Good News: Californians Have Moved From Ripping Off CVS To The National Guard

Only in the People’s Republik Of California, which has worried more about Woke, DEI, gender transitioning, the climate scam, etc

Let’s go to the article

Three Humvees were stolen from an Army Reserve Center in Tustin, along with other military equipment, according to a police statement.

On Wednesday, January 8, between 8 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., unknown suspects entered a storage warehouse at the center.

Multiple storage lockers were found with their locks removed, and gear was missing.

There was also an unsuccessful attempt to cut a lock to uniform storage.

The suspects cut a fence to access a military vehicle parking lot, where they stole three Humvees before leaving at an unknown time.

Tustin is south of Anaheim, north of Irvine. So, who did? Did they not have cameras at an Army Reserve base? Why is no one securing the base? Thank goodness they didn’t get actual weapons, though, they did try and break into a uniform locker unsuccessfully. Who’s in charge? Oh, that would be Joe Biden, ultimately, with his DEI military leaders under him. This is just insane.

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11 Responses to “Good News: Californians Have Moved From Ripping Off CVS To The National Guard”

  1. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Teach: Embrace Hate!!

  2. Johnny says:

    Global warming intensifies! Multiple people accused of arson as firestorm rages in LA…..

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      Both can be true!!

      Fat Donnie (aka Agent Orange) recommended clearing 100 million acres of dry brush and raking to prevent fires.

      tweeters want to use seawater on fires!

      It’s clear that the big CO2 polluters like China and the US will NOT reduce CO2 emissions enough to stop global warming, so we WILL need remediation.

      • Jl says:

        Funny-it’s still true it hasn’t been shown to be CO2, nor that “global warming”. has anything to do with wildfires.

        • Elwood P Dowd says:

          The evidence supports that CO2 is causing the current bout of warming. There will never be “proof”, any more than there is “proof” that smoking causes cancer cases.

          We do know that dry tinder ignites easier than wet tinder. Global warming with regional differences in heat and moisture contributes to the conditions favoring wildfires.

          We fully understand that our friends on the right have been convinced that all scientists, government agencies and media are part of a global communist conspiracy/hoax/scam to force conservatives to drive EVs and live in caves (but with chargers).

          Consider the amount of energy that is being retained in the atmosphere which translates to 1 degree Celsius increase in surface temperature. Even the oceans are warming, and surely you’re familiar with the high specific heat of water (4.186 Joules per gram per degree Celsius (J/g°C)) which is 4 times higher than for air. Thank the gods for the oceans!!

          • david7134 says:

            Actually the science supports the fact that man is not having any effect on the climate. The only “scientist” that continue to maintain otherwise are on the government payroll in some fashion. Jeff has been an advocate for carbon having an influence as he feels to one and only answer to this hoax is global communism, which he loves.

          • Elwood P Dowd says:

            Smelly Old Dave has no idea about that of which he types. He denies the evidence and like most nuCons believes only his tribe has the answers.

            CO2 has increased 50% and absorbs infrared radiation, warming the atmosphere. Where did this CO2 from – from our burning of fossil fuels. These are facts, and they’re not in dispute.

            Can you describe the most relevant ‘science’ (you likely meant ‘evidence’) that man is not affecting the climate?

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    It’s to laugh.

    But that would be inappropriate. Right?

    Bwaha! Lolgfy Losers!
    MAGA47 – Daddy’s Coming Home In Days

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