LOL: USDA Scrubs Climate Crisis (scam) From Website

The USDA is not the only one doing it, either

USDA orders removal of climate change mentions from public websites

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has directed agency officials to review and remove content related to climate change from its public websites, according to internal emails obtained by ABC News.

The directive instructs web managers to identify, archive, or unpublish materials mentioning climate change by “no later than close of business this Friday,” according to the emails.

In an email sent Thursday, USDA Director of Digital Communications Peter Rhee detailed the process, requiring staff to “identify and archive or unpublish any landing pages focused on climate change” and track related content in an attached Excel spreadsheet for review.

“OC will review the submitted materials and make determinations on next steps,” Rhee wrote, referring to the department’s Office of Communications.

A separate email sent to website managers at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) emphasized the urgency of the request.

And there was much crying and teeth-gnashing among the doomsday cultists

A USDA webpage published in 2022 provides information on “Climate Change Adaptation and USDA.”

“Producers, ranchers, forest landowners, and communities across the country are facing challenges posed by the effects of climate change,” the webpage states. “Some of these effects are familiar but occurring more frequently or intensely while others are new and unprecedented.”

And therein lies the problem: it reads as cult propaganda and activism rather than neutral government. It’s unnecessary and, really, interferes with the core mission of the Ag Dept. But, that’s what the cult does, all meant to create a dominant, authoritarian government.

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16 Responses to “LOL: USDA Scrubs Climate Crisis (scam) From Website”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Makes sense. It was only on that website because Democrats forced it to be. Just like they forced DoD to call climate an existential defense crisis. Now that adults are back in charge of government, we can erase all the nonsense.

    Of course, we realize it will all come back if Democrats get elected again. They learned nothing from overstepping last time.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      Il Douche is an ADULT?? LOL

      “The soul of a fascist, the brain of a disturbed child”.

      • david7134 says:

        You just described yourself.

        • Elwood P Dowd says:


          You claim to know medicine. Our Republican friends in Wyoming have submitted a bill, 0125, that says in part:

          (ii) No act, treatment or procedure that causes harm to the heart, respiratory system, central nervous system, brain, skeletal system, jointed or muscled appendages or organ function shall be construed as health care unless documented and medically necessitated to save the life of a pregnant woman or in cases in which a licensed physician has determined and documented that a person has no chance of meaningful recovery.

          Would not those restrictions limit radiation and chemotherapeutics for cancer patients? Joint replacements? Surgeries? Drugs that reduce the actions of organs – e.g., thyroid disease, pituitary tumors etc.

          Of course, the bill is to “workaround” court order striking down the state’s abortion ban.

          • david7134 says:

            You claim to be a pharmacist, stay in knowing how to count pills. You present a statement out of context which appears to be current practice. Understand, you have no idea as to what clinical medicine is.

          • Elwood P Dowd says:


            You claim to be a nurse, but not an RN, but your understanding of basic medicine belies eve that claim. All you and your lapdog have is namecalling but no arguments. Why is that? Does Teach pay you to respond stupidly?

            As a nurse, are you arguing that hormone blockade in breast or prostate cancer has no effects on other organs, e.g., pituitary? Are you arguing that chemoradiation regimens in head and neck cancer have no side effects? Does paclitaxel cause kidney damage?

            Stick to emptying bedpans.

          • david7134 says:

            You are having a mental breakdown. I have no idea as to what you are going on about. I can assure you that there is not a chance in hell that I care about your various opinions and you sound like a grade school child.

          • Elwood P Dowd says:

            porter davy,

            You have said many times you never wanted to engage, but you do it daily.

            If you don’t wish to make an argument and support your opinions why don’t you leave me out of your delusions?

            You have Elwood Delusion syndrome. EDs.

  2. ST says:

    Drinking sparkling water may help with weight loss, study finds – RePost

  3. Doom and Gloom says:

    I believe that the climate is changing, and global awareness has peaked. Countries are working to mitigate what they think is the culprit, such as CO2, methane, etc.

    But to fear monger, to cause prices to skyrocket because of some perceived threat that might take 100 years to manifest itself in a way that would be detrimental to the world, is unwise, unsound, and just plain unsafe for a world that relies on energy to keep the world turning…..AS IN EATING….hello USDA.

    I have a small-time cattle rancher associate. He runs a couple of hundred cows and raises some chickens. They are all free-range, etc. He does not use pesticides or antibiotics unless there is a clear illness. You know the drill. He tells me the regulations and red tape put on him by the USDA, FDA, and other government entities, both state, local, and especially federal, make the cost of beef increase by at least 1/3.

    In fairness, I appreciate laws and regulations that ensure public safety, but what has become normative for our society is for regulators to regulate to keep their jobs, rather than for the good of the country.

    An example is California, which said it would be 2-3 years before the people can return to their homes, and in the meantime, they will have to continue paying the mortgage on a house that is gone. Trump stepped into a highly democratic stronghold and said that was bullshit and to let these people return to their homes and clear their own debris and start rebuilding IF that is what they want to do.

    In the meantime, Blackrock, Vanguard, and others are waiting like Buzzards to swoop in and scoop up this property, rebuilding high rises and concrete jungles while the people who have lost everything lose their last vestige of ever owning a home again because they are forced to be foreclosed on because even their jobs burnt down.

    Regulating to keep a job is the lowest form of villainy.

    • david7134 says:

      Climate is changing, it has been for over 20,000 years. But none of it is due to human activity. The reason that they use various quantities is because the average person does not comprehend them. Take CO2, it is given in ppm, 440, were as we usually say 0.04% of the atmosphere. Then as to methane, there used to be 60 million bison in the US in addition to the usual assortment of farm animals, no methane problem. The lie can be seen in the resolution of the supposed problem, CO2 credits, increased taxes, global government, loss of our country and wealth.

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        Atmospheric CO2 has increased from 280 ppm to 420 ppm over the past century or so. CO2 absorbs infrared radiation (IR), both incoming and outgoing!! The Earth warms during the daylight from direct IR and from absorbed other wavelengths re-emitted as IR. At night the absorbed energy is also re-emitted into deep space!! CO2 intercepts some of that IR (day AND night) warming the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface.

        BTW, CO is also a gas, and a concentration as low as 50 ppm (0.005%) have effects!

        Obviously, modern economies should have been transitioning from fossil fuels to nuclear and renewable sources over 20 years ago. But like the tobacco industry, the fossil fuels industries have fought back.

  4. Jl says:

    Strange that a targeted industry would fight back, especially as there’s no verifiable evidence that said industry is the cause of whatever todays model projection says may happen in the future.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:


      Strange that oil/coal industry documents revealed they knew that fossil fuel-generated CO2 was causing warming decades ago. Of course, they fought back. It’s how they make their money.

      Strange that tobacco industry documents revealed they knew that tobacco smoking caused cancer and lung diseases decades ago. Of course, they fought back. It’s how they make their money.

      Of course they argued there was “no verifiable evidence” that tobacco “causes” disease. Correlation does not support causation!!! No proof!! Just medical/scientific “consensus”!!

      Philip Morris now sells nicotine pouches to kids (+ RFK Jr and Don Jr). Mint, berry, cinnamon, apple, citrus, bubblegum flavors!! BTW, nicotine is addictive.

      • James Lewis says:


        Just medical/scientific “consensus”!!

        Once upon a time consensus said the correct medical treatment for pneumonia was blood letting.

        And consensus said that Phrenology could find criminals by feeling bumps on heads.

  5. Jl says:

    Can’t have known something back then that isn’t known now. Impossible

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