5,000 Of 13,000 FBI Agents Were Involved In J6 Investigations

All for this

Instead of dealing with serious crimes, they went after grandmas who casually walked through the People’s House

FBI turns over details of 5,000 employees who worked on January 6 cases to Trump Justice Department, as agents sue

FBI officials have complied with demands to provide the Justice Department with details of thousands of employees who worked on investigations related to the January 6, 2021, US Capitol riot, according to people familiar with the situation.

The demand has caused consternation among FBI employees who fear it is meant to amass a list of personnel for possible termination by the Trump administration.

Acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove, in a Friday memo with the subject line “Terminations,” had given FBI officials a noon deadline Tuesday to submit the details of thousands of agents and analysts. Bove previously ordered the firing of eight senior FBI officials, including those who oversaw cyber, national security and criminal investigations.

More than 5,000 employee details were submitted, including employee ID numbers, job titles and their role in the January 6 investigations, sources said, but not their names. There are more than 13,000 agents and 38,000 total FBI employees.

How many failed to go after violent gang members, like all those Ten De Aragua illegals let in by the Biden-Harris admin? Or illegals who are murderers? Or those people who firebombed the Portland Justice Center during the 2020 mostly peaceful protests? And, not one J6er was actually charged with insurrection. Maybe they would have been able to stop the New Orleans jihadi had they focused on actual bad people.

I wonder what they will say? That they were “just following orders?” This is why the FBI needs to be restructured: it’s a wholly leftist political agency.

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13 Responses to “5,000 Of 13,000 FBI Agents Were Involved In J6 Investigations”

  1. Dana says:

    5,000 out of 38,000 “employees” — how many of the 5,000 were actually agents? — works out to 13.16% of the total FBI workforce on what amounted to a three-hour fraternity keg party gone out of control, when we have Mexican drug cartels and illegal immigration and white-collar crime and everything else on which the Bureau is supposed to fight still out there.

  2. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Does Mr Teach really believe the 6 January 2021 attack, instigated by defeated prez Trump, should NOT have been investigated?

    Mr Teach does not “believe” the storming of the Capitol was an attack on America. Fair enough. Neither does Trump. Neither does Mr Dana. Apparently, neither did 32% of America’s registered voters.

    What if the insurrectionists that Trump instigated HAD succeeded in stopping Congress from certifying the election as they intended and as Trump wanted? What then? what would the Supreme Court have done?

    Trump doesn’t like judges, juries, prosecutors or police officers. They harsh his buzz. No mob boss does.

    • Sure, investigate it. Use 5,000 FBI agents to investigate what was mostly not a big deal? Fuck no. There were real crimes going on.

      • Professor hale says:

        Imagine what 5000 agents could do against criminal foreign gangs in the USA, operating accross state lines. Oh, we don’t need to imagine because TRUMP gave them that mission so we will see the actual results of it. Any previous president could have sent the FBI against the worst of the worst criminals, but only Trump actually did. Once again, showing Democrats and Republicans how easy it is to gets results when your goal is making America better.

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        Fuck yes! Trying to overturn an election is a REAL CRIME and a BIG DEAL.

        The Jan 6 storming was Trump’s last gasp effort to block the certification of a national election.

        The federal cases were dropped because the DOJ does not permit a sitting president to be charged and the Supremes gave him immunity.

        If he had lost the close election he would be losing court cases just as his crooked attorneys did.

        And he’s acting just like the dicktator we warned you about. Good luck.

    • Jeff Grey says:

      Hard core leftist much Elwood? I work in a far-left leaning institution and more than 60 percent of
      my co-workers think it was a set-up from the word go. We do have a few Marxists who sound like you though-you’ll be the death of the democratic party for sure. Maybe faster since they are starting to go after the money that keeps trolls and deep staters eating dinner.

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        So you polled all your far-left colleagues and found over 60% believe the 6 Jan 2021 storming of the US Capitol was a “set-up”! Uh-huh, sure.

        Nice try, porter.

    • Dana says:

      The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:

      Mr Teach does not “believe” the storming of the Capitol was an attack on America. Fair enough. Neither does Trump. Neither does Mr Dana. Apparently, neither did 32% of America’s registered voters.

      Tony Stark, in the first Avengers movie, said:

      That man is playing Galaga. He thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.

      Mr Dowd seems to think that using the statistic that only 32% of registered voters cast ballots for Donald Trump is somehow significant; those who do not vote are, in effect, voting for the winner, and Mr Trump won. Yeah, we noticed how Mr Dowd manipulates statistics.

      What if the insurrectionists that Trump instigated HAD succeeded in stopping Congress from certifying the election as they intended and as Trump wanted? What then? what would the Supreme Court have done?

      Mr Trump’s first term ended at noon on January 20, 2021, which would have made the offices of the President and Vice President vacant. That would have made the Speakess of the House, Nancy Pelosi [Shudder!] President.

  3. Elwood P Dowd says:

    A U.S. President, having lost an election, decisively, decided he didn’t want to leave, so used the bully pulpit to tell the evidence-free tale of a “stolen election”.

    His tribe argued that a dead Venezeulan dictator had rigged the computers. That Italian satellites had rigged the computers. That Chinese spies used internet access to rig the computers. That Republican officials in battleground had rigged the computers. He exhausted every legal maneuver possible, including 60 lawsuits, trying to stop the election. No dice.

    Repeated audits and recounts confirmed the results. Next, the defeated president, under the advice of shady counsel pursued extra-judicial means to overturn the vote. He attempted to coerce then Vice President Pence (acting as President of the Senate) to toss out the certification, making a “contingent” election, returning the decision to the House where each STATE gets one vote. Pence refused. Trump and his lawyers had had several states illegally create “fraudulent” electors from states that Trump had lost. Trump also illegally attempted to coerce several state election officials to change the vote in their state. The 6 Jan 2021 storming of the Capitol was to “encourage” VP Pence to “do the right thing”, and to delay the certification enough to have the Supreme Court review a proposal from Trump election lawyer Sidney Powell. It was Donnie the Mob Boss hail mary to stay in power.

    Powell pleaded guilty to misdemeaor counts of conspiring to interfere with an election. She received 6 mo probation. Another Trump attorney Ken Chesebro received 5 yr probation for a felony coviction. Trump attorney Jenna Ellis pleaded guilt to an election felony, receiving 5 yr probation, and has been indicted by an AZ grand jury. Trump attorney John Eastman who developed the fraudulent elector scheme was fired from his university position and lost in license in CA.

    Anyway, his lawyers who helped him engineer the steal have paid some price. Trump is back in the White House. It pays to be the Mob Boss.

    Is the argument that the FBI should not have investigated this crap at all?

  4. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Any idea how much time each of 5000 FBI agents spent investigating the domestic attack on America?

    A day, a week, 4 hours? Were some sorting through the evidence related to Giuliani, Ellis, Powell, Chesebro and Eastman? How about the telephone calls Trump made to state officials? Interviewing the dozens of fake electors? Testifying against the Jan 6 hoodlums?

    Now the MAGAts whining about not enough FBI capacity to investigate real crimes want to eliminate the FBI. No one has claimed the MAGAmovement was consistent or even smart.

  5. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Teach wondered: How many failed to go after violent gang members,

    They did. Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, IIIPercenters. Got ’em, too. Of course, Il Douche let them go, including some child pornographers, rapists, wife beaters etc.

    Big Donnie hates juries, judges, the law, and prosecutors. Wonder why?

  6. Wylie1 says:

    No wonder they didn’t have anyone to investigate Hillay or Barry.

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