Surprise: Biden Admin Knew About The Drones, Were For “Research Purposes”

Well, this is wild

‘This was not the enemy’: Trump White House says New Jersey drones authorized by FAA

Mysterious drones that hovered over parts of New Jersey late last year were authorized by the Federal Aviation Administration to be flown for research and other purposes and did not pose a national security threat, the White House said Tuesday.

White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said many of the drones spotted over New Jersey were also flown by hobbyists for recreational purposes.

“In time, it got worse because of curiosity. This was not the enemy,” Leavitt said at the top of her first formal press briefing during which she delivered an update she said came directly from President Donald Trump.

In December, before he was sworn in as president, Trump called for the public to “shoot down” the drones unless the federal government could inform the public on who was controlling them. Without evidence, Trump accused former President Joe Biden of withholding information about the drones from the public.

Well, guess what? Trump was 100 correct! Surprise! Pretty much everyone knew that the American people were not being told the truth. But, seriously, this was a big nothingburger that would have been so, so, so easy to tell the People the truth about. How hard would it have been to just say “all those big drones are ours and completely authorized, don’t worry about it. Enjoy watching them!” But, instead, what we got was obfuscation, misdirection, lying, gaslighting, telling the American people they were worry warts and conspiracy theorists.

And Trump was right. We were all right. You know, I wonder, did Biden do this on purpose? Because it made the Biden administration look really bad, and, guess who was a part of the Biden admin? That’s right, Kamala Harris. Which made Trump look good as he was standing up for the American people. Biden really did want Kamala to lose.

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6 Responses to “Surprise: Biden Admin Knew About The Drones, Were For “Research Purposes””

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    Without evidence, Trump accused former President Joe Biden of withholding information about the drones from the public.

    Seriously, this is why no one trusts the MSM anymore.

    Dec 16, 2024, · NEW JERSEY – President-elect Donald Trump said, “The government knows what is happening” when asked about the New Jersey drone mystery during a wide-ranging Monday town hall.

    Trump informed the MSM that he had been briefed on the drones since he was in the new incoming president. So he did not “WITHOUT EVIDENCE” accuse Biden of withholding information about drones to the public.

    And I surmise that had he told the Truth, the information was deemed classified or secret he would have been impeached before taking office since officially he was not in a position to divulge classified or secret information.

    Just like hit pieces are arriving all over the place on Kennedy and Tulsi right now after those same hit pieces failed on others.

    We know for sure who the Deep State is afraid of when these hit pieces back to age 15 on people such as Tulsi and JFK’s daughter, accused Kennedy of a myriad of things without offering any proof, other than hearsay.

    Such is the Deep State and such is the MSM who gobbles up gossip and peddles it as truth. Seriously 15-year-old Tulsi is being torched for spending a summer camp with some guru who brainwashed her into being a Communist agent for a guy who has like 1000 followers…….lololololol.

    Our government is so full of weasels.

  2. Dana says:

    If the drones were fully authorized and of no danger to Americans, why didn’t the Biden Administration simply say that?

    We get that the President was mostly in a haze, and the Administration was being run by staffers, but what this tells us is that they were stupid staffers.

  3. Elwood P Dowd says:

    So Il Douche’s mouthpiece says what was already known. Good.

    “This was not the enemy”. – Trump

    “There is no evidence that this is the enemies”. – Biden

    Why is Il Douche and his puppets still campaigning against Old Joe?

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Rimjob: Why is Il Douche and his puppets still campaigning against Old Joe?

      Well Jeez, when you and your ilk have lied and attacked President Trump for 8 years and counting, maybe some payback is in order for that sniveling traitor Biden.

      BooHoo Cries Rimjob!
      MAGA47 Motherfucker!

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        BooHoo Cries the MAGA47 Motherfucker!

        People being mean to Il Douche.

        Poor lil Il Douche can’t stand the heat. If he couldn’t do the time, he shouldn’t do the crime(s).

        Il Douche bribed a sex worker to keep quiet about his infidelities. Sexually assaulted a woman in a fitting room, then defamed her, costing him millions. And those are just the ones he was convicted of. He weaseled out of trying to overturn the 2020 election – stealing classified documents and not returning them. Saved by technicalities!

        Il Douche has lived a life of shame, cheating, racism and sexual abuse.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Rimjobso obsessed President Trump he can’t keep his own lies straight.

          Bwaha! Lolgfy Pedo!
          MAGA47 – 4 More Years of Whining

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