The lazy generation is doing lazy
E-Power hits the slopes: new wave of snow sports emerges
Following in the footsteps of electric scooters on land and wakeboards at sea, young entrepreneurs are bringing electric power to snow travel with self-propelled skis and all-terrain skates.
Already an experienced surfer and snowboarder, Edouard Aubert took up skateboarding during the pandemic, as he was drawn to the empty roads.
“Since I’m an engineer, I quickly put a motor on it,” he said with a grin at the CES technology show in Las Vegas.
“But we needed more. Roads weren’t enough for us, and neither was off-roading. We needed sand, snow.” (snip)
“The snow version isn’t meant for hurtling down slopes or replacing snowboarding,” Aubert explained.
“It’s more for walking and cross-country skiing.”
Why? Isn’t the whole point of cross country skiing to get out and enjoy and get some exercise? I can understand with bikes, because they are being used to get from one place to another, usually in cities, in place of expending all that energy or taking the bus or car or something. This is not for exercise. Most do not cross country ski to just get from, say, home to work.
In ski touring, skiers climb slopes rather than using lifts before skiing down.
With E-Skimo, as the skier moves, a motor drives a fabric strip beneath the ski, acting as a conveyor belt that reduces strain on legs and thighs.
Using AI, the system gauges the slope and ski positions to calibrate assistance based on the user and pace. The motor stops once the skier completes their forward stride. At the summit, users can remove the fabric band, motor, and battery to descend on what amount to conventional skis.
Just lazy. Misses the whole point. It would be like using an e-bike for a BMX event. Lazy.
And just to throw a little climate scam in
So, let me get this straight.
The last time CO? levels were this high, the global mean surface temperature was 3-5°C higher and the sea level was 20 meters higher than today?
I want you to read what you just wrote again. Read it slowly.
Let me know when you figure it out.
— Chris Martz (@ChrisMartzWX) January 11, 2025
Think about it.

Life, Liberty and Levin 1/11/25 – FULL HD | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP – January 11, 2025
Teach gotta hate!
OMG! Motorized skis for the lazy generation.
What makes The Teach believe these are only for the young?
Hate sells!
Can’t wait to read about an instance where one of these fat lazy morons uses a “motorized ski” to get WAY out in the woods, run out of power and then use their cell phone to call for rescue….when justice would actually be served if they were beyond cell phone range.
MAGA: Those with whom I disagree should die! Bwahaha!!
In related news, inversely, childhood vaccination rates are falling, especially in MAGA states!!
Good bye Boise, Hello Polio!!