Surprise: HHS Wasted $22 Billion On Getting Cars And Homes For Fake Asylum Seekers

I know, I know, the Democrats will say “it’s only $22 billion. Big deal. The budget is over $6 trillion.” Which is a talking point I highly recommend Democrats run with to people who have trouble buying food and stuff

Report: HHS Squandered More than $22 Billion on Migrants for Vehicles, Home Loans, Startups

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reportedly increased grants for migrants from 2020 to 2024, spending more than $22 billion in taxpayer dollars on grants that included money going toward vehicles, home loans, and startup businesses.

The agency’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), handed out $22.6 billion to a host of nonprofits, effectively acting as a “giant magnet” for migrants crossing the U.S. border and claiming asylum, auditors from OpenTheBooks told New York Post.

The amount of noncitizens eligible to obtain funding that derived from ORR under the majority of former President Joe Biden’s administration soared significantly, with more than $10 billion handed out to grant-receiving organizations in just 2023 alone, the outlet noted.

Non-government organizations swindled up to $1.7 billion from U.S. taxpayers for services “including dollar-for-dollar matching savings plans for cars, homes, college educations or startups; small-business loans of up to $15,000; loans to repair credit history of up to $1,500; ‘cultural orientation,’ ’emergency housing support,’ legal assistance, and Medicaid care,” New York Post reported.

But most of the funding went toward unaccompanied migrant children — committing $12.4 billion over five years — despite whistleblowers sounding the alarm and calling out ORR for handing over many of nearly 300,000 children in its care to unvetted and sometimes even abusive sponsors.

And how much of that money disappeared into the pockets of the folks at those NGOs? See, what DOGE and the rest of the Trump admin have been finding out is just the tip of the iceberg. There needs to be an accounting of what happened to that money after it was given to the unaccountable outside organizations. How much made it to the “migrants”, how much went to overhead, how much disappeared? Realistically, the answer to all should have been $0. Will it all be audited?

The watchdog organization also pointed out that Church World Services and the International Rescue Committee were two of the top groups that received funds over the last four years.

Strikingly, since 2020, Church World Services bagged $355 million in grants, while the International Rescue Committee netted $598 million.

Interestingly, Robin Dunn Marcos — a senior HHS official who oversaw ORR program during some of that time — previously worked at both Church World Services and the International Rescue Committee for more than 30 years combined, a revelation that OpenTheBooks said represents a conflict of interest.

I’m shocked!!!!! How about you?

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23 Responses to “Surprise: HHS Wasted $22 Billion On Getting Cars And Homes For Fake Asylum Seekers”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    This is these fuking Continuing Resolutions that started under Obama as the GOP could not work with Democrats…..continued under Trump and Biden as neither side could pass a budget.

    As a result, the money is just given to agencies, and those UNELECTED idiots decide who and what to give their money to, including the lack of oversight by those who control the STRINGS.

    Well, congress does not control the strings anymore….Its Joe from Jersey or Janet from Jacksonville that gets to decide who gets what. Its why our military is so pathetic right now because they can’t plan anything, but the DAMN MIC can sell the USA 200-300-500 billion worth of old weapons on a whim.

    PASS A FUCKING BUDGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Why hell Kye wrote about how he and partners were making money hand over fist 3 years ago from this giveaway.

    No surprise here.

    Elon Rules!!!
    MAGA47 Motherfuckers!

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      That’s right, Kye the “Parasite” boasted of taking 10s of millions from hard working taxpayers! No doubt avoiding paying taxes! The system rewards grifters like Kye and Big Donnie.

      And now the world’s richest a-hole is running things!!

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Shouldn’t be calling others parasites, Rimjob, especially since you and your company (Galera Therapeutics) sucked $75M from investors without giving anything in return.

  3. Dana says:

    Why do we even have an “Office of Refugee Resettlement”? Why does allowing ‘refugees’ to come here mean that we must also take care of them? Isn’t protecting them from being killed in their homelands enough?

    • Professor Hale says:

      No. It isn’t enough. The people we declare as refugees are without exception incapable of assimilation into the USA and need massive public assistance to “catch up” to life in the USA. Vietnamese did well but it took them a while to get up and running.

      The right answer should be, don’t accept them here unless they are coming from Canada. Refugees should go to countries that are similar to the ones they are leaving so that culturally, linguistically and economically, they have a chance to fit right in at the start. It is absurd to bring people from Africa, Afghanistan and Haiti and resettle them into the USA. Even if we used taxdollars to do it, it would be MUCH cheaper to resettle them in other countries where the cost of living is much lower.

      • A. Paul Edd says:

        Let’s not get the cart ahead of the horse. Millions of these illegals have petitioned for asylum. No determination has been made as to their eligibility for asylum. Instead of making asylum seekers wait in a third country (not US and not their home countries), Obama and Biden let them come into the US while asylum status was undetermined.

        On top of that, the Obama and Biden administrations made it known that frivolous claims of asylum would be prima facie recognized prior to determination and would be enough to get one into the US. Previously, one usually had to show individual threats or individually targeted persecution to seek asylum. Instead, the Obam and Biden administrations recognized things like poor economic conditions in the home country.

        Refugee status is a separate matter. Not all “migrants” are refugees and not all “migrants” are asylum seekers.

  4. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Elon happiness!

    “Watching Trump slash federal programs because it doesn’t affect you because you’re not a member of the ‘Parasite Class.’”

    Speaking of parasiste… Elon has some $20 BILLION in federal contracts + another recent $400 MILLION selling the gubmint “armored” Tesla Cybertrucks! Armored EVs? What do you think?

    Elon’s Asperger’s keeps him from being self-aware. Will he somehow get the gubmint to fund his failing twitter (X)?

  5. david7134 says:

    Jeff calls Kye a parasite, for participating in a legal activity.

    He called his wife a whore, for no reason. The when Kye was facing lung transplant he wished he would die.

    Jeff is really great.

  6. david7134 says:

    Sorry, my original statement holds so you are lying again. And yes snap and Medicaid are parasites, try dealing with them daily.

  7. A. Paul Edd says:

    This tells us that an operation with an incredibly high overhead itself (the US government), with tens of thousands of employees trained to hand out government benefits, instead handed the money over to an outside operation that itself has incredibly high overhead and no greater expertise at handing out money than the federal government.

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