This is the same guy who jumps in a fossil fueled helicopter to ferry him a few miles away to jump on a FF jumbo jet to fly to Delaware with a backup FF jumbo jet and fighter jets, then drive in a FF limo with a large convoy of FF SUVs, right?
Biden Expected to Permanently Ban Oil Drilling in Some Federal Waters
President Biden is expected to permanently ban new oil and gas drilling in large sections of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, as well as other federal waters, in a way that could be difficult for the Trump administration to unwind, according to two people familiar with the plans.
Mr. Biden intends to invoke an obscure provision of a 1953 law, the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, that would give him wide latitude to withdraw federal waters from future oil and gas leasing, said the people. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the policy publicly.
The move would also cement Mr. Biden’s legacy on climate change as he prepares to leave the White House after a single term. President-elect Donald J. Trump has pledged to reverse virtually every law and regulation aimed at curbing carbon dioxide emissions, and to make it easier for companies to produce and burn more coal, oil and gas.
If Brandon is trying to stick it to Trump, he’s really sticking it to the American People
While section 12(a) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act gives a president wide leeway to bar drilling, it does not include language that would allow Mr. Trump or any future president to revoke a ban.
That was tested after President Barack Obama banned offshore drilling in parts of the Arctic Ocean and dozens of canyons in the Atlantic Ocean. During his first term in office Mr. Trump tried to revoke the ban. In 2019, U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason in Alaska ruled that Mr. Obama’s ban could not be undone without an act of Congress.
Have they considered that the Trump admin could simply allow way more drilling in those areas which were not put under ban? I wonder if Trump can restrict Biden from using federal funds to purchase fossil fuels as he moves around as an ex-president? The question here is whether Trump will care? He’s not a big fan of offshore drilling. He’s more about on-land drilling. Also, will the GOP run Congress try and restore the ability to drill in those areas? If they were smart, what they would do would be to focus on allowing companies to build refineries. Ones that are more efficient and cleaner.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Trump didn’t overturn Biden’s ban on drilling. It’s not a law that presidential designations are permanent, it’s just one judge’s opinion. No one elected her.
Biden was thrown to the curb by his own party. His replacement was tossed aside by the American people. Anything signed by brain dead Joe since the election should be used as toilet paper.
Biden didn’t do anything. In fact, it is only through the sheer willpower of PUTIN in Russia that we are not facing a NATO war that would have to be fought by the USA since, combined, the entire European version of the NATO alliance is probably about as inept as the Russian Army.
Especially since they are more interested in taking over Russia’s oil and gas for themselves since their hair brained AGW schemes have left them shivering in their tiny apartments without food, water or HEAT from the lack of fossil fuels.
So this is how it ends? This is akin to Astronauts heading to MARS and the ship breaks down thanks to someone who got a divorce notice from back on earth and decides the rest of his crew(world)should share his anguish. Much like the Green Beret who chose to blow up Trump Tower in Las Vegas cause he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and got thrown out of his house. So why not share your misery with the rest of the country.