You know, because all that CO2 plant food is bad for plants
Climate change is making plants less nutritious ? that could already be hurting animals that graze
More than one-third of all animals on Earth, from beetles to cows to elephants, depend on plant-based diets. Plants are a low-calorie food source, so it can be challenging for animals to consume enough energy to meet their needs. Now climate change is reducing the nutritional value of some foods that plant eaters rely on.
Human activities are increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and raising global temperatures. As a result, many plants are growing faster across ecosystems worldwide.
Here we go
Some studies suggest that this “greening of the Earth” could partially offset rising greenhouse gas emissions by storing more carbon in plants. However, there’s a trade-off: These fast-tracked plants can contain fewer nutrients per bite.
“Suggest”. In other words, they do not know. It’s all conjecture. So, it is fearmongering and not science.
We believe long-term changes in the nutritional value of plants may be an underappreciated cause of shrinking animal populations. These changes in plants aren’t visually evident, like rising seas. Nor are they sudden and imminent, like hurricanes or heat waves. But they can have important impacts over time.
You can believe all you want. Some people there are bigfoots and yetis. Neither is proof.
Over the longer term, it will be important to understand how nutrient dilution is altering entire food webs, including shifts in plant species and traits, effects on other animal groups such as predators, and changes in species interactions. Changes in plant nutritional value as a result of rising carbon dioxide levels could have far-reaching impacts throughout ecosystems worldwide.The Conversation
So give us lots of taxpayer money to study this, especially so we can travel a lot.

Nothing like a twofer
Some studies suggest ……………
Studies ‘suggest’ that CO2, while increasing plant growth (they were looking at rice plants), results in reduced concentrations of protein, vitamins and minerals.
Mr Teach types: “Suggest”. In other words, they do not know. It’s all conjecture. So, it is fearmongering and not science.
Hoist by his own petard. The comment was addressed to the concept that “carbon dioxide is a plant food!” and will increase yields. Does Mr Teach not believe that any longer? LOL.
Significant nutrient dilution means herbivores need to eat more plant material to get the nutrients needed to live and reproduce.
Measuring protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals in plants and grains is easy enough. Growing crops in greenhouses or even in field trials under varying conditions of light, CO2, O2, water is also simple enough. That’s how scientists discovered that plants grow faster with higher CO2 (plant food!)!
But we get it. Deniers just deny any results they dislike because the scientists use words like ‘suggest’, ‘support the hypothesis’, ‘are consistent with’ but never, ever say ‘prove’!
This has nothing to do with global warming, but simply environmentalism, which is one of Mr Teach’s passions!
We assume you accept as fact that human activity is causing a rise in CO2. AGW-deniers also tout the scientific finding that more CO2 stimulate MORE plant growth. But when scientists report that nutrients are reduced in the faster-growing plants the deniers circle the wagons and resist. LOL.
Now Rimjob is posting ChatGPT bullshit..
That should save him a lot of time on his Cut-Paste assignments from DNC.
I don’t write for ChatGPT, Pissant the Dumbass and Perfesser.
We assume you accept as fact that human activity is causing a rise in CO2.
We assume you accept as fact that CO2 stimulates MORE plant growth.
But when scientists report that nutrients are reduced in the faster-growing plants you deny the result.
Why is that, brainiacs?
Why do you lie so much?
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker!
Why do YOU lie so much, Pissant?
Kiss my ass you insignificant little Pissant!! LOL.
Ouch. That’s not a very good reason to lie.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker!
The Pissant lies because it repeats whatever its Big Daddy, King Donald the 1st, says.
For King Donald the 1st, lying is breathing.
His toadies, sycophants, pissants (but not puissant) drones, serfs, lickspittles and minions await his daily proclamations so they know what they can believe that day. King Donald the 1st owns even your thoughts.
You guys read what he has to say? I just jump over anything Elwood has as he bores me. But the follow up comments are worth taking the time read. OK, I do read his comments if there only a few sentences but anything longer I know is just a cut and paste of someone else’s work.
Kiss my ass, dumbass! LOL.
Now answer…
We assume you accept as fact that human activity is causing a rise in CO2.
We assume you accept as fact that CO2 stimulates MORE plant growth.
But when scientists report that nutrients are reduced in the faster-growing plants you deny the result.
Why is that, brainiac?
No, we don’t assume humans are causing any issue with the climate. You have never, ever provided any scientific proof.
CO2 is intergalactic to plant growth and restricting it is idiotic.
Man produces a small portion of CO2.
CO2 does not drive the climate, it is only 0.04% of the atmosphere.
China alone produces as much pollution and CO2 as the rest of the world. So no sense in us going natural.
None of your comments make sense.
Smelly Ole Davy,
You’re moving the goalposts.
Are you denying that humans burning coal, oil and gas is causing the CO2 increase? It has increased from 280ppm to 420pmm.
As I said, this discussion in NOT about global warming.
WTF is this supposed to mean? CO2 is intergalactic to plant growth and restricting it is idiotic.
The increased CO2 IS causing plants to grow faster. The review that Mr Teach poo-poos demonstrates that the faster growing plants have reduced protein, minerals and vitamins.
You missed the point by a mile. Kiss my ass.
The reason of the week? These brainwashed morons are never going to give up because that would mean they were wrong. Being wrong damages the psyche, cuts off the funding, destroys the easy jobs and takes power out of their grasp.