Idiot Woman Arrested After Replacing US Flag With Mexican Flag, Threatens To Kill Deputies

Now, just imagine this all occurred in Mexico, with a Mexican flag being replaced with a U.S. one, and all the rest. How would that go?

Woman takes down US flag, replaces it with Mexican flag at California park: ‘This is Mexican land’

A woman was arrested on Thursday after she took down an American flag and placed it on the muddy ground at a California park, replacing it with a Mexican flag.

Kern County deputies responded to the entrance of Hart Memorial Park in Bakersfield on Thursday morning after receiving reports of someone trying to steal the U.S. flag, the sheriff’s office said in a social media post.

When park rangers arrived, they found a vehicle on the grass near a flag pole, authorities said.

The woman, identified as Crystal Aguilar, 24, allegedly cut the chain that secured the flagpole and threw the American flag on the ground. She then raised the Mexican flag in its place, saying they were on “Mexican land.”

Body-worn camera video from sheriff’s deputies shows Aguilar saying, “You’re not going to tell me what to do, this is Mexican land, motherf—–.”

She then allegedly resisted the deputies and threatened to have them and their families, including their children, killed.

Let’s see

She was book for trespassing, vandalism, resisting arrest, and threatening a law enforcement officer. I wonder if ICE will notice, and look to ascertain whether she is a legal U.S. citizen or here illegally or a fake asylum seeker. She’ll find herself booted quickly, and could lead ICE to other illegals in her area. What did she think was going to happen when she did this? Lollipops and unicorns? Applause?

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10 Responses to “Idiot Woman Arrested After Replacing US Flag With Mexican Flag, Threatens To Kill Deputies”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Obviously Trump’s fault. He brings out the worst in people.

  2. Doug says:

    Sorry lady, we took it fair and square.

  3. Conservative Beaner says:

    She better hope at least one member of the family is here legally or she be in the hole for more than a few days

  4. […] Pirates Cove ever notice how stupid leftists are? […]

  5. Dana says:

    There are illegals braving the below zero temperatures in Canada to keep from being Trumported south of the border, while this rocket scientist puts herself on the short list for deportation?

  6. Dana says:

    Our writer from Raleigh wrote:

    What did she think was going to happen when she did this? Lollipops and unicorns? Applause?

    Well, she lives in the Pyrite State, so yeah, that might be what she expects.

    We already know that the local police won’t honor an ICE detainer order, so we’ll just have to hope that ICE is waiting for her outside the jailhouse, or that some loyal American who works for the city contacts ICE quietly, on his own, and lets them know when the brave Latina is going to be released.

    Bakersfield is only 28.83% non-Hispanic white, but Kern County voters gave 167,879 (59.26%) of its ballots to Donald Trump, and only 108,241 (38.21%) to Kamala Emhoff, so there’s a decent chance that there are patriotic Americans there who will let ICE know where the lovely Miss Aguilar is.

    Why the f(ornicate) do these people flee Mexico only to want Mexico to take them over again?

  7. Elwood P Dowd says:

    When will Big Donald enact all the massive tariffs that will turn the American society around!!

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Another rhetorical question because Rimjob has no answers. Guess he considers systemic waste and fraud by the federal government is acceptable.

      Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
      MAGA47 Motherfucker!

Pirate's Cove