Bummer: DOGE Going After Medicaid And Medicare

Obviously, this will make Democrats very upset, but, what if DOGE finds lots and lots of, let’s just call it mismanagement? And they find lots of extra money which can go into helping Americans rather than graft fraud theft shady mismanagement?

DOGE officials home in on Medicare, Medicaid offices

Representatives of billionaire Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) have turned their focus to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the agency confirmed Wednesday.

It was unclear which systems DOGE had access to and whether any sensitive medical information was part of the efforts.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier Wednesday that DOGE aides had been granted access to key payment and contract systems.

“CMS has two senior Agency veterans – one focused on policy and one focused on operations – who are leading the collaboration with DOGE, including ensuring appropriate access to CMS systems and technology,” the agency said in a statement. “We are taking a thoughtful approach to see where there may be opportunities for more effective and efficient use of resources in line with meeting the goals of President Trump.”

The CMS is essentially the federal government’s insurance provider. The agency sets payment rates for doctors, hospitals and insurers, while also overseeing Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the Affordable Care Act — programs that provide coverage for more than 150 million people.

As The Hill points out, CMS spent $1.5 trillion in 2024, which is 22% of the federal budget. Was it all on the up and up? Was there waste? Overspending? Paying employees way to much? Moving money to where it doesn’t help? Expenditures that do not help Americans with medicine but enrich some pockets? Even if it is just $100 million, that can go far, right?

“Obviously, everybody’s private health information needs to become private, but I think they need access and to see where we can be more efficient, effective. There’s a lot of money been spent by CMS,” House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.) told reporters Wednesday.

This is just one step in auditing the entire federal government.

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14 Responses to “Bummer: DOGE Going After Medicaid And Medicare”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    House Democrat plans articles of impeachment against Trump

    The left is protesting in all 50 states, which I am sure is going to turn into bombing, burning and looting in many areas run by Democratic mayors, and democratic henchmen.

    All of this over Trump being Trump and winning. People are like 71 percent in favor of his deportations. Hell thats even some of the democrats responding favorably.

    Senior Democratic anonymous sources say that the Greens’ impeachment does not have the support of DNC leadership, but then it didn’t in 2017 and 2018 either, but the drum continued to be pounded, which is precisely WHY.

    THIS is WHY……

    THIS IS WHY…….TRUMP hit the ground running and is launching his initiatives at minigun speed because he knows that he has two years before the USA will once again think of him as HITLER and Attila the HUN all rolled into one. The democrats and the MSM are not dead, only beaten down a bit right now.

    Get as much done as fast as you can before they impeach you every 3 months till your term ends.

    AS for medicare and medicaide I am sure you can find 500 billion in waste fraud and abuse and still give quality care. All of these institutions think they are not accountable to ANYONE. USAID tells even congress to go fuck themselves and has said they are not accountable to any government agency.

    Trump put State in charge of USAID and shut them down to review their far-leftist agenda. Perhaps some of it is legit, some certainly will not be.

    • Professor Hale says:

      It was a short step from using taxpayer dollars to destabilize foreign governments to using that same money to destabilize our own government and install someone they liked better.

      The real question is, why do people like Jeff continue to support the corruption and dishonest narrative, even though they personally don’t benefit from it? Party loyalty? Tribalism? Mass hypnosis? It is just too easy to label the entire Democratic party voters as insane, there must be some rational component to it all at some level. Or maybe that is just my own bias showing. Everyone on my side uses rational decision making so it is hard for me to credit that the entire other side is insane.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        The real question is, why do people like Jeff continue to support the corruption and dishonest narrative

        Uh, maybe they’re just stupid assholes with an irrational hatred of all things Trump.


      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        The nutty perfesser (perfesser of what? LOL) whose being has been subsumed as part of the Il Douche cult, has become delusional. Sad.

        He believes that Democrats are corrupt while ignoring that his cult leader is a rapist and convicted felon!! “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” It would be funny if not so pathetic.

        We suspect the good perfesser is getting anxious over the uproar in America over the TrumpElon authoritarian movement and is lashing out.

        It is just too easy to label the entire MAGAt voters as insane, there must be some rational component to it all at some level. They personally benefit little from it. Party loyalty? Tribalism? Mass hypnosis?

        Remember this. Cruelty to ‘the enemy’ is the point. MAGAtism is a white nationalist movement to extend the control of America to ignorant, straight, white, christian males. Every intelligent, non-straight, non-conservative, non-white, non-christian, non-male is the enemy. Any and all policies harmimg gays, trans, blacks, liberals, women, Muslims and browns are favored. Poor white Americans are collateral damage.

        Compassion is weakness. Intelligence is radical and threatening.

        • david7134 says:

          Can anyone understand jeffs tirade?

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Don’t care to acknowledge Rimjob’s tripe anymore.

            Total waste of time.

          • Professor Hale says:

            He is old and angry. Maybe in pain too. What he says is irrelevant and he doesn’t get the attention he craves so he ups his game making more absurd statements. Trying to understand him is futile.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      In fact, authorities investigate, find, recover and prosecute healthcare fraudsters who embezzle and steal over $100 BILLION a year from Medicaid and Medicare. The actual fraud is likely much higher. For example years ago the DOJ won 14 felony convictions against Columbia/HCA which was fined $1.7 BILLION for Medicare/Medicaid fraud! Their CEO, Richard Lynn Scott, is now a US Senator (R-FL) worth over $250 MILLION. Justice!!

      But if you believe that Heritage, Project 2025 and TrumpElon are ONLY looking for waste and fraud, I have ocean front beach property for sale in Missouri.

      To balance the budget while cutting taxes, they have to reduce Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security/Defense spending by TRILLIONS. Il Douche’s disastrous release of his tariff “plan”, disguising TRILLIONS of government income as a hidden “tax” on the working class is gone but not forgotten. Tariffs are largely paid to the US government by the purchasers. The tariff added to that lovely LG washer/dryer combo, now $2200 ($2000 + $200 tariff) is paid by you. This has two effects. $200 of your dollars added to US coffers, and you looking for cheaper, non-Chinese manufacturers, e.g. Maytag, Speed Queen, Whirlpool.

      Big Donnie has ‘proposed’ eliminating the personal income tax, relying on regressive tariffs, regressive state and local taxes – all to deliver MORE tax cuts to Trump, Elon, Gates, Zuck, Rick Scott, Bloomberg, Waltons, Kochs, Adelson, Kushners…

      In fiscal year 2024, the government spent $6.75 TRILLION. Over 80% of spending is for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Defense and Interest, which largely is for services for Americans. Last years deficit (Spending – Income) was about $1.8 TRILLION (which is why TrumpElon wants to find $2 TRILLION in waste and fraud).

      • James Lewis says:


        The object is not to

        reduce Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security/Defense spending

        The object is to reduce theft and devise a better way to pay claims.

        regressive state and local taxes

        are collected by the states. The Feds have nothing to do with state taxes.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Surprise! They made it all up. They lied.

    Both USAID And The CIA Were Behind The Impeachment Of Trump in 2019
    A US government-controlled group did the research that linked Rudy Giuliani to former Ukrainian prosecutors


    MAGA47 Motherfuckers!

  3. MN Steel says:

    The real fun begins late this month and into early March when all those pre-paid and automatically recharging debit cards run put of funds and aren’t automatically recharged.

    Between the “newcomers” left high-and-dry and those that were grifting a 6- or 7-figure lifestyle off all the grants and loans that were halted it will be a very dangerous time, and situational awareness and personal defense items will be necessary.

    This is going to get very bloody very quickly, and if we’re lucky stops after a short bloodletting and doesn’t escalate into a genocidal purge.

    There is no going back to the way things were, let that be the first thing to die in your mind.

  4. david7134 says:

    A good example of what is Medicare/Medicaid fraud is the fact that if a doctor does not charge a patient, any patient, that is Medicare fraud. Charging too little is Medicare fraud and I know doctor who have gone to prison for that activity.

    But DOGE will find a considerable amount of fraud by those who operate the system. Can’t wait.

    • James Lewis says:

      if a doctor does not charge a patient, any patient, that is Medicare fraud.

      Please expand.

      • david7134 says:

        The concept is that if you are a doctor and establishing a fee schedule, then you are obligated to bill the government the lowest fee acceptable to you. Thus, if you are comfortable with no fee, then that should be offered to the government on all patients. To do otherwise is fraud, and as bizarre as this concept is I have seen it in practice. As to charging too low, the government desires a bell curve in charges too high or too low draws attention. They even argue that if you are consistently charging low, then you are not providing quality care.

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