…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles that Other People should be forbidden to drive, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on what has made Meta employees mad.

…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles that Other People should be forbidden to drive, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on what has made Meta employees mad.
Do you economic geniuses believe Big Donnie’s 25% tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada and 10% on Chinese goods will cut inflation and help balance the out of control budget?
N.B. – Big Donnie announced tariffs last night but the target nations have yet to receive official documentation.
He had two major priorities 1) end inflation Day One and 2) deport 11 million “illegals”.
He’s deported a few thousand but had no effect on inflation.
He’s trying hard to catch up to Obama, who deported 3 million of them. What a racist!
“No effect on inflation”. Probably a very good effect on crime..
A Hispanic piloted Flight 5342 and Mexican plane goes down in Philly killing many. A plot? Terrorism?
A seemingly perfect summary of recent political events as found on X….
John Harwood- “Trump is plunging the US into fascism”.
Phil Kerpen- “An interesting insight here-the left thinks it’s fascism when their unelected permanent bureaucracy is placed under the control of the people’s elected chief executive.”
Trump Derangement Syndrome has gotten so bad that some leftists are openly hoping for a military coup.
Funny thing about leftists ìs they are always wanting someone else to accomplish their dirty deeds for them.
Bwaha! Lolgf Losers!
MAGA47 – Today, Tomorrow, Forever!
The third soldier in the helicopter was identified as Capt. Rebecca M. Lobach, of Durham, North Carolina.
So you use a tragedy as a political weapon.
You are truly despicable.