Your Yearly Reminder That Cold And Winter Weather Is All Your Fault

Once the doomsday cult sinks their teeth into a talking point they never let go, no matter how crazy

From the link

Frigid air that normally stays trapped in the Arctic has escaped, plunging deep into the United States for an extended visit that is expected to provoke teeth-chattering but not be record-shattering.

It’s a cold air outbreak that some experts say is happening more frequently, and paradoxically, because of a warming world. Such cold air blasts have become known as the polar vortex. It’s a long-established weather term that’s become mainstream as its technical meaning changed a bit on the way.

What it really means to average Americans in areas where the cold air comes: brrrrr.

Yeah, we can stop there, no need to repeat the climamoonbattery “science” yet again. The cultists, in this case uber-Warmist Seth Borenstein, really do blame winter on too much warmth. Did too much warmth cause the Little Ice Age?

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17 Responses to “Your Yearly Reminder That Cold And Winter Weather Is All Your Fault”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Frigid air that normally stays trapped in the Arctic has escaped…

    Maybe climate hysteriacs need to build a wall around the Arctic to keep the cold air in.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      You stole Big Donnie’s idea. He also suggested nuking hurricanes and taking bleach to cure Covid.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Let it go, loser.
        You’ve been irrelevant since Nov. but you’re just too ignorant to realize it.

        Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!

        • Elwood P Dowd says:

          Suck my dick, EDS loser.

          • david7134 says:

            We remember all the recommendations that you made. The COVID vaccine, it causes myocarditis, but does little else. Mask, proven ineffective in 1918, and cause more illness. Social distance, not effective with a virus. The list is long. But you have a small amount of medical knowledge and should have understood the propaganda. Real stupid.

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        Those particular lies went out with the last election. Ya can’t keep recycling the same bullshit and expect to win. You would be better served trying to come up with a reformed democommie party platform that 1. isn’t all a bunch of lies and 2. doesn’t rely on a bunch of grifters and whores to promote it.

        You’d also be better off if you didn’t curse out everybody in the most vile ways. The “suck my dick” shit convinces no one.

        • Professor Hale says:

          You guys need to catch on. Jeff never cared about convincing anyone. He is a troll. An angry old man with nothing better to do than argue with strangers. The Left produces them by the millions. That’s why it is pointless to engage with him on any level, on any topic.

          • Elwood P Dowd says:

            And the nutty perfesser gets one right! You commenting troglodytes are irredeemably ignorant, and maybe just a little stupid. Your beliefs are strong and based on myth – so you can hardly be convinced of anything! Donald Trump has taken advantage of your naivety and enrolled you in his cult!

            I did want to compliment Smelly Old Davy for getting one right, too. John Chapman WAS spreading apple plantings to help meet the demand for cider and applejack. Therefore, I apologize to him for saying he was ALWAYS wrong. He is now 1 for 2,197.

      • david7134 says:

        And you don’t understand how nuking a hurricane works.

        • Professor Hale says:

          I don’t know if it would work, but it has a better chance of success than the latest 5 year plan from any communist country, and will kill a lot fewer people in the attempt. Seems like a better use for old warheads than expensive “recycling”. A much better idea than giving them to Ukraine.

          • david7134 says:

            Yea, I know he is a troll. But occasionally I like to poke him and get him mad. If we all quit responding to him it would be better.

        • Elwood P Dowd says:

          The next time a Cat 5 is heading for Florida or Lousiana, let’s test a B41 23 megaton bomb to stop them. It’s over 1000 times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Nagasaki. Science hyperventilator types would whine about radiation poisoning but you they’re all liars.

          Here’s what Dr Donnie said: “And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside…?

          Hey davy, why not flood the lungs with isopropyl alcohol to inactivate all the dangerous viruses?

          And vaccines, hand washing, distancing and masks don’t work? How about leeches? Exorcism?

      • James Lewis says:


        I have been trying to ignore your lies, but you have passed the line.

        taking bleach to cure Covid.

        I saw the press conference, and what he was doing was wishing that we had a drug that could kill viruses like bleach.

        So, again. You lie.

        As for nuking hurricane> he was again stating a desire for something that we could have/do that would break up a hurricane.

        In his paper, Reed speculated that a submarine could travel underwater to penetrate the eye of a hurricane, where it would launch and detonate one or more nuclear missiles. The ensuing explosion would loft most of the relatively warm air in the hurricane’s eye high above the storm into the stratosphere. The warm air would then be replaced by colder, denser air—reducing the wind speed and weakening the storm.”

        Would it work? The same people who want us to accept man made global warming with no proof, don’t want us to even consider/study the concept.

  2. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Casey Jones,

    Viruses are inactivated, not killed. They are not alive.

    I gave you the exact quote that Big Donnie made.

    An injectable medicine that inactivates a virus! Novel idea, Donnie.

    Did Big Donnie invent the protease inhibitors that stop Covid virus function?

    There is signficant evidence to support global warming. The idea about using nukes for other than war has been coonosidered for the past 70 years. By all means Big Donnie could send a submarine under the next hurricane and explode a nuke, but he underestimates the energy involved in a hurricane. A fully developed hurricane releases the same amount of energy as the explosion of a 10-megaton nuke every 20 minutes. Our current nukes are 1.2 megaton. And the radioactive fall-out? The effects on sealife? It’s a horrible idea. And is forbidden by international treaties.

  3. Dana says:

    Local grocery store bread aisle this afternoon

  4. Phil Taylor says:

    La Nino is predicted to start in January. This means more snow and rain than usual. It means normal winter temperatures but more rain and snow in my area. La Nino is the culprit, but global warming will get the blame.

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