Trump Floats Gazans Going To Egypt And Jordan, Immediately Rejected

Sometimes you just have to throw some ideas against the wall

Trump wants Egypt and Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza. Here’s why the idea is rejected

President Donald Trump’s suggestion that Egypt and Jordan take in Palestinians from the war-ravaged Gaza Strip was met with a hard “no” Sunday from the two U.S. allies along with the Palestinians themselves, who fear Israel would never allow them to return.

Trump floated the idea on Saturday, saying he would urge the leaders of the two Arab countries to take in Gaza’s now largely homeless population, so that “we just clean out that whole thing.” He added that resettling most of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million could be temporary or long term.

“It’s literally a demolition site right now,” Trump said, referring to the vast destruction caused by Israel’s 15-month war with Hamas, now paused by a fragile ceasefire.

“I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations, and build housing in a different location, where they can maybe live in peace for a change,” Trump said.

Hamas and the Western-backed Palestinian Authority condemned the idea. Jordan’s foreign minister, Ayman Safadi, told journalists that his country’s rejection of the proposed transfer of Palestinians was “firm and unwavering.”

Egypt, Jordan, and Israel have not responded, though, both Egypt and Jordan have said not to taking Gazans in early in the war. And, pretty much for 50+ years. Because they do not want them. They are a big problem. They create instability and violence. There’s a reason Egypt built a big-ass wall on the border between Gaza and Egypt with all sorts of security.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi has also warned of the security implications of transferring large numbers of Palestinians to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, bordering Gaza.

Hamas and other militant groups are deeply rooted in Palestinian society and are likely to move with the refugees, which would mean that future wars would be fought on Egyptian soil. That could unravel the historic Camp David peace treaty, a cornerstone of regional stability.

Exactly. But, you know, it was an idea. Sometimes ideas have to be thrown out there. How about the Gazans moving to an island in the Adriatic Sea? There are tons of them, certainly there is one big enough that is not settled. Oh, right, they want to be close to Israel so they can continue trying to kill Jews.

Or, how about the Gazans just stop being violent? Stop backing terrorist groups. Stop allowing Iran to fund it. Stop turning water pipes into rockets. Just. Stop.

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3 Responses to “Trump Floats Gazans Going To Egypt And Jordan, Immediately Rejected”

  1. Dana says:

    Of course, Egypt and Jordan rejected the idea: Palestinian immigration wrecked formerly Christian Lebanon, Palestinians led a September 1970 civil war in Jordan trying to overthrow King Hussein, and Egypt regards Hamas as the bastard brother of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Egypt has been trying to suppress for years. Nobody wants the Palestinians: they are troublemakers and just generally trash.

    But let’s tell the truth here: even though the Magician from Mar-a-Lago framed it as temporary, everyone knows if the Palestinians evacuated Gaza, Israel would never let them return, nor should they.

    The Palestinians have been living in Gaza since before the recreation of the state of Israel, and it has been a [insert vulgar term for feces here]hole the entire time, and as long as the Arabs live there, it will remain a [insert vulgar term for feces here]hole. If it is given to Israeli settlers, it will be cleaned up in less than a year, and a paradise in five.

  2. Wylie1 says:

    Great idea; move them to a barren, faraway island. And no free sh*t. If they have to focus on staying warm and eating, they won’t have time to breed future terrorists or wage wars that are going to get them slaughtered.

  3. […] Related Article: William Teach, “Trump Floats Gazans Going To Egypt And Jordan, Immediately Rejected“ […]

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