Trump Admin To Send Criminal Illegals To Gitmo

Another day and another thing that is going to make Democrats who support illegals unhinged

Defense Secretary Hegseth says Guantanamo Bay is ‘perfect place’ to hold migrants ‘safely in the interim’

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said the United States will “humanely move” criminal migrants out of the country and work with other agencies to secure the southern border in his first interview since he was confirmed last week by the U.S. Senate.

Hegseth, a former “Fox & Friends Weekend” co-host, addressed President Donald Trump’s memorandum to the Departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and Defense (DOD), calling on them to prepare a 30,000-person migrant facility at Guantanamo Bay, a U.S. Naval base in Cuba.

He told Fox News host Will Cain Wednesday that Guantanamo Bay is a “perfect place” to hold criminal migrants “safely in the interim” as the process to repatriate them to their homelands plays out. (snip)

Hegseth clarified that criminal migrants aren’t being put in camps with “ISIS and other criminals.”

“This is a temporary transit, which is already the mission of naval station Guantanamo Bay, where we can plus up thousands and tens of thousands if necessary, to humanely move illegals out of our country where they do not belong, back to the countries where they came from in proper process,” Hegseth said on “The Will Cain Show.”

Good. Get them out of the U.S. If they want to escape then Cuba can have them. Get them out pending repatriation to their home country. And, if their home country isn’t willing, they can laze about at Club Gitmo. This will be a good deterrent for those who are thinking of coming to the U.S., and those who haven’t been caught yet. Maybe we could build a facility on an uninhabited island off the coast of Alaska, let them chill in the cold and snow.

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9 Responses to “Trump Admin To Send Criminal Illegals To Gitmo”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    The real problem here is that the people being repatriated to their homelands might become surly once it becomes obvious that the process is unpleasant. If the number of such people is small, it isn’t a problem, but if they start to outnumber the American officials that are holding them, then violence can happen. To keep a lid on things, the detainees need to be kept in a prison-like environment where it isn’t possible for them to congregate in large numbers and guards can concentrate to overwhelm trouble-makers. It is obvious that such arrangements are not optimal as a permanent solution.

    Contrast the way that foreign gangs in US prisons pretty much continue to operate freely with how El Salvador solved their own problem with criminal gangs. They opened new prison and the prisoners had zero freedom. I don’t know how long El Salvador can sustain their system without resorting to wide spread executions.

    For the USA and our own notions of civil rights, the Guantanamo prison facility is a good option. Run by the military, no frills, and the capacity to expand. Foreign nations cannot complain because if they want their people released, all they have to do is agree to take them back.

  2. Dana says:

    I have previously suggested we purchase and use Île du Diable, but Guantanamo appears to be a reasonable alternative.

    • Professor Hale says:

      Perhaps Greenland? I hear Afghanistan is lovely this time of year. Imagine the look on Chinese people’s faces when they get off the C-17 at Kandahar.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      Man up, Republicuns. Line them up and shoot ’em! They’re nearly subhuman. You’ll have millions of volunteers for duty.

      The Supreme Court has granted Il Douche total immunity for official acts. And he has unlimited pardon authority. Done and done.

      Sure, sure, liberal pussies will protest, but Il Douche has the US Marines for handling those uprisings!!

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Trump being President is really eating at you, huh Rimjob?
        You only have 4 more years.
        He’s just getting started.
        Hope you can handle it.

        Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
        MAGA47 Motherfucker

  3. ruralcounsel says:

    Fewer than 5% of the illegal immigrants work in agriculture, picking fruits and vegetables.

    That twat is worried about getting blueberries for her smoothies, but doesn’t care that citizens are being murdered, drugs being smuggled, and sex trafficking of children happens. That tells me all I need to know about whether to respect her opinions.

    In 1860, they were worried about who would pick their cotton if there were no slaves. Now they worry about who will pick their blueberries, do menial construction work, do their yard work, and who will help them look after their children and clean their houses if we stop illegal immigration.

  4. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Why not put the illegals in the FEMA internment camps that Clinton and Obama constructed in Idaho, Arkansas, Alabama, Michigan, Utah, Montana, California etc? Jade Helm 15, anyone? Il Douche can have his Marines expand the camps. The major camps are all accessible by rail lines so mass transport is feasible.

    This is why the feds shut up and bankrupted Alex Jones!!

    • ruralcounsel says:

      I thought Alex Jones was bankrupted by a civil suit for what he said about the Sandyhook Connecticut shooting?

      Anyways, why not just deport the illegals? Why would we want to hold on to them and continue top spend money to care for them? We want them gone, not locked up.

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