Your Fault: 242 Children Missed School From Hotcoldwetdry

Well, this is a new one, but, the doomsday cult is always looking for new angles to try and get government to control people’s lives. But, hey, just wait till you get deep into the article.

Extreme weather disrupted the schooling of about 242 million children in 85 countries last year

Climate change is having a major impact on students around the world. Extreme weather disrupted the schooling of about 242 million children in 85 countries last year—roughly one in seven students, the UN children’s agency reported Thursday, deploring what it said was an “overlooked” aspect of the climate crisis.

Heat waves had the biggest impact, the report showed, as UNICEF’s executive director Catherine Russell warned children are “more vulnerable” to extreme weather.

“They heat up faster, they sweat less efficiently, and cool down more slowly than adults,” she said in a statement.

“Children cannot concentrate in classrooms that offer no respite from sweltering heat, and they cannot get to school if the path is flooded, or if schools are washed away.”

Human activity, including the unrestricted burning of fossil fuels over decades, has warmed the planet and changed weather patterns.

So, a bunch of kids here in North Carolina missed school because the roads were icy and it was very cold (for here) last week: is that from fossil fueled ‘climate change’?

If the emission of greenhouse gases continues on its current trajectory, eight times as many children will be exposed to heat waves in 2050 as in 2000, according to UNICEF projections.

More than three times as many would be exposed to extreme floods and 1.7 times more to wildfires, the projections showed.

And what if this doesn’t happen? Who gets fired for the scaremongering? Say, how much school did kids miss during the Little Ice Age?

Beyond the immediate impacts, UNICEF voiced fears that the damage could increase the risk of some children—girls in particular—dropping out of school altogether.

How about the girls that are forbidden to go to school in Islamist countries?

Already, some two-thirds of children around the world cannot read with comprehension by age 10, it said, adding: “Climate hazards are exacerbating this reality.”

Oh, FFS, now they’re blaming crappy teaching on Hotcoldwetdry.

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5 Responses to “Your Fault: 242 Children Missed School From Hotcoldwetdry”

  1. Dana says:

    Wait a second! The left kept kids out of school for up to a year in some places, due to teachers’ unions the Wuhan Flu, and that was perfectly fine, ’cause they could learn from home, but now we need to pay gobs more taxes because kids have missed school due to the weather?

  2. bill says:

    ARCTIC Summer Ice Hasn’t Declined in a Decade, Climate Scientists Covered It Up. The press and the global warming crowd deliberately suppress the fact that ANTARCTICA has had record cold, snow and ice accumulation for decades. Even the last few years, ANTARCTICA , snow and ice have hit record numbers.
    The number of catastrophic hurricanes and tornadoes has dwindled the last couple of decades.
    The so-called doomed Great Barrier Reef is thriving and growing.
    The oceans have not risen appreciably other than the normal waxing and waning of ice melt and evaporation cycles

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      None of that is true, but why worry? Like massive tariffs*, global warming remediation won’t happen.

      * Big bidness and billioaires have nixed massive tariffs, the “most beautiful word”. Why didn’t they mention that BEFORE the election, LOL?

  3. Elwood P Dowd says:

    So, 242 = 242,000,000 ??

    Maybe in Il DoucheLand

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