Tears: Trump To Send More US Troops To Help At The Border

And the more Democrats and their pet media gnash their teeth the more that Americans realize that Democrats are not for the working and middle class

More active duty troops will head to US-Mexico border, bringing the total to 3,600

The Pentagon will deploy roughly 1,500 more active duty soldiers to the southern border to support President Donald Trump’s expanding crackdown on immigration, a U.S. official said Friday.

That would eventually bring the total to about 3,600 active duty troops at the border.

The order has been approved, the official said, to send a logistics brigade from the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Liberty in North Carolina. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the deployment has not yet been publicly announced. (snip)

Troops going to the border are expected to help put in place concertina wire barriers and provide needed transportation, intelligence and other support to the Border Patrol. The logistics brigade will help support and sustain the troops.

Regardless of what they do, the bigger picture is that it deincentivizes people to cross the border, or even just show up and demand asylum. They’ll see the military as a blocking force, much like they’ll see shipping all those illegals to Guantanamo Bay as a deterrent. And you can bet there will be more sent over the months.

Good thing all the people who lost their homes in the fires have been taken care of, right?

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8 Responses to “Tears: Trump To Send More US Troops To Help At The Border”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    After taking office, Joe Biden removed Donald Trump’s security clearance because he was, of course, an insurrectionist.

    After taking office in 2025, Donald Trump reciprocated by removing Joe Biden’s security clearance, saying it wasn’t needed because, of course, Biden was no doubt going to store more government secrets in his garage and probably sell them along with his Corvette.

    Tit for Tat. What goes around comes around in Washington DC.

    Oh, and by the way, one of the leaders of USAID who REFUSED TO EVEN TALK TO CONGRESS and give them any information on what they were doing said that there is nothing but lies about what is going on at USAID. She said that the people who come to work at USAID want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE while they spend money on WUHAN LAB on gain of function research or finance GAY RIGHTS in MUSLIM COUNTRIES….

    Yeah, that is making a difference and aligns with the USA’s overall standing on the world stage. I am surprised the USA has any allies left in the world since only in the USA and ENGLAND is Gay rights and chicks with dicks a thing….everywhere else, its evil, and Covid was most likely a result of the USA helping to fund it using this secretive organization that also funneled money to POLITICO to buy subscriptions to keep them afloat because they were cheerleaders for the LEFT and helped beat down any opposition to Covid mandates in 2020-2022.

    There’s nothing to see here, folks, scream the difference makers at USAID. We’ve got a drag parade to plan in UKRAINE.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      Big Donnie’s point is NOT in the removing the security clearance and security details, IT’S BRAGGING ABOUT IT! Duh.

      What good is it to Big Donnie if he can’t advertise it? LOL.

      He has to keep feeding his flock!

      Since the Emperor has no clothes, he has to keep flinging shit. He’s a self-promotion genius!!

      • Jl says:

        Oh, no!! You mean he told people about it? I hear he told people that he’s attending the Super Bowl, too.

  2. Elwood P Dowd says:

    The US of A does not need just a Wall, we need a figurative ‘bubble’ separating us from the rest of the inferior world. Few inbound flights from foreign lands, few imports (we can build and grow whatever we need here! Close all ports and land entries. If you leave America for vacation or business – buh bye. And of course a nationwide Iron Dome. Deport all 14th Amendment ‘citizens’; deport all non-citizen residents – period.

    Hawaii is a risk and needs to be ‘un-stated’. Alaska is problematic, having so much of our oil and other resources. We need a 10 year plan to extract all we can, strip it bare and then cut it loose. Alternatively, annex Canada and their resources, thereby keeping Alaska.

    Close all our global military bases. Upgrade our nuclear capabilities. Restructure the military for defense of the Homeland AND let the world know that any attacke on our Homeland results in immediate nuclear annihilation.

    In America, we need to encourage young white women to have more babies. This can be accomplished by reducing the opportunities outside the home: ending silly laws making girls ‘equal’; obviously ending abortion for caucasian, christian girls; making Evangelical Christianity the state religion; ban divorce; end gay ‘marriage’; end miscegenation.

    We need every American to swear loyalty to the government. Voting must become an EARNED fight. Every loyal American 25 and over can register to vote AFTER passing a written test and interview.

    What else must we do to Make America Great Again?

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Is the blowhard Rimjob trying to make a point?
      Maybe just spit it out m’kay?

      Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
      MAGA47 – Unleash the Whirlwind!

    • Dana says:

      The sarcasm from St Louis kind of fails:

      The US of A does not need just a Wall, we need a figurative ‘bubble’ separating us from the rest of the inferior world.

      This is not entirely untrue. Much of the world is inferior culturally, and we do need to protect ourselves from the kind of infection it carries.

      Western civilization and a capitalist, free market economy have been the only things which have ever lifted more than a tiny minority above the subsistence level; the non-Western civilization world have for the most part advanced somewhat by utilizing the advances made under Western civilization, but until they adopt Western civilization completely, they remain a virus which drags down civilization.

      It can be done! South Korea and Japan have proven that Western civilization can be adopted by non-Westerners. India has been trying to move along that path, though with only moderate success thus far.

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        Mr Dana agrees with me! He objects to me revealing the objective!

        Although I should have been more clear on MAGA religion.

        Here, let Johh Pavlovitz explain it:

        Nothing is as MAGA as watching a bunch of self-righteous frauds who pretend to give a damn about Christianity, viciously attacking a minister preaching about caring for the vulnerable while their rapist-felon messiah condescendingly scoffs at her.

        Honestly, I feel sorry for people who want to be both Christian and MAGA, who think they can be devoted to Jesus and to Donald Trump simultaneously, who labor under the false assumption that their bastardized, territorial, self-centered white nationalist GOP version of Christianity is remotely of God.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      Hey Lil Miss Pissant,

      Is there anything there with which you disagree? Didn’t think so!

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