…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on what California is trying to take away now.

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on what California is trying to take away now.
Profiles in cowardice…
“Those who made this attack on our government need to be identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Their actions are repugnant to democracy.” – Senator Lindsey Graham
“I unambiguously condemn in the strongest possible terms any and all forms of violent protest. Any individual who committed violence today should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” – Rep Mike Johanson, Jan 6, 2021
Trump’s actions “disgraceful” and the rioters “had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth because he was angry he lost an election.” – Sen Mitch McConnell
“It is beyond time to remember that while we may disagree, we are all Americans, and there is far more that unites us than divides us. I extend my deepest thanks to the United States Capitol Police for protecting the Capitol complex today and all days.” – Rep Mike Johnson, Jan 6, 2021
As we know now the peaceful protestors were intentionally provoked by the Capitol Police with flash bangs, pepper spray, teargas and rubber bullets along with undercover FBI agent provocateurs.
I watched the protest on TV. I saw people my age some even with walkers and riding scooters, middle class working folks some in nice jackets and some in plaid heavy shirts, a few in suits, some in work clothes/uniforms and some in casual jeans and such. I saw not one single weapon, not even a knife. I saw no fights among the protestors only scuffles with capcops and they weren’t bash/bam knock them down. They were mostly pushing and shoving which to a leftist is attempted murder when we do it but it was really nothing. I’ve seen more force at a girls soccer game. I read Elwood trying as hard as he can to turn Ashli Babbitt into a Viking raid and the entire protest into the assault on Ft. Sumpter but I saw none of that and I was looking for it. It was fuggin boring.
I also didn’t see anyone like undercover FBI provoking people but I guess I’d have to be there to hear that. It was noisy as I heard people screaming, some through megaphones, but I also didn’t see anyone throwing anything. Not even trash, or soda cups. Also I saw no one drinking alcohol out in the open. Even the cops I saw were calm.
There were provocateurs.
It’s in the movie.
Let the whining begin.
It’s now official.
Four years overdue but still satisfying.
Just the look on Kamala’s face makes it almost worth the wait.
Bwaha! Lolgf Losers!
MAGA47 – New Sheriff In Town And He’s Bringing Hell With Him