Dem Senator Brian Schatz Thinks They Need To Talk Like Normal People

Well, good luck with that. Along with talking to normal people

Brian Schatz to Democrats: Talk Like Normal People

Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) can seem mellow. Having grown up in Hawaii, he exudes not only the Aloha spirit but what could be called shaka vibes. You know, that hang loose and catch-a-wave-when-it-comes sense of equilibrium that imbues many who hail from America’s Pacific paradise. (big snip)

I spent 45 minutes with Schatz earlier this month in his holiday and Hawaii-bedecked Hart office. He was blunt about a range of topics, most significantly his party’s failures and the necessity that they drop their faculty club and interest group vernacular. He was particularly scathing on the tic of using “center” as a verb. (snip)

You’re not quitting Twitter are you?

I still have an account. I am posting mostly on Bluesky.

But on the information environment piece, I think there’s the question of left-wing infrastructure, which I think should not be confused with the liberal project of preserving journalism and democracy, which is super important. But the problem is, a lot of liberal donors believe if we just fund good journalism, that that’s a counterweight to the right-wing noise machine. And I think that we’ve now learned that we have to build our own infrastructure, and that’s going to take money and staffing and all of that. I will help with that, but obviously as a federal legislator, that’s not my primary function.

He fails to realize that the vast majority of the news media is full of Democrats, and they push the Democrat narrative. And, if he’s sitting mostly on Bluesky, he’s speaking mostly to the choir, with the nuttiest of the nutters having moved over there. You can’t speak normal or to normal people if that’s your primary platform.

The third part of that, is that it’s not just that we’re unable to reach people. It’s that people are unable to reach us. So, when inflation was pissing people off, you could scarcely find a person in mainstream, left-wing circles, who would even talk about it. Except to explain that the Biden economy was better than other countries. And that the Biden stewardship was better than other industrialized nations. And by the way, I continue to think that’s true and totally irrelevant — If you’re talking about the question of are people pissed about the price of eggs, the answer is flatly yes they are. Not, ‘Don’t you know people are paying more in Paris and shouldn’t you be happy about that.’

He does have a point there, but, they won’t. Democrats think they are better than everyone else, so, they cannot be honest with anyone. They expect everyone to just go along with what the Elites say. Keep your mouth shut, suck it up, vote Democrat.

But who appeals to you in ’28?

I think whomever we nominate has to talk like a normal person. That is to me the most important thing. Normal doesn’t mean that they have an affect that is identifiable midwestern or southern or some sort of regional — But this person is real. If you had them over for dinner, you could understand what the hell they were talking about. And so I think we are looking for someone who can plausibly fit in as a human being all across the country. I don’t know who that’s going to be. But the challenge is going to be, how do you maintain your progressive values and not sound like you just got your post-doctoral thesis in sociology. And God bless those people.

Good luck with that. A goodly chunk of your elected officials, their advisors, and all your Credentialed News folks speak in Progressive. Who can they nominate who does not speak like an Elitist wackjob lefty? Who talks down to people who aren’t getting with the program?

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6 Responses to “Dem Senator Brian Schatz Thinks They Need To Talk Like Normal People”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    Who talks down to people who aren’t getting with the program?

    Hmmm… that’s a tough one, Teach.

    Bwaha! Lolgf Losers!
    MAGA47 Motherfuckers
    New Sheriff’s Coming

  2. Andolina Vincent P says:

    As a child of Italian immigrants, born in Bensonhurst Brooklyn NY, (when it was 95% Goombah), I am offended by Schatz’s comments. I for one didn’t notice any problem with VP Harris’ speech patterns, she spoke clearly and understandably, and if there was excessive Left jargon, I didn’t notice that either.

    Many Americans including myself tried to escape the outer trappings of their ethnic / regional background so as to facilitate entry into the broader society (rather than staying in da ‘hood) and career success.

    If VP Harris spoke in an Indian-English accent, or in Ebonics, the same fool Schatz would have been first to skewer her for that. Some men seem to be coming up with various reasons for not supporting Harris, when the real reason is their misogyny, xenophobia and racism. Sad!

    • drowningpuppies says:

      It really didn’t matter which speech patterns Kamala tried to use since her words were nothing but jingoistic nonsense. Misogyny, xenphobia, and racism had nothing to do with it. Sad you didn’t notice.

    • fp says:

      Huh, so misogyny (sexism), xenophobia, and racism are bad. Do your fellow leftists — many of whom shouted from the rooftops that they supported Harris because she’s a woman (sexism) and black/Indian (racism) — know this?

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