…is a blurry world due to carbon pollution driven humidity, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on America’s third worst president passing away.

…is a blurry world due to carbon pollution driven humidity, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on America’s third worst president passing away.
Andrew Johnson’s place the pantheon of bad presidents is safe with Trump, who has the chance to be both the worst and second worst president in history! LOL.
Jimmy Carter was a decent man. President Carter engineered the Camp David Accords. He refused to bribe Iran with weapons to release the hostages. Carter deregulated energy production and telecommunications. Although he was himself a veteran, he pardoned the Vietnam era draft evaders. Carter granted full diplomatic relations with China. He signed the Salt II treaty.
A life-long Southerner, Carter was married to Rosalyn Carter for 77 years, was a born-again Christian and taught Sunday School for decades. There were no reports that he fathered children out of wedlock. He graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1946 and served as a Lt in the Navy until 1953, when he left to manage the family business after his father died. President Carter authored some 30 books, including a historical novel, The Hornet’s Nest. He was one of only four US Presidents to win a Nobel Peace Prize, based on the Camp David Accords.
This part is laughably naive given today’s attitudes:
Two events hurt President Carter’s legacy. ‘Stagflation’ following the Vietnam spennding and the 1073 oil shocks resulted in the appointment of Volcker in 2020 as the Fed head, and with Carter’s support, raised the Fed rate to 20% causing inflation to drop from 13% to 3& by 1982. The cost was a recession in the early 80s. The second event was the Iranian hostage crisis where Islamic radicals kidnapped some 53 US workers in 1979.
Jimmah sure loved him some Yassar Arafat besides fucking over the American hostages in Iran.
Democratic party has released their talking points for Carter, suitable for Cut-Paste. I notice they fail to mention that Carter was a devout Christian all his life and that was the basis for his morality and why people now remark about his “decency”. They could just as well remark on his humility, his honesty and his lack of corruption while in office. To date, he is the only Democratic party president who did not become fabulously wealthy while in office. Trump still holds the record for losing personal wealth as a result of serving in office.
It’s easy to get Egyptians and Israelis to sign peace treaties if you pay them to do it. The price of the Camp David accords was three BILLION each, per year, in perpetuity. Of course, they signed with huge smiles on their faces. Their war had already ended 5 years previously.
Puppies, I doubt Carter could have done anything about the hostages in Iran. As a young man, I was sitting on Green Ramp back then ready to go save the Shah. No telling who in the Carter administration pulled the plug but Carter was always big on returning indigenous lands (in Panama and Iran) and letting the locals sort things out for themselves. The Army we had back in 79 was an empty shell with few troops who were combat ready. It was the vestige of the old draft army, but learning how to be “All volunteer”. We had a lot of Vietnam vets still around back then, but also a lot of addicts and empty formations.
A buddy of mine was involved with the aborted hostage rescue mission in Iran.
He resigned from special forces after that operation because he felt Carter held back because of the perceived political blow back.
In his words he said the Americans could, should and would’ve have been rescued and Carter be damned.
The head of a group that was hired by Perot was a patient of mine. He got Perots people out, and killed a large number of people. So Carter could have rescued Americans in harms way.
After the failed attempt, the Iranians split up hostages among multiple locations, making rescue impossible. Your friend should have resigned for his own failure, not Carter’s. Only officers get to resign. Special forces operators are enlisted for a term of service. They don’t get to resign.
Puppies, it is very common for low ranking (everyone below 4 star in this case) to not understand who is calling the shots or why they do it. Presidents seldom explain themselves to the troops. Lincoln was the last one I recall doing it.
My buddy was so disgusted he didn’t re-up.
Jimmy Carter was a decent man.
And and a mighty moral man was he…
He hated Jews because he knew
They nailed Christ to the crucifixion tree.
The Romans did that.
But the Jews condemned.
Moving the goalposts. Jesus was the only jew whose actions mattered in that equation. Otherwise, you vacate the virtue of the sacrifice.
Are you claiming that President Carter was anti-Semitic?
Do YOU believe that all Jews are immoral? Wow.
Carter was a piece of s..t. He was fairly stupid and had as little knowledge of economics as Jeff. He caused hardship for average Americans and the poor that was not necessary. He put us all at risk. Trump will rectify the wrongs of Carter that still exist, ie Dept of Education.
Based on the how far the current occupant has lowered the bar, Carter was a God among men.
True enough, but don’t forget Obama who is actively working on our destruction.
I didn’t addrss Smelly Ol’ Davy, who is an idiot.
Hateful MAGAts, fake Christians all, hate Jimmy Carter because he was a true Christian, unlike them. You should be embarrassed.
Bwaha! Lolgf!
King Donnie‘s bro, Svengali Musk, the power behind the throne, has moved into Mars-a-Largo with his puppet, er… president.
Retired Lt. General Russell Honoré, a right-wing icon for his work coordinating Hurricane Katrina relief efforts – recall his, “Are you stuck on stupid?”, directed at a reporter – has concerns about Musk’s obvious threat to national security. He just wrote an opinion piece calling out Musk’s close business ties to China’s Communist Party through Tesla and SpaceX. Musk has at least $1.4 BILLION in loans through banks controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.
Said Musk’s co-DOGE director Vivek Ramaswamy:
But that quote is all the way back in 2023. There is no one that Musk can’t buy.
But we can always rely on King Donnie‘s solid, well-thought out, judgements.
Just because you (and most of your commie comrades) are stubborn, unchangeable and work like the Borg does not mean we are. We (and Trump) actually encourage independent thought. You are a member of a political party that doubles as a religion. We separate the two.
We can also disagree with Musk, Vivek and Honore. We must assume you agree with someone, who? Trump? Musk? Who?
We know: The Aitolia and Xi!