Good Grief: UK Could Get Colder With Global Warming

And you wonder why I call this an unscientific, doomsday cult

Could the UK actually get colder with global warming?

Of all the possible climate futures, there’s a scenario where the United Kingdom and north-west Europe buck the trend of global warming and instead face plunging temperatures and freezing winters.

It’s not the most likely outcome, but a number of scientists fear that the chance of it happening is growing, and that the consequences would be so great that it deserves proper consideration.

They are concerned that the ocean currents that bring warm water from the tropics to the North Atlantic could weaken – or even collapse – in response to climate change.

Huge uncertainties remain about when – or even whether – a collapse could happen. So, how likely is it, and what would it mean?

The system of Atlantic currents, called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Amoc), is a key reason why the UK is warmer than Moscow, despite being a similar distance from the Equator.

OK, we’re really doing this again, saying that global boiling will shut down the AMOC and make the UK cold like during the Little Ice Age. And it’s all your fault. It certainly couldn’t happen for the same reasons that it happened as the world went from the Medieval Warm Period into the Little Ice Age, right? Or the previous warm to cool Holocene periods, right? The cult has their talking points, and they will never give up on them.

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4 Responses to “Good Grief: UK Could Get Colder With Global Warming”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Evidently the “Threat” of a slightly warmer climate in UK wasn’t sufficiently threatening for anyone to take seriously.

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    They are concerned that the ocean currents that bring warm water from the tropics to the North Atlantic could weaken – or even collapse – in response to climate change.

    There was a geologist in this comment section several years back. I read his detailed analysis of global warming that he put forth here comprehensively. I learned more about geology from him by reading his comments than I did in the classes I took in high school and college. DO events and the like. Super plumming in the oceans. Tons of good stuff by a scientist. I wish that guy would return and continue his teaching.

    I said all of that to say this. I remember him saying that these events in the past happen rather quickly and do not take 1000’s of years but some have happened in time frames less than 200 years. In the interim I have read up on this stuff and have concluded that warm is good……frozen is not so good. And if it freezes, having no fossil fuels to feed our planet and warm our homes is a really, really bad thing.

    The above quote was exactly what he was saying and laying out the evidence for it.

  3. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Teach typed: And you wonder why I call this an unscientific, doomsday cult

    I know why you call it an unscientific, doomsday cult. You dislike the implications if YOU are wrong, which you are.

    Previously, Teach denied the Earth was even warming, blaming the scientists for faking the data. Now, most in the denier cult agree that the Earth is warming. What changed? If Teach (and all deniers) were wrong about warming, why should we trust you now?

    We can all agree that the Earth is warming. We can all agree that atmospheric CO2 from fossil fuels burning is increasing relentlessly. We can all agree that atmospheric CO2 absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation.

    How could the UK become cooler if the Earth is warming??? Oh noes. Do you realize the UK latitude is the same as southern Canada? What makes the UK more livable than Snow Lake, Manitoba? The Gulf Stream, an Atlantic current carrying warm ocean water from the Gulf of Mexico north!

    from the article: It’s not the most likely outcome, but a number of scientists fear that the chance of it happening is growing, and that the consequences would be so great that it deserves proper consideration.

    Teach displays almost daily that he doesn’t understand “science”, which is not a collection of facts, but is a method for narrowing the range a likely probabilities. “One” of the possible outcomes from continued global warming is a change in the Gulf Stream!

    Deniers deny this could happen. Why? Because they deny dhange, which is THE capstone of ‘conservatism’.

  4. James Lewis says:


    Quit babbling. We all understand that the Gulf Stream flows north and then loops east to warm what would otherwise colder spaces.

    But before you faint away…

    But Amoc appears to be getting weaker.

    We don’t know for sure, because direct and continuous measurements of Amoc strength have only been taken since 2004. That’s not long enough to be able to identify a definite change.

    I mean “appears” is backed up by “we don’t know.

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