…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer making the world super humid and hazy, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Theo Spark, with a post on why the Red Cross is a scam charity. It’s beer week.
Recent Comments
- Dana on Your Fault: 242 Children Missed School From Hotcoldwetdry: “Wait a second! The left kept kids out of school for up to a year in some places, due to…” Jan 27, 08:20
- drowningpuppies on Surprise: CIA Now Leaning Towards Chinese Lab Leak For COVID: “Couldn’t resist and Rimjob fell for it. Such a putz. Bwaha! Lolgf Loser!” Jan 27, 00:37
- david7134 on If All You See…: “Yep, Johnson was trash, you didn’t provide the rest of his history. Polk was not a very good general, but…” Jan 27, 00:18
- Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “david1865, William Henry Johnson (c July 15, 1892 – July 1, 1929) was a United States Army soldier who performed…” Jan 26, 23:33
- Elwood P Dowd on Surprise: CIA Now Leaning Towards Chinese Lab Leak For COVID: “Lil ShittyButt typed: Written by Chinese scientists BTW. Anderson E Ikeokwu, Rebecca Lawrence, Egbaoghene D Osieme, Khalifa M Gidado, Cullen…” Jan 26, 23:05