Weirdly, most non-French news outlets discussing this aren’t saying what is really in it. It’s almost like they do not want to offend some people
Charlie Hebdo marks 10 years since Paris attack with defiant special edition mocking God
French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo unveiled a special edition on Monday to mark 10 years since an attack on its offices by Islamist gunmen that decimated its staff.
The front-page features a cartoon celebrating the atheist paper’s existence with the caption “Indestructible!”, while four inside pages show the results of a caricature contest to mock God and religious leaders.
“Satire has a virtue that has enabled us to get through these tragic years: optimism,” said an editorial from director Riss, who survived the January 7, 2015, massacre that left 12 people, including eight editorial staff, dead.
The 2015 attack by two Paris-born brothers of Algerian descent was said to be revenge for Charlie Hebdo’s decision to publish caricatures lampooning the Prophet Mohammed, Islam’s most revered figure.
The massacre of some of France’s most famous cartoonists signalled the start of a gruesome series of al-Qaeda and Islamic State plots that claimed hundreds of lives in France and western Europe over the following years.
And, yet, the political Elite in France and Europe didn’t get the message that it’s a bad idea to allow these Islamic extremists into their nations
The weekly had called on cartoonists to submit their “funniest and meanest” depictions of God in a typically provocative and defiant contest for the special anniversary edition.
“Yes, we can laugh about God, especially if he exists,” said a headline over what the paper said were the best 40 out of more than 350 entries.
Along with some typically crude and sexually explicit images, one of them makes reference to the Prophet Mohammed with the caption “if I sketch someone who is drawing someone who is drawing someone who is drawing Mohammed, is that OK?”
It shows a cartoonist drawing a picture of another cartoonist who is working on a picture of a cartoonist drawing a bearded figure who looks like Mohammed.
Most outlets are just mentioning the making fun of God part, not the making fun of Mohammed and Islam part
Critics say the weekly sometimes crosses the line into Islamophobia, pointing to some of the Prophet Mohammed caricatures published in the past that appeared to associate Islam with terrorism.
Yet, when they make fun of Christianity and Judaism, which they’ve done many times, no Christian or Jew has gone on a murderous rampage. I’m looking forward to seeing the whole thing. I believe most of the ones I had uploaded to Photobucket from the 2015 edition have been killed off for being mean, like
In fact, you’ll have a tough time finding the cartoons from that specific edition on Google, without digging deep. Don’t want to offend the murderous jihadis, eh?

And today is the 4 yr anniversary of the violent MAGA attack on the US Capitol!!
Should ALL the violent MAGAts be pardoned? How about a MAGAt on video striking a Capitol officer with a metal pole? Or spraying bear spray on officers?
The mooks who ‘only’ broke down windows and doors and damaged property are not in jail now.
Trump and his MAGA apologists have spent 4 years gaslighting the American people. The Republicuns who criticized Trump’s actions on 6 January 2021 now kneel befor him. Profiles in courage!!
Trump lost the 2020 election, bigly. He attempeted to overturn the election but failed.
Yes, every person persecuted for the Capitol kerfuffle should be pardoned. I absolutely support that!
Trump won the election bigly because the American people are tired of listening to you people LIE about everything starting with calling a peaceful protest a fukin insurrection. If you fools has labeled it a riot you would have been exaggerating but to come out with an “insurrection” was just absurd.
It was not an attack on the government, it was not an insurrection it wasn’t even a decent riot by BLM ghetto standards. It was a protest by frustrated citizens who felt AND STILL FEEL their voice and votes were ignored and an election was stolen WHICH IT WAS!
You can repeat the insurrection propaganda till your little pecker falls off it was no such thing! Saying so does not make it so. And stacking up a kangaroo court doesn’t either.
But we love it. Keep spewing this shit another 4 years and we’ll win in a landslide again. You refuse to learn and you fail to reason. You can’t/won’t think.
In the 2020 election cycle, left-wing-funded legal teams systematically and under the guise of the COVID lockdown sued in favorable courts to overturn or modify state balloting laws to ensure the most radical and abrupt changes in U.S. voting procedures in history.
The net result was that in many key states, traditional Election Day balloting that had accounted for 60-80 percent of the cast votes was made a mere construct. Instead, some 60-70 percent of voters in many key states cast early- or mail-in ballots, even as the traditional rejection rate of such ballots drastically fell—again, as the numbers to be counted soared.
During this same 2020 election, according to liberal journalist Molly Ball, writing triumphantly post facto in Time magazine, a named “cabal” and “conspiracy” of billionaire leftist grandees, Silicon Valley monopolists, Chamber of Commerce, corporate entities, labor, and street activists sought to change balloting laws, street modulate demonstrations, enlist social media to censor and shape the news, partner with the FBI, and provide hundreds of millions of dollars to absorb the work of state registrars by supplying their own adjutant employees and voting materials. This was a holistic effort, Ball proudly wrote, that helped guarantee a Biden victory. VDH.
Stop the lies. Help us make America great again.
In the 2020 stolen election the democommies got 81 million votes. In the 2024 they got 68 million. Where are the 13 million votes? Hummm? Poof! they vanished.
I may be just an old black man but I ain’t buying their shit no mo.
Mr White,
VP Harris received 75 million votes in 2024. Biden received 81 million in 2020.
Trump received 77 million in 2024 and 74 million in 2020.
The turnout was better in 2020.
Now, do you have any evidence that Big Donnie won in 2020? Didn’t think so. He lied bigly, and tried to steal the election, but got away with it!
It sounds like you’re all-in buying Trump’s shit. But what’s new.
Uh-huh. Yeah, that’s the ticket, fatass.
It was a failed coup, peckerwood.
Fat Donnie and his Mob tried to overturn an election, using legal and illegal means.
You can keep denying it until your half-staff pecker falls off, but Fat Donnie tried to steal the election, but failed. He won in 2024 and will stifle all legal paths to stop his anti-American actions.
Rimjob: It was a failed coup, peckerwood.
Keep beating that dead horse, fatboy.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
Yes Jeff, it was a coup but hardly failed. Demented Joe carried off a massive cheat, according to him, and engineered one of the worse administration in our history. Me, I think Obama helped. But the people of Jan. 6 only desired a pause in confirmation to analyze the vote from the border states which were found to be fraudulent. You really don’t keep up.
How is it that the most heavily armed private citizens on the planet showed up to overthrow a government …….TOTALLY FUCKING UNARMED?
You are a liar and a coward and as far as I’m concerned an irredeemably dishonest sack of shit.
Total BS, as usual. He even told everyone “to go home”, in addition to the “insurrection” wording of “protest peacefully and patriotically.”
Not only should the Jan 6 patriots be pardoned, all of the resulting lawsuits should be redirected to the democrat party.