Personally, I do not notice the difference, not that I eat there that much, maybe once or twice a month, and I like to get the HiC orange drink or sweet tea. Maybe the local stores do not have these straws yet?
McDonald’s ‘sustainable’ move is ruining popular drinks, customers complain: ‘Not cutting it’
Take a sip of this.
Mike Haracz, a former corporate chef at McDonald’s, revealed how the fast food chain’s newest straws make beverages taste different.
“As many of you know, McDonald’s has switched out their iconic straw for something that is either a little more sustainable and/or cheaper,” Haracz explained.
McDonald’s nationwide has replaced its classic white straws with red and yellow stripes for a more sustainable alternative.
In the one-minute TikTok, uploaded on Dec. 20, Haracz explains his experience with the revamped straw.
“So it is now a very clearly more flimsy straw that as soon as it bends, as soon as you have to drink like a shake, if the shake machine is working, and it’s too thick and it collapses, these straws start breaking. These straws start bending, they start cracking and becoming unusable,” he declared.
While the upgraded straw isn’t receiving the recognition McDonald’s anticipated, it’s also changing the taste of the drinks.
And lots of people in the comments are apparently saying that the straws are bad. Though, many in Canada and Europe are saying it could be worse, since they have to use paper straws. Not so good for shakes, eh? And, ironically, the lid is still plastic, as are those for coffees. And many of the cups are plastic. Straws should be the last thing they worry about. Hey, I’m all for doing what one can for the environment, but, this whole sustainable movement is about the climate cult.

President Biden to block sale of US Steel to Nippon Steel:
Biden previously said US Steel should continue to be a US-owned and operated firm
I guess the Dems have woken a bit after Trump’s November win pulling in a whole lot of Union support for keeping jobs in America. Even Japan vowed to not fire anyone for a whole YEAR!
The only time I get McFood is if I’m travelling a long distance and I need ‘food’ which I can eat while driving. However, other than a milk shake, I don’t use the straws at all, just discarding the lid and drinking straight from the cup.
Another complicated solution to a make-believe problem. Just imagine all the resources wasted on Earth to fix non-existent problems just so that activists can pay their rent. Plastics in the oceans are from india, Pakistan and China dumping all their trash into rivers and oceans, not from drinking straws in north america and europe. But activists cant get paid complaining about china.
Trying to remember the last time we ate at McBurger, it’s measured in years. We will stop there if nothing better is available. We always go in and use the dining room so a crappy straw is not that much of an issue, except to be another reason to not stop there.
I think the Professor has it correct, in the US we do a much more efficient job of managing our trash than the 3rd world.