails. They’ve long forgotten that they are public servants. If it makes sense and saves money without losing productivity to work from home, great! If not, come to the office, or go try and work in the private sector.

Will Big Donnie and Little J.D. work from their official offices at least 40 hr a week? No more so-called ‘official work’ at his Mar-a-Largo and Bedmister golf clubs. How about his billionaire Sec’s of Treasury and Commerce?
Or is it only working class employees who must be there all the time so the big bosses can keep an eye on them?
It’s simple: every federal worker who declines to return to the office is a federal worker who is removing himself from the federal workforce. That is an unambiguous good.
It’s not simple at all. Big Donnie will be president, not dictator. Perhaps Big Donnie and eliminate those friggin’ unions that protect the rights of workers.
Retiring from politics, Joe Biden laments the one regret of his political career is never having served as President.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker
New Sheriff’s Coming!
The Union exists to make it nearly impossible to fire useless, dead-weight individuals who contribute nothing to the work of these agencies. It protects people who are a drain on the agencies’ limited resources; they cause more work for everyone else. But due to the stupid policies put in place by Congress, Executive Branch agencies with the help of the unions it is practically impossible to fire these parasites. Those comments are based on over 30 years as a federal employee, military & civilian, and the experiences that I have had dealing with these otherwise unemployable morons.
From who? They have no boss. The people pay their salaries and benefits from day one and have no power to fire them. Public unions are a one sided affair the unions and their bosses being the only ones who can gain.
It is to any businesses or organization for employees to work from home if they are as productive working from home as in the office. Com0panies would see fewer in office expenses from things that might seem trivial, but are not: janitorial expenses, coffee for the break room, electricity for computers.
It is important to have workers in the office only is they have not been as productive working from home, and when you see an organization demanding a return to the office, that’s what those organization has seen.
My agency will not be bringing us back into the office unless higher authority demands it because productivity by every metric possible increased with full time telework. We go into the office one day a week and for me, it is usually the least productive day of the week. We will almost definitely be returning to the office as our HQ has already ordered their own people back into the office 3 days a week starting 20 January so I expect that will direct our leadership to follow suit. I’m fine with it either way, maybe some of the dead-weight will retire/quit which will the agency more productive with fewer employees.
Hopefully most of those worthless deadbeats won’t return.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Losers!
New Sheriff’s Coming
Any workers who refuse to return to the office get terminated. Immediately. After the first few are pink slipped anyone actually wanting to keep their job will get their ass back to the office toot sweet.
HAHAHA. Your view of the world is so refreshingly simple.
The problem is not about WHERE the federal workforce works. The issue is WHAT they are doing.
Many federal agencies perform no useful purpose. Every one of their employees should be fired, not “forced back to work in the office”. Just one example, look at cold war icon, Voice of America. Do you really think America needs to produce radio and TV programming for foreign countries in 2024 where the internet, streaming, commercial radio and social media reach every corner of the planet without a single dime of US taxpayer funding? Remove the cold war aspect and you can make the same argument for National public radio. Totally not needed. Just another voice in a thousand adding their government produced voices to the cacophony of privately produced voices telling exactly the same messages.
Most of the federal workforce has no function or purpose. They create slides and briefings and brief each other. The government will be MORE efficient without them. It really doesn’t matter if they are a total waste of time at home or at the office.
The government is totally incapable of weeding out the dead wood from the high performers. They are totally incapable of even defining what high performance even looks like. But go ahead and whine about how government employees don’t go into the office and “work from home”.
The solution is to arbitrarily reduce the federal workforce across the board by a huge cut, as well as eliminating whole departments. Then make rational policies about where the people you really need, really need to be. Even such Conservative sacred cows like the DoD can get along just fine with a 50% cut in personnel. It will be hard for them, but they will figure it out. DoD is a huge bloated bureaucracy, every bit as much as the Department of Education and Health and Human Services.
BTW, lots of offices in DoD never went to working from home. The military bias has always been if they don’t see your face, you must be goofing off.
Finally, going back to work is not the big dragon slayer that conservatives believe it is. Those waste of time federal employees ALL worked from the office before COVID. Although they prefer not doing it, they aren’t going to quit just because they have to go back into the office and waste time there. They are just returning to pre-COVID norms.
President-in-waiting Big Donnie stated hw will appoint Kari Lake as head of the VOA. He can’t do that according to the law, but The Donald is immune.
The VOA budget is 1/2000th Elon Musk’s current wealth, so not a big expense. Is there value in a pro-America voice in this media sea of bullshit and and anti-America drivel?
VOA broadcasts in at least 48 languages.
We are bankrupt. We cannot afford to pay zero-value government employees. 50% layoffs would be a good start.
America is not bankrupt.