Will Stacey Plaskett win? It is super early in the year, plenty of time for other nominees
And Democrats get best supporting moonbat for cheering
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) January 4, 2025
CSPAN gets a nomination for worst media outlet for failing to explain exactly why she was wrong, namely that the US Virgin Islands are a territory, not a state, and that’s the way they want it, much like Puerto Rico and Guam. One would think CSPAN would know better. Plaskett does have a voice, it’s loud, and inappropriate, considering she’s been in Congress since 2015, a lawyer, and should know better.
But, no worries, MSNBC, a dying Credentialed Media outlet (just barely), joins in with their own version of stupidity. No worries, this is the Yahoo News version, so, they get no hits
Time for derp owls
We’re just three days into 2025, and Stacey Plaskett has already filed a strong entry for this year’s “top truth-teller in Congress” award.
You may have missed her powerful moment from Friday’s House speakership vote if you’re not a C-SPAN junkie like me, but you ought to see it. The Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands made a parliamentary inquiry to ask the House parliamentarian to explain why the six nonvoting delegates from U.S. territories and the District of Columbia aren’t allowed to vote for speaker.
Yeah, 2015. Lawyer. Has she heard of Google? Did she consider reading the rules? No, she was just trying to grandstand. Here’s where it gets even more stupid
The parliamentarian’s response was, in essence, “Them’s the rules.”
There was certainly no moral justification offered, so what Plaskett essentially did was give viewers and her colleagues a textbook lesson in American imperialism. And it was quite a sight to see her being booed by Republicans for doing so.
Here we are in the United States, a country that salutes its founders for their refusal to live under British imperialism. And nearly 250 years after bloodshed over this, a Black woman who dared to question why the U.S. is foisting similar imperialism on her and her people was literally silenced.
This was a remarkable snapshot that perfectly summarizes our current political moment.
Those territories could have voted to be states, but, they didn’t. They’re happy being American protectorates. Oh, and not paying all those federal taxes that the US Congress has voted for. Huh. What she wants is representation without taxation.

Stupid negress!! Right Teach?
Mr Teach could brush up on tax law.
People born in the US territories are US citizens.
Hmmm, racist and misogynistic, huh Rimjob?
Typical dumbass democrat.
Stupid negress!! Right Teach?
Mr Teach could brush up on tax law.
People born in the US territories are US citizens.
Dumbest Person of the Year? Big Donnie says, “Hold my beer! I nominate Matt Gaetz for AG, RFK Jr as head of HHS, Peter Hegseth for Sec Def, Tulsi Gabbard for Dir of Nat Intel, Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel for FBI Destroyer and Jimmy Carter died to spite me!”
Are you going to keep this stupidity up until you lose the next election too? Four more years of repetition and redundancy all because you hate the idea of making America great? Do you think America should not be great or is it that you don’t want Trump to get credit for it so you’d rather see America fail?
MAGA does not mean Republican. Any patriot can support MAGA just like any traitor can work against it. Obviously millions more Americans voted for Trump and MAGA than there are Republicans.
MAGA is a personality cult, not a political party.
I hope you’re right that Big Donnie will make America even greater, but I’m skeptical.
It’s 50:50 for the Dems to take the Senate in 2026 and 70:30 that they’ll take the House. Reactionaries JD, DeSantis, Don Jr, normals Lil Marco, Nikki, Thune, Youngkin… will run for prez in 2028, with the state of the economy being most important.
Dems will nominate Gavin or Kamala or Josh Shapiro, Pritker, Polis, Whitmer
But will America ever elect a female Prez?? Likely in a F vs F contest!!
Rimjob may imagine Trump being the dumbest person of the year but he won!
What does that make you hmm?
Kamala can’t even recite the Pledge of Allegiance correctly!
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 – New Sheriff In Town
Another nominee for Dumbocrat of The Year.
The very trees they’re cutting down are a carbon sequestering system. That’s worth more than the piddly amount of power you’d get from 420 acres of PV panels. A better idea would be to install them in the medians of the interstates.
It’s not necessarily stupid for a congressional delegate to question the rules, since that body is in the business of making the rules. “Because it is a rule” doesn’t make it right or even smart. It does make it the rule, until that rule gets changed. Democrats would like nothing better than having ten new permanent senators that would never need to face re-election because they would be from one-party ruled placed. It is their only reason for wanting DC statehood, since it is the largest of the territories. And for that reason, Republican should oppose it. Better: give independence to Virgin Islands and carve back DC to Maryland, just like the southern half was carved back to Virginia. Carve out a Federal enclave (just the National Mall, White house, congress, Supreme court and congressional office buildings, where no one is allowed to be a permanent resident and must be a citizen of another state.
It’s a tough call between her and Supreme Court Justice KBJ, who couldn’t tell what a woman is…
Negresses be dumb, AmIright?? LOL
How do you define “woman”?
A female human being. How do you define one?
How do you define ‘female’? As a ‘woman’?
The sex that conceives and births young.
Now, I’ve answered you. How do you define woman and female?
Any other combination has a genetic abnormality and is ill.
Discussion ends.
Any Negro who supports the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK and other White supremist orgs, and generational welfare is dumb.
MAGA is neither. MAGA is a political movement, not a party, that seeks the improvement of the American social structure by rejecting racial, religious and sexual apartheid. MAGA believes that no American should be raised above another because of those qualities and respects the Founding Fathers in respect to those principles. Anyone can be a MAGA just like anyone can be a commie or a Catholic or a Mason. All they need do is agree with the philosophy. It’s easy if you have an open mind.
Calling African-Americans stupid for not supporting the Republicans has been the theme for decades. Any working class American who support the party of greed, concentrated wealth and authoritarianism is dumb.
You may not know what apartheid means.
Can you tell us WHEN was the Great America that MAGA aspires to Make us Again? 1940s? 1890s? 1950s?
I completely agree which is why they should never support the democrat millionaire/billionaire club. We all know all the wealth is concentrated in the corrupt democrat party just look at CA, NY and the other rich democrat states that always vote for the rich. It’s been that way since the 60’s but you guys and your accomplices in the media have gone overboard to conceal it.
And they still haven’t grasped the problem!
Why, do you think I don’t have a computer to look it up? It seems you’re the one who fails to understand the segregation, restrictions and limited contact between groups based on classifications that apartheid is.
It’s a matter of opinion but I figure BO, before Obama. We realize in your cult you are not permitted to deviate from the narrative so these ideas may allude you. Surely even a propagandized dude like you must see other times when we were greater than now? Maybe you think this is the best we can do? I don’t and neither do my colleagues in MAGA. Sorry you seem reluctant to help us in our national future. I guess you are like your fellow travelers who wouldn’t help us in WWII.
Yes, like Merriam—Webster dictionary-“an adult female person”
But yes, negress be very dumb. Could be why the BB said several days ago “KBJ embarks on ‘read the Constitution in a year’ plan”
Jackson is indeed very dumb, but not for that particular position of hers. In the context of her supreme court confirmation hearing, she should have used the definition of woman that most profoundly impacts the laws, for which the word “woman” is used extensively, particularly in places like Title 9. The Republicans on the confirmation hearing trapped her between choosing the legal definition of “woman”, not the biological definition and the activist LGBTQ position. For Jackson to acknowledge either position would prove she was either legally incompetent or disloyal to her party’s leading activist groups. Instead she chose neither and proved herself to be cowardly. She was at least smart enough to recognize she was in a trap and sacrificed her courage, which she likely never valued anyway to preserve her party loyalty.
She sacrificed her honesty which makes her a LIAR! like the rest of them. She should never be trusted again. In fact we should assign a battalion of investigators to go through everything she ever said, wrote or did in her life until we get to the truth about this commie bitch.
I do not understand having anyone from the territories being Reps in the House and paying them. Having someone from the Virgin Islands is definitely a Dem and dumb.