The lengths that the people supporting mental health issues will go to
The Supreme Court Case Over Trans Youth Could Also Decimate Women’s Equality
Earlier this month, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in what is likely to be the term’s blockbuster case, United States v. Skrmetti. The case considers the constitutionality of state laws that ban gender-affirming care for transgender minors. While the case itself addresses only a law from Tennessee, 26 states have passed similar laws that will be affected by the outcome.
A blanket ban on such care risks devastating effects for those youth who need it. But as the argument made clear, that is not all that is at stake. The case is also about women’s rights, and a fundamental legal principle that helped to secure them: Courts should be skeptical of laws that discriminate on the basis of sex.
With the defenders of Tennessee’s law challenging that bedrock principle, it is not only transgender equality, but sex equality more broadly that is in doubt. Depending on the outcome, Skrmetti could be the next Dobbs, adding another nail in the coffin to women’s legal freedoms — and freedoms we all enjoy regardless of sex.
The United States is challenging the Tennessee law on the basis of the Constitution’s equal protection clause, which has been interpreted to guarantee sex equality. Under this provision, sex-based laws — that is, laws that on their face classify people on the basis of sex — are subject to what is known as heightened scrutiny, which means that courts will invalidate them unless there is a persuasive reason to draw a sex-based line.
This really is the way Democrats think, that males with mental illness are actually women. And that denying all sorts of life-altering drugs and surgeries to minors will cause real women to lose all their rights. That states will be able to legally discriminate against biological women. The same women who are having nutjob penis invade their sports, locker rooms, changing rooms, and bathrooms.
U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar made clear at the argument that this constitutes sex discrimination. She offered an illustrative example: “[T]ake Ryan Roe, who is one of the individual plaintiffs here. He wants to take testosterone in order to live and identify as a boy, and he’s prohibited by SB1 from doing so because his birth sex was female. But, if you change Ryan’s birth sex and suppose he was assigned male at birth, then SB1’s restriction lifts.” Drawing a line between biological females and biological males — one can get the treatment and the other can’t — should trigger demanding judicial scrutiny of the law.
And this is one of the reasons that Democrats lost the election: they think transgender males are women. Here you have a female solicitor gender who’s deluded enough to argue against protecting actual women, along with allowing minors to have life-altering elective medical treatment.
Realistically, if the Court rules in favor of Tennessee nothing will happen to real women. The laws are quite clear on women’s equality, and states are not going to try and put the women back into the kitchen. This is just Democrat lunacy, as usual.

Let’s see… people who believe an imaginary old man in the sky somewhere controls the universe; believe in angels, fairies, miracles, heaven, hell, 72 virgins, reincarnation, spirits, ghosts, prayer, wine is the blood of Christ, unleavened bread his body, possession by demons, faith healing, child brides, faith abuse of children, exorcism, spare the rod – spoil the child, circumcision… consider gender dysphoria a mental disease to be regulated by the authorities. LOL.
This is the way conservatives ‘reason’. Fugging weirdos.
Should the religious mutilation of infant males be banned by the state?
No, this is the obnoxious, hateful way you falsely portray the way conservatives reason. This is the way sycophants like yourself try and belittle other beliefs and opinions. Childish and stupid.
The good news is this dumbass rant proves you’ve learned nothing by your landslide loss to Trump and his supporters. That’s good news for both freedom and open mindedness.
Mr Doom and Gloom and I were having a polite and informative discussion and you, FJB, barge in spouting your bull.
There MAY be gods, devils, miracles, angels, heaven, hell etc. My point is that there is scant evidence to support that notion. But you be you!! I MAY be wrong!!
Can you??
The hatred toward gays and the transgendered is rooted in fundamentalist religion.
BTW, there was no landslide; no mandate.
‘Men’ such as Trump and Musk* are not used to people disagreeing with them and will try to rule as kings. We’ll see how America responds.
*Trump Musk – a new odor from Trump Inc. $499/10 mL
But Jeff,
You believe that carbon rules our climate without any evidence at all. Same as believing in fairy’s.
Oh Porter,
We have gone over the evidence time and again. You are a close-minded old man.
You have provided some worthless information . But never provided evidence that man has influenced the climate. In fact, over the years your precious suggestion as to carbon having influence has been shot down and the majority of scientist agree it is a hoax.
None of your silly denialisms are true.
It’s true, Virginia… Rimjob does believe in fairy tales.
What a hypocrite.
Dowd wrote: Let’s see… people who believe an imaginary old man in the sky somewhere controls the universe
I wonder. You are the science man.
The founder and leader of Google Quantum AI, Hartmut Neven, says that the company’s newly unveiled Willow chip represents a breakthrough in quantum computing, as he claims it can perform tasks in minutes that would take current supercomputers septillions of years — a feat he says can only be explained by the existence of parallel universes.
In a blog post on Google’s website, Neven wrote, “The performance of the Willow chip was so phenomenally fast that it had to have ‘borrowed’ the computation from parallel universes.” Neven is basing this bold claim on a computational task performed by Willow that, he says, would have taken today’s best supercomputer 10 septillion years to accomplish. Meanwhile, Willow did it in under five minutes.
“This mind-boggling number exceeds known timescales in physics and vastly exceeds the age of the universe,” Neven wrote. The idea that quantum computing would tap into a parallel universe has been around for a while, Neven is suggesting that Willow is lending that theory credence.
I wonder. If parallel universes exist……is it so far-fetched that God might also exist?
I always enjoy discussing an atheist’s unguided belief, which always seems to flow from some unseen anger.
Dowd wrote:
believe in angels…..I do.
fairies….I don’t.
miracles…I do
heaven….I do
hell…I believe hell is the absence of God. As in when you die as a true unbeliever, you are gone forever. You are never really gone until no one is left to remember you.
72 virgins…I hope there are many more than that, but as you reference Muslim beliefs, I do NOT.
Reincarnation…..I suppose it’s possible; I am ambivalent to the process.
Spirits, ghosts, perhaps visitors from a parallel universe? I don’t lose any sleep over their existence or not.
prayer….It is a perfect time for reflection and thankfulness.
wine is the blood of Christ….a symbolic meaning that has survived the test of time.
unleavened bread his body…a symbolic meaning that has survived the test of time.
possession by demons….Democrats actually do exist.
faith healing….yes. There was a girl who had a stroke in which no one has ever survived this type of stroke. Her church had round the clock prayer. Her preacher father prayed over her night and day as she lay in a hospital almost brain dead. Long story short….she is now walking and talking.
child brides….Depends on what you define as a child. 12?…no….17, 18, 19, 20?…..sure.
faith abuse of children……no.
exorcism….I suppose it is possible though I have never seen it. But by the looks of the Democratic party….I don’t hold out much hope for it happening.
spare the rod – spoil the child….Personally I prefer tasers and the rack. To be honest though Most child punishment makes the parent feel better and then worse. The need for punishment is the perfect time to teach a LIFE LESSON rather than inflict pain. How about inflicting some love and devotion on your progeny? so you dont have to look it up…..progeny…A child or children of a parent or parents. “claimed to be the progeny of the king.”
circumcision….ambivalent to this. It does in no way harm the child and though I surmise it is painful for a child, so is having your prostrate cut out but I don’t remember a thing about that proceedure either.
Quantum computing should make everyone, including atheists and agnostics, think.
Are there dimensions beyond our understanding at this time?
Possible, if not probable! Wormholes, ‘aliens’ from unknown dimensions or universes..
So yes, a god or gods is possible, but presently there is just no evidence. As an agnostic, gods are possible. A conservative, but atheist, physical chemist friend claims the statistics don’t add up – it’s just too unlikely.
Prayer CAM be healing to the one who prays, but there is little evidence that prayer helps others. I suspect every parent prays for their child with leukemia, yet before the invention of chemo regimens most died. Now 80% show long-term survival. If gods could inspire medical scientists, why not spare the child the suffering? A Lutheran minister told me that mere humans cannot begin to question or understand the workings of God.
Bertrand Russell, philosopher and atheist, when asked by God why he didn’t believe in Him… “Not enought evidence, God, not enough evidence.”
Religious beliefs can be a source of comfort, even social stability, but history instructs us that to make the next step that everyone should believe as you is dangerous.
You likely approved to have prostate surgery, infant males do not make the decision.
“Transgenderism is the only mental illness demanding that the rest of society adopt a patient’s delusion as part of the patient’s treatment.”
Dr. Paul McHugh, Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, John’s Hopkins School of Medicine
Nope. You are still able to call transgendered whatever you like! You are not required to behave as a decent human being.
The now 93 year old McHugh has a history…
Like you, he’s free to express his opinion.
Do you care to discuss the physiology of the development of gender identity or is your mind made up?
Here are potential topics: SRY gene expression, SRY gene product function, XY translocation, sex hormone timing and function (estrogens, androgens, LH, FSH), XX and XXY males, XY females, exogenous maternal drugs (legal and illegal), sex hormone receptor function and dysfunction, endocrine disrupters…
Have you had YOUR chromosomes mapped??
Gender identity is a complex process that usually functions OK, but sometimes it doesn’t. You’re likely familiar with several congenital disorders, e.g., Down’s syndrome, PKU, diabetes, neural tube defects, patent foramen ovale and others.
Do you mock children with Down’s Syndrome? Diabetes? Or do you treat them?
Try a little compassion. I bet it’s in the Bible somewhere.
Our medicine man from Missouri wrote:
I love it! The esteemed Mr Dowd has just told us that ‘gender dysphoria’, an entirely mental thing, is a birth defect!
Our Fool from Fayette found something he loves besides Big Donnie!
Gender dysphoria is not an entirely mental thing!
What would you like to discuss first? We hope you are finally off the false notion that XX chromosomes make a woman and XY chromosomes make a ‘man’. If so, you’ve learned a little.
Did you know that the Central Nervous System (CMS) have estrogen (ER) and androgen (AR) hormone receptors?? Crazy isn’t it? And Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone are actually produced in the brain!!! And I almost forgot oxytocin!!
Do you remember diethylstibestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen given to pregnant women from the 1940s to the 1970s?
A 2024 study suggested that in utero DES-treated males were more likely to identify as trans than those not treated.
Relax and take a dose of compassion along with your religion. How many suicidal
That is really a bunch of words and technical language that does not make sense. It indicates that you have zero knowledge of this subject and only desire to show how great you are in accepting these people.
Now according to medical experts, XX is a woman, XY is a male, end of discussion. As to ambiguous genitalia and hormones and receptors not working as they should, yes that happens and has nothing at all to do with the trans people who are operating under a delusion that is likely part of a psychosis. If someone desires to be a trans, let them do so. But the minute idiot politicians desire for the rest of us to get in the delusion and pass laws that are wrong, no, that is no right.
So much Copy&Paste.
Too much bullshit there, fatso.
And you label others delusional.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker
New Sheriff’s Coming
You never have anything of substance to add. You spew your ignorance as if you’re an authority.
Actual expert doctors disagree with your prejudices.
You don’t have to accept ‘these people’. You can still be an asshole.
You have this thing about experts. What is an expert, and is your world ruled by their opinions?
For that matter, you are very jealous of MDs and clearly would have loved to go to medical school, but could not qualify.
Do you not understand that experts on a topic know more about that topic than a tyro like you?
The less someone like you understands about a topic, the simpler it seems to you.
Hmm…so it’s still a mental illness, and they do demand that we go along with the delusion, as said. It would be like a crazy schizophrenic uncle demanding that everyone listen to what the TV is telling him
Here’s where you can see that the entire cited article is bovine feces:
No one needs it. What those afflicted with ‘gender dysphoria’ need is psychiatric care, to educate them that they are what their bodies say they are.
Mr Dana, expert on gender dysphoria, dismisses even the evidence supporting physiological contributions to the disorder.
Why does Mr Dana believe he understands the medical issues related to gender dysphoria better than the patient, the parents, the medical doctors and psychologists? Do doctors try to tell him how to pour concrete?
Why are conservatives so concerned about the transgendered?
The less one understands about an issue, the simpler the issue appears.
Seems to me that women are better off without having men in there restrooms and sports. The trans people are mentally ill and we are not required to participate in their delusions.
I suspect right-wingers like Matt Gaetz, Peter Hegseth, Elon Musk and their mob boss, Big Donnie, have been and are, greater threats to young women than are trans women taking a leak, you dumbass.
Trans women should NOT compete with cis women in ‘strength’ sports. Some physical characteristics do not revert with the withdrawal of testosterone. A 7’1″ high school boy doesn’t get shorter with transition.
Why you adolescents worry about transgenders when as a nation we have some real problems – income and wealth disparities, housing and bombastic, jingoistic leaders.
Cry harder. Whine longer.
Just keep being a Rimjob.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA Motherfucker!
New Sheriff’s Comin’
Go easy on poor Elwood, drowningpuppies. He’s just been introduced with how badly the liars in his own parry have played him for years. This week the pictures of Little Joey meeting with all those Chinese, Ukrainian, Russian and Arab “businessmen” and leaders that for years he swore up and down he never, ever met nor knew. Fukin liar. All of them.
Then it comes out we were right all along and that little creep Fauci was colluding with the Reds to build Covid and then release it and guess what? Yep! He got together with his fellow leftists in our government, academia, Big Pharma and Big Medicine to lie to us about it and got the pro commie press to cover it up and his friends in the democrat-commie party to attack anyone pointing out the virus came from a fukin lab, not from a pangolin in a wet market.
Imagine how Elwood must feel after spending years preaching daily to us ignorant rubes about how stupid we are for listening to common sense and logic and morality only to find out HE’S BEEN WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING ALL ALONG!
Remember, Elwood didn’t lie to us deliberately. He was lied to himself and as a dutiful commie proletariat just passed on the propaganda. Not having the mind or education to determine the truth himself he really had no choice. You see, he like all people on the left was a victim.
At this point only a retard couldn’t see past the lies the left has fed him since at least 2004 so he is just doing that stubborn thing he always does to avoid having to admit his errors. Contrition is not a narcissists strong point so we shouldn’t hold our breath waiting for the admission. After all he still insists men can magically change into women, men can also menstruate and have babies, CO2 is killing earth and it’s all our fault, homos and trannies are not products of psychosis but just cute boys trapped in girls bodies. Then he ridicules us as deniers! LOL.
EDS… Living rent free in that tiny brain!!
There are genders. One goes to a gynecologist, the other to a urologist. All the others go to a psychiatrist
Source unknown.
“Two genders”