Daily Archives: February 21, 2025

Bummer: Trump Disallows Federal Scientists From Working On IPCC (scam) Report

The doomsday cult scientists are more than welcome to resign their jobs and go work elsewhere. They do not run the federal government. They really do not have a say in the matter. They are just employees Trump bars federal scientists from working on pivotal global climate report The Trump administration told US government scientists […]

If All You See…

…is what could be a horrible fossil fuels drilling platform, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post £62 Million for wooden bottles

Biden Appointed Judge Orders Trump Admin To Resume Wasteful Foreign Aid Spending

You just have to love how one unelected judge is demanding that stupid foreign aid be taken off of pause and spent right now Judge warns Trump administration not to dodge court order unfreezing foreign aid A federal judge delivered a stern warning to the Trump administration that it must abide by a court order […]

Interesting: $2 Billion In Climate Scam Money Linked To Stacey Abrams

Funny how so much of the money isn’t really for solving problems but spreading around ‘Extremely Concerning’: EPA Uncovers $2 Billion Set Aside for Climate Group Linked to Stacey Abrams The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has uncovered $2 billion set aside for a climate group linked to Democrat Stacey Abrams –Power Forward Communities — despite […]

Illegals Sent To Panama Whining About Being Put Up In Luxury Hotel

I have the sniffles. How about you? The solution is simple: go back to your home country https://t.co/JySRsNB46B — William Teach2 ??????? I Don't Really Care (@WTeach2) February 20, 2025 From the BBC sob story In a room at the luxury Decápolis Hotel in Panama City, two girls hold a piece of paper to the […]

Pirate's Cove