‘Climate Change’ Making Things Harder On First Responders Or Something

And you’ll never guess why

How climate change puts additional strain on first responders job duties

In Lowville, New York, the sheriff’s department is bracing for a harsher winter season as climate change makes lake-effect snow more intense and unpredictable. Experts predict that these weather conditions are likely to worsen, creating even more challenges for police and first responders across the country.

Sheriff Mike Carpinelli of Lewis County said that the region’s snowstorms can quickly intensify, sometimes accumulating a foot of snow in just a couple of hours.

“You can’t always see it coming,” he said, emphasizing the difficulty in preparing for such rapid changes in weather. (snip)

According to Dan Horton, who runs Northwestern University’s Climate Change Research Group, the warming climate is contributing to more intense lake-effect snow.

“It certainly seems like the new normal as the planet continues to warm,” Horton says.

Horton said that due to fossil fuel and global warming, lakes are warming and not freezing as much in the winter.

Good grief. These people. It really is a cult. No matter the issue the answer is always global boiling.

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7 Responses to “‘Climate Change’ Making Things Harder On First Responders Or Something”

  1. Dana says:

    “You can’t always see it coming,” he said, emphasizing the difficulty in preparing for such rapid changes in weather.

    What? We have The Weather Channel, not only telling us about every raindrop and every snowflake that ever falls from the sky, but frequently sensationalizing it, but Sheriff Carpinelli “can’t always see it coming”?

  2. Jl says:

    I smell extreme desperation….

  3. Elwood P Dowd says:

    “On 20 January, Donald Trump paused billions of dollars of federal grant funding for clean energy and other projects around the country initiated by the Biden Administration’s Green New Deal…. The funding is part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s $7 billion Solar for All program, which is meant to help low-income families save money on electricity costs. About $117 million was set for solar projects and initiatives in Indiana.”

    “Indiana isn’t alone in its drive for solar energy,” Stephen Starr reports. “Solar projects ranging from utility scale to single housing efforts have proved hugely popular in red states. Texas has the second-highest number of installed solar power units, after California, enough to power more than 4.5m homes. Florida follows close behind.”

    Starr adds, “A quarter of a trillion dollars — 80 percent of the total funding for green energy manufacturing and other initiatives — was to go to projects in Republican-leaning congressional districts across the U.S.”

    But American conservatives will sacrifice billions of federal dollars to do the right thing – which is to pull the plug on the scam of global warming. Or… the alternative is for Trump to allow the subsidies to only go to states that supported him! Eazy peazy!!

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Trump paused funding for “Green Energy” scams initiated by the Biden mis-administration.

  4. drowningpuppies says:

    Just add it to Solyndra and Ivanpah and a few others courtesy of Barack and Joey..

    Lion Electric (a Canadian company) is now shutting down without supplying $95 million in bus orders. The other money is gone. Poof! and the company could vanish with the “Lion’s share” of U.S. public funds.

    Too bad Elon and his boys weren’t around.


  5. david7134 says:

    I saw where 4 trillion dollars is now unaccounted for. Fraud is being found in almost every department that is looked into. There needs to be an accounting.

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