If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fuels pump, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on checking the wackos at Bluesky.

BTW, watch out for that flu/cold going around. Not sure which I have, no fever, but, the folks at work who go it had fever. Came on super quick. Feel like garbage, did not work today. Just laying here in sweatpants, though, did take a shower. Stay away from people with it.

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47 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Little Peter Hegseth spent nearly 150,000 taxpayer dollars to upgrade his military-provided housing.

    Where was crooked Elon, the hypocrite?

    Let’s hope they upgrade the housing of actual troops as well.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      So Rimjob you don’t believe the U.S. Secretary of Defense is worthy of a security upgrade on his home?

      Wanna try to explain your reasoning?
      Go on, give it a try.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      Lil Pissant,

      Can you provide evidence that the $50,000 allocated for “emergency painting” was for “security”?

      The Donnie Donut’ MAGAt regime is all grift, all the time.

    • Jl says:

      Oh my-the housing was to be upgraded no matter the Secretary of Defense turned out to be, Republican or Democrat

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        Oh my – the request was made on 30 Jan 2025, which was AFTER Big Donnie was elected AND inaugurated. Big Donnie nominated FOX TV starLittle Peter on inauguration day (20 Jan 2025). Now, according to my calendar, 30 Jan occurs AFTER 20 Jan.

        Do you really believe Big Donnie would nominate a Dem Sec of Defense?

        Lie, lie, lie!! Flood the zone with shit!

        BTW, Secretary of Defense LLoyd Austin had his own private residence.

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    Elwood the TROLL.

    It’s rather surprising that Hegseth could find 150k from our government since the democrats are spending it faster than it can be printed with USAID and who knows what else we will find.

    • Professor Hale says:

      $150K is less than the cost of a single employee at the Pentagon. I think Hegseth can afford to upgrade his quarters plus add a hotel next door and still spend less than Austin.

      • Elwood P Dowd says:


        The proof of the pudding is in the eating. We’ll see how Lil Peter does with the Defense budget. His first week his Army killed 67 in Washington. Is that his plan?

        It IS likely he would OK a Trump Hotel be built on the taxpayer’s dime.

        • James Lewis says:


          his Army killed 67 in Washington. Is that his plan?

          It’s obvious that the tragedy occurred because the tower was short handed. That happened because of Biden’s DEI restrictions on hiring.

          Wash the blood off your hands.

          • Elwood P Dowd says:


            It’s obvious that the tragedy occurred because Little Peter’s Black Hawk was at fault and rammed a jet, killing 60 passengers, four crew and the Black Hawk crew.

            You blame Big Donnie’s and Sean Duffy’s FAA. I disagree.

            In a disgraceful, despicable appearance on television, Donnie Donuts the Mob Boss, blamed dwarfs, the paralyzed, the mentally ill, trans and/or retarded Air Traffic Controllers hired by President Biden. And you slurped up Donnie’s spooge as if it was truth. You should be ashamed.

            Wash the spooge outa yo mouth, and the blood off your hands. I hope you kept that choo-choo on the tracks better than your train of thought.

  3. Doom and Gloom says:

    Many people seem to think the NFL is rigging games by using the Referees.

    This is just not true. There is no way 31 other billionaires are gonna let the NFL screw them over.

    However, in an age of trillion-dollar betting markets and the fact that NFL referees are part-time, lowly paid officials, it is not hard to see how people with huge dollars to throw away could easily slip a few million bucks to a dozen or so refs under the table to make sure the game goes according to their betting needs.

    Buffalo vs KS, 4th down and Josh Allen heaves a ball that goes right to his tight end, A FLAG FLIES….the ball is dropped………..the FLAG IS PICKED UP. Nothing to see here from the NFL, but I would be willing to bet there are a lot of people paying a certain few select refs to make the right calls at the right time to ensure a proper score. Over Under, etc…etc…etc.

    It is why gambling on pro sports was vigorously enforced and why PETE ROSE never made it to the hall of fame. Now, Today………betting in 2/3rds of the advertising on blogs, youtube and network football games.

    • Professor Hale says:

      You think that an entertainment venue cannot be scripted without depending on the lowest paid employees beside the concession vendors? A private club run by billionaires is definitely going to be run for their benefit, which includes a cut from gambling.

  4. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Donnie Donuts, buffing up his white nationalist bonafides, offers “oppressed” white South Africans (Afrikaners) refuge in the United States! Whites make up under 10% of South Africa’s population but own 70% of the private farmland. 1% of whites there live in poverty, while 60% of Blacks live in poverty.

    This also could be a reward for President Musk.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      So Rimjob what do you mean by “white nationalist” bona-fides?

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        Even you, Pissant, with your limited reasoning skills, should be able to figger that one out!

        Wealthy white minority invited to America, while America is deporting millions of brown people… Just like Donnie Donuts, Teach, Dana and david, YOU believe white Americans alone deserve to rule. It’s why you love and worship Donnie Donuts.

        You approve of him accusing SA Blacks of oppressing the wealthy white Afrikaners, inviting THEM here, don’t you? Doesn’t it make you obey him even more?

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Another non answer.
          Are these questions to tough for you or do have an unbridled hatred for all things Trump?

          • Elwood P Dowd says:

            I’m not responsible for your lack of literacy (which means ability to read and write).

  5. Elwood P Dowd says:

    And yet Little Peter did find the money! The Democrats can’t spend money since the House is controlled by MAGAts (for now). The MAGA elites want to make sure taxpayer monies flow from the working class to Trump, Musk, Kochs, Scott, Bessent, etc. Unearned income is the best income!!

    That said, the MAGAts may lose their majority in special elections, and if they keep up their assaults on America and decency they’ll lose the House by double digits in 2026. The seemingly MAGA permanent majority in the Senate is looking less secure.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      So Rimjob on what do you base your claim:
      “The MAGA elites want to make sure taxpayer monies flow from the working class to Trump, Musk, Kochs, Scott, Bessent, etc.”

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        Lil Pissant,

        The facts.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Well then post some facts, Rimjob.
          Preferably with valid citations.

          • Elwood P Dowd says:

            Lil Pissant,

            Although Donnie Donuts is a pathological liar, it’s believable that he wants to cut taxes on the wealthy (he has said as much – even toying with eliminating the income tax).

            How will he make up for the lost revenue? He says “tariffs – that beautiful word – which are paid by consumers (and end up in the US coffers). He knows, as you should, that even having the working class pay for the tariffs, he and President Musk will have to cut into Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. Local and state governments will have to increase their taxes to make up for the loss of federal money.

            Federal consumption taxes, state and local taxes, and cuts to Social programs hurt the working class. Ending the federal income tax rewards the billionaires.

            Now, fuck you, dumbass.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            It would be more understandable if you would provide actual citations instead of your mishmash of personal opinions.

            Are you upset because you’re not making any sense?

  6. ST says:

    Watch all the BEST 2025 Super Bowl LIX ads I NFL Fox Sports – Video


    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      Be sure to catch the lovely Lauren Daigle (my fave Christian singer – find her video for “Rescue”) as she sings “America the Beautiful” before the Super Bowl. ‘Trombone Shorty’ joins her.

      New Orleans’ own Jean Batiste will sing the “Star-Spangled Banner”.

      Ledisi, also from New Orleans will sing “Lift Every Voice”

      Note: Not one white male is singing!!

      Also, it’s been recommended that all patriots take a knee during the National Anthem in deference to President Trump, who will be in attendance.

  7. Jl says:

    “Democrats assure Americans the millions in USAID they gave Hamas was just for gay stuff.”
    BB or not…?

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      USAID paid Politico $8 MILLION!!! from right-wing Charlie Kirk, to wing-nut Marjorie Traitor Greeene, to plagiarist Benny Johnson to Hungarian dictator and Donnie-buddy Victor Orban!! Over 80 million views. Screamed THE HYPERBOLIC Big Donnie, “THIS COULD BE THE BIGGEST SCANDAL OF THEM ALL, PERHAPS THE BIGGEST IN HISTORY!”

      The claim isn’t true… but 80 MILLION views and Big Donnie’s imprimatur “MAKES” it better than true!!

      Big Donnie claimed USAID sent $150 MILLION worth of condoms to Hamas ($50 MIL) and The Taliban ($100 MIL)! Untrue but his sycophants believe him!

      A well-produced video claimed USAID paid Angelina Jolie $20 million; Orlando Bloom, $8 million; Sean Penn, $5 million; Ben Stiller, $4 million plus several others, all to increase Zelensky’s popularity among United States audiences. It originated with Operation Overload or Matryoshka, according to Clemson’s Media Forensics Hub. That work is led by a private company with links to the Kremlin. Anyway, none of it is true although X and Truth Social reposted it and Russian media publicized it.

      There HAS been a conspiracy over the past decade or so that pushing the concept that NO information can be trusted, so ALL facts, ideas, statements are just another opinion. Information from the Gateway Pundit and the Associated Press are equal in quality!!

      Just as Putin lies to the Russians, Orbon to the Hungarians, Xi to the Chinese, Kim to the Koreans and Khamenei to the Iranians, Trump and Elon are lying to us. It’s what authoritarians do.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Rimjob again with his “conspiracy” talk.
        With a few lies thrown in for good measure.

        Oh my! Who to believe?

  8. Jl says:

    You forgot the 260 million that went to Soros. And here I thought money going to billionaires was unacceptable. But funny-Dems begged, even sued to see Trump’s tax returns and all of a sudden they’re against finding where taxpayer money is going?

    • Professor hale says:

      Jeff has been lying here for as long as I can remember about every possible topic. No reason at all to credit his spirited defense of a minor government agency.

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        The nutty perfesser should challenge the worst lies, ya know, make himself useful – demonstrate just a soupçon of relevance!!

        No reason at all to credit his spirited support for destroying a useful government agency.

        The “perfesser” is not dumb, but has been making really dumb statements in defense of Trump and Musk and their anti-American comments and actions. I suspect he sees weaknesses in TrumpElon and will say anything rather than admit his complicity.

        Why do youse deluded fellows have to lie about USAID? Weird. You can’t support Russia and China THAT much.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:


      We’re against you guys lying about where the money goes. Why do you, Trump and MUsk have to lie? Make your case honestly.

      Can you support that USAID funnneled $260 million to George Soros through the East-West Management Institute?

      Right-wing Judicial Watch (JW) obtained documents through a FOIA lawsuit that revealed that the East West Management Institute (EWMI) had received taxpayer dollars through USAID as part of a nearly $9 million campaign in Albania. Part of $9 million?

      JW further alleged that George Soros’ Open Society team was given direct access to the State Department’s decision making process on its use of taxpayer funds in Albania! They helped decide how to spend “part of $9 million”?

      EWMI and Soros donate to the same causes. So? BTW, Musk has some $15 BILLION in US contracts!! Will he examine those and take a hatchet to them? His contracts are nearly as large as USAID spending!

      This is all for show! Hamas, drag shows, Soros, tariffs, Taliban, abortions, condoms! Bread and circuses without the bread (or eggs).

      BTW, Albania is led by their Socialist Party, who in its 2013 party platform pledged to replace the flat tax with a progressive tax, supports universal health care and supports LGBT rights. The party is also pro-European, supports membership in the EU and NATO. In other words, everything MAGAts (RussoChinese supporters) detest and hope to stamp out.

      When TrumpElon and Heritage (OMB Vought’s Project 2025) come for you, we naive liberals will support YOU, because for all YOUR faults, YOU are Americans, and this is America, the greatest nation in the history of nations. And the world’s greatest hope. We will stand with YOU to save America.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        You’re a joke, Rimjob? Crybaby, too. And still wonder why you lost the election.
        Thank God, Trump, and Elon that y’all will never control the government again.

        Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
        MAGA47 – Today, Tomorrow, Forever

        • Elwood P Dowd says:

          TrumpElon will do all they can to rig subsequent electiosn. This has been Job One of the Republicans for 20 years – hence Project 2025. They’ve successfully gerrymandered most of the state legislatures. In 2020, Il Douche tried to get battleground state legislatures to toss out their votes and declare Him the winner.

          MAGAts are a large minority. Il Douche’s favorability is falling, and as things get worse, he may have to shut down all government announcements – one more bad jobs report, one more increase in inflation, one more scandal, one more pandemic and he’ll go apeshit crazy.

          So, either Il Douche has to go full dictator or the GOP will take a record-level beating in 2026. There is an outside chance that He’ll start to care about America and Americans, but unlikely.

        • david7134 says:

          I agree, Jeff has gone completely nuts. But it is interesting to see how the liberal crazies are spinning the information from DOGE, they are putting on the full court press of lying.

          As to us all being American, uh NO. Jeff and buds are full blown communist and need to go.

      • Jl says:

        Musk’s 15 billion in contracts weren’t signed under Trump, and as said before they were the lowest bidder and they save the government hundreds of millions in launch costs over what NASA could do. “Supports LGBT rights..which MAGA detests.”. Now, if only you could name what rights we have that LGBT people dont.

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