Twenty Two States Sue NY Over Their Climate Scam Law

Well, that’s a real shame. I truly hope the plaintiff lawyers ask the NY big wigs if they are still using fossil fuels for travel

Twenty-two states sue New York over climate change fund law

According to the AP, Twenty-two states have filed a lawsuit against New York, challenging a new law that mandates major energy producers to contribute $75 billion to a fund aimed at addressing climate change damage.

The lawsuit, submitted in Albany, names state Attorney General Letitia James and other officials as defendants.

West Virginia Attorney General JB McCuskey spearheaded the coalition opposing New York’s Climate Change Superfund Act, which demands payments for damage allegedly caused from 2000 to 2018.

The law requires significant fossil fuel companies to pay into the fund over the next 25 years based on their historical gas emissions.

“This lawsuit is to ensure that these misguided policies, being forced from one state onto the entire nation, will not lead America into the doldrums of an energy crisis, allowing China, India and Russia to overtake our energy independence.

This law is unconstitutional, and I am proud to lead this coalition of attorneys general and brave private energy companies and industry groups in our fight to protect against this overreach,” “If we allow New York to get away with this, it will only be a matter of time before other states follow suit – wrecking our nation’s power grid.”

I wonder how this one will go, since a NJ superior court judge just threw out a law because “Plaintiffs seek damages for alleged harms caused by interstate and international emissions and global warming, their claims cannot be governed by state law.”

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5 Responses to “Twenty Two States Sue NY Over Their Climate Scam Law”

  1. Dana says:

    If this raises fuel prices only in New York, I’m OK with that. New Yorkers voted for the idiots who did this, so they pretty much deserve whatever happens to them.

    • Professor Hale says:

      Just make sure NY state police check the tanks of vehicles returning to NY too to make sure out of state gasoline purchases get taxed too. No escape from NY. You all made that bed, now sleep in it.

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    Tim Pool:

    Skip ahead to 9:10 if you want to watch an amazing video of a Black Man scorching the Democratic party with facts over their failures.

    It’s worth the watch. This pretty much sums up the party in a way that most people cannot articulate, but this black man does an amazing job of laying out what is wrong with the Communist party of the USA……or Democrats.

  3. david7134 says:

    Just don’t sell in New York and California.

  4. […] Twenty Two States Sue NY Over Their Climate Scam Law […]

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