If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on why Democrats hate Pete Hegseth.

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6 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. Mr Keebasa says:

    Does she not risk some chaff causing chafe in her ….. with her shorts like that?

    • ruralcounsel says:

      My thoughts exactly. Long pants, long sleeves, and leather gloves when handling hay bales. My guess is that she was handling the guys doing the baling, not the bales.

  2. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Is Big Donnie shrinking?

    He claimed he was 6’3″ but appears to be a few inches shorter than tall men like Governor Gavin Newsom, Prince William and PM Justin Trudeau, and a tall “humanoid” like President Musk.

    I suspect he stopped wearing lifts in his shoes for some reason. And remember his major concern when he nearly had his head blown off in PA? Remember? “My shoes, I have to get my shoes”.

    Mystery solved. But why did he stop wearing elevator shoes?

    We know that tall men appear more dominant and that appearances are crucial to “Big” Donnie.


    • Professor hale says:

      Ha. The ols saying is true. If you wait by the stream long enough you will eventually hear an idiot say something interesting.

      Other sources have been watching this for over a year now comparing pictures at different events. Trumps actual height is not in dispute. Yet photographic evidence shows height discrepancies of over 6″. Much more than can be explained by high heels on shoes.

      The Sources conclude that there are 4 Trumps. The real one and 3 doubles. The doubles are not as tall as the real Trump.

      The most likely explanation is differences in camera angles, steps, and inclines on the floors, as are common at political events.

    • fp says:

      Well, Trump certainly dominates your headspace, doesn’t he?

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