Bummer: Most Countries To Miss Their Climate (scam) Targets

Of course, this is nothing new, since most countries have been missing their targets for decades, all while patting themselves on their backs for Doing Something while taking money and freedom from their peasants

‘Backsliding’: most countries to miss vital climate deadline as Cop30 nears

The vast majority of governments are likely to miss a looming deadline to file vital plans that will determine whether or not the world has a chance of avoiding the worst ravages of climate breakdown.

Despite the urgency of the crisis, the UN is relatively relaxed at the prospect of the missed date. Officials are urging countries instead to take time to work harder on their targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions and divest from fossil fuels.

Simon Stiell, the UN’s top climate official, said in a speech in Brazil on Thursday: “Because these national plans are among the most important policy documents governments will produce this century, their quality should be the paramount consideration … Taking a bit more time to ensure these plans are first-rate makes sense, properly outlining how they will contribute to this effort [to tackle the climate crisis] and therefore what rewards they will reap.”

We’re supposed to listen to a small group of Elites in government and business, who are part of a doomsday cult, but, all they see are methods to control people and take money from them.

This has thrown important trading relationships, including that with China, into disarray. The disruption to geopolitics, already in turmoil after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the conflict in Gaza, has alarmed climate diplomats. Many privately believe putting off the publication of national plans, at least until Trump’s initial flurry of activity has died down, is preferable.

In other words, they’re worried that the scam money will be problematic.

Under the 2015 Paris climate agreement, every five years countries must submit detailed plans – called nationally determined contributions (NDCs) – with clear targets on cutting emissions, or curbing them in the case of poorer countries. These are then discussed at a “conference of the parties” (Cop).

Last time, the deadline was in effect extended by a year: the Cop26 conference in Glasgow was postponed from November 2020 to 2021 because of the Covid-19 pandemic. This time, the deadline is technically 10 February – nine months before the Cop30 summit in Brazil this November – but with only a handful of countries so far having submitted plans, it looks likely that most will miss it.

It’s easy to make them up, but, not so easy when those stupid voters keep telling you to stop.

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18 Responses to “Bummer: Most Countries To Miss Their Climate (scam) Targets”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Now that Trump is cancelling the USAID paychecks, there is no reason for any of the other countries to keep pretending to be doing anything about climate.

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    It has become apparent for at least a decade now that CHINA has bought off several countries and continues to buy off more and more. Easy to do when a few billion bucks will buy 2/3rds of the countries on this planet.

    They are pushing hard for their competition to divest themselves of Fossil fuels leaving more for them to hoard for themselves.

    Fossil fuels equates to power. Fossil fuels makes a country strong. Without fossil fuels a country is floundering. Just look at EU as Russia turned off the gas to them and they are all on the brink of collapse. Russia is continuing the fight against Ukraine to punish NATO and the EU.

    Putin does not need to launch Nukes. He just needs to let Ukraine continue to bomb the oil and gas facilities that serves the western part of the world while those in the East keep pumping their fossil fuels to India and Pakistan and CHINA.

    The same reason IRAN cried wolf with ISRAEL so they can continue to funnel fossil fuels to China. The same reason XI is lecturing Putin on how to conduct this war. The same reason why all these anti-fossil fuel pacs are funded by CHINA and RUSSIA.

    The same reason why those of us with some semblance of sanity don’t care the planet is warming. I would rather face a warming planet than a comnunist take over of the world forcing the somewhat civilized west to wallow in abject poverty.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      King Donnie is pushing the rest of the world into China’s open arms!! He doesn’t care, he’s getting richer every day!!

      If he’s still alive in 2028, he ain’t leaving.

      • Doom and Gloom says:

        Dowd you continue the same tirade that you and the left started back in 2016 when you realized Trump was a real threat to the SAINT….Hillary R Clinton.

        Married to Bill Clinton who entered the White House worth 3 million dollars and left the White House 8 years later worth 230 million dollars on a 455,000 dollar a year salary.

        Hmmm….I wonder who enriched themselves. Trump on the other hand lost a billion in net worth after 4 years in the White House.

        You single-handedly made him worth about 5 billion more by removing freedom of speech and forcing him to start Truth Social, which has netted him about 5 billion in additional net worth.

        I have it on authority….YOUTUBE….that Donald Trump is having HRC and Liz Cheney DEPORTED….lololol. It must be frustrating reading MSNBC and finding out they lie to you everyday and then having to read the email that comes to you from the DNC for push back of the day talking point. I’m sure your on the list since you mirror their talking point daily.

        • Elwood P Dowd says:

          d&g typed: read the email that comes to you from the DNC

          All I get from those scoundrels are requests for donations, which is why they’re blocked.

          Candidate Harris had a $1 BILLION war chest. They can use that money.

          BTW, Trump and his acolytes, FOX, ONAN and all the MAGAblogs lie to you, daily. All I have to do is read Teach and assume the opposite is true.

      • Dana says:

        Why, I have to wonder, does our liberal from left of the Mississippi, hate the truth?

        Our distinguished host reported what we all knew was the truth, that the commitments made by the oh-so-noble countries trying to fight global warming climate change were not worth the ink used to sign the agreement in the first place.

        The Marquis of Mar-a-Lago is once again withdrawing the United States from a climate agreement that no one else is keeping anyway; why should we pretend that we will keep it also? But the distinguished Mr Dowd seems to think that this “is pushing the rest of the world into China’s open arms!!” If telling the truth pushes other nations into the arms of China, it’s still telling the truth.

        If he’s still alive in 2028, he ain’t leaving.

        Saved to file. I guess we’ll see how well your predictions pan out.

        • Professor Hale says:

          Saved to file. I guess we’ll see how well your predictions pan out.

          Put it with:
          1. Trump is negotiating leaving office early in exchange for a pardon to stay out of jail. And,
          2. Trump will have to be dragged out of the White House by the military. And,
          3. Trump will be a dictator starting day one.

        • Professor Hale says:

          In the interest of full disclosure, my own prediction that Biden would not survive a full term proved to only be 65% true.

        • Elwood P Dowd says:

          Our libertainian* from east of the mighty Mississippi prefers to define the truth himself.

          The truth is that the Earth is warming from the CO2 we human beans are adding to the air by burning coal, oil and gas. It’s also true that China is the current worst offender, while the US was the previous worst. Finally, the nations are voting with their feet as the run from the responsibility. Should the US continue to attempt to lead or withdraw into Donnie’s “figurative bubble”?

          Trump’s ignorance of global warming is not what is pushing South America, Africa, Canada and India to China, it’s his counterproductive withdrawal of the 1% of non-military aid to the suffering in poor nations (although affected by global warming). It’s also his hateful rhetoric directed at our once allies in Europe and North America.
          * Libertainian = persons who rely on the entertainment value of libertarianism for describing their motives. See Rand Paul.

          • James Lewis says:


            Watch this for some logic on who will do what.


          • Dana says:

            Our madcap Missourian wrote:

            The truth is that the Earth is warming from the CO2 we human beans are adding to the air by burning coal, oil and gas. It’s also true that China is the current worst offender, while the US was the previous worst. Finally, the nations are voting with their feet as the run from the responsibility. Should the US continue to attempt to lead or withdraw into Donnie’s “figurative bubble”?

            It seems as though US leadership on fighting global warming climate change wasn’t getting other nations to meet their Paris Accord promises. After all, President Trump only took office three weeks ago; it was the dummkopf from Delaware who was our Fearless Leader up until that point.

            Our esteemed host has been publishing articles like this for years now, as we keep getting new information about countries not meeting their targets, and many of those articles predate the 2024 election.

            Trump’s ignorance of global warming is not what is pushing South America, Africa, Canada and India to China, it’s his counterproductive withdrawal of the 1% of non-military aid to the suffering in poor nations (although affected by global warming). It’s also his hateful rhetoric directed at our once allies in Europe and North America.

            Same thing: President Trump took office just three weeks ago, and no one guessed that he’d just cut off USAID spending like the.

            “(C)ounterproductive withdrawal”? Counterproductive to whom? Counterproductive to the previous recipients, who were seeing the money spigot closed, but maybe not so counterproductive to the American taxpayers being fleeced for the money. Should we be paying to support villagers in west Africa, or Americans in flood-ravaged western Carolina?

            Mr Trump ran on an “America first” program, and, in a free, fair, and democratic election, the voters chose the America first candidate.

          • Elwood P Dowd says:

            Our Katholic from Kentucky misses the point. Trump won and the US and the globe will start paying the price. Hitler was popular in Germany. P Diddy is popular. Capone was popular. You don’t have to be wise or decent to be popular.

            The Putz from Palm Beach may yet recover, but it’s doubtful. He’s had over 78 years. He’s a huge prick with a tiny dick!

          • Jl says:

            The truth is it’s alleged that the warming of the earth is being caused by humans additional CO2. Fixed it for you..

          • Dana says:

            Mr Elwood P Dowd wrote:

            The Putz from Palm Beach may yet recover, but it’s doubtful. He’s had over 78 years. He’s a huge prick with a tiny dick!

            Most normal men don’t fantasize about other men’s dicks, but hey, you do you!

          • Elwood P Dowd says:

            Mr Dana condemns the Putz from Palm Beach’s obsession with penises. Recall his fantasy about the great golfer Arnold Palmer in the showers where his competitors could see he was “all man”.

            “When he took the showers with other pros, they came out of there. They said, ‘Oh my God. That’s unbelievable!”

            This from a manicured “man” who spackles on burnt sienna pancake makeup, spends an hour a day on his coiffure, wears shoe lifts, who grabs women by their pussies and cheated on his stable of wives.

            Anyway, we have an eyewitness report. Stormy Daniels, a famous sex worker paid off by “Little” Donnie, told us about his tiny member.

  3. Professor Hale says:

    The same reason why all these anti-fossil fuel pacs are funded by CHINA and RUSSIA.

    Look again. Those PACS were funded by the US taxpayer, through generous contracts and grants from USAID. The Left has funded their war against America and got the American people to pay for it. We never needed the Chinese and Russians as enemies, we had our own worst enemies right here at home. Politicians in both parties used the Chinese and Russians as distractions to cover up American corruption.

  4. Dana says:

    The vast majority of governments are likely to miss a looming deadline to file vital plans that will determine whether or not the world has a chance of avoiding the worst ravages of climate breakdown.

    By once again withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords, President Trump is recognizing that the agreement is a sham. He’s shining the light of truth on the agreement, and naturally the left are aghast.

  5. david7134 says:

    Truth is that we don’t know if the globe is warming because of poorly handled data.
    Truth is the CO2 has nothing to do with climate change.
    Truth is that no remedy proposed by liberals/ communist will do nothing to the climate. Truth is that China produces more so called greenhouse gases that the rest of the world combined and they refuse to cut back.
    Truth is that CO2 in the atmosphere is only 0.04%.
    Truth is that climate change is a hoax and Jeff lies.

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