Daily Archives: February 26, 2025

ABC News: Hey, It’s Totally OK To Adjust Weather Data

It’s been a long time since I touched on how the climate weenies are constantly adjusting temperature data. I’d have to go way back in the archives. How they always seem to change it too look like it is hotter. Sometimes they cool down the past so the current looks hotter. Particularly during the hot […]

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from carbon pollution Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is IOTW report, with a post on if Senator Whitehouse is using his wife as a bag woman.

Left Wing Judge Blocks Trump’s Order On Stopping Refugee Imports

It’s always something with these wackos. Leftist always cheer bringing in the detritus of the 3rd world, as long as they are settled Elsewhere. Maybe the Trump admin should settle the ones that he’s forced to bring in near where the judge lives Judge blocks Trump’s executive order suspending refugee admissions to the US A […]

Ford’s New Tiny EV Is Supposed To Be A Game Changer

Aren’t they all supposed to be game changers? Ford is risking a lot of capital on this venture, after already losing vast sums of money on EVs Electric Ford ‘Fiesta’: game-changing affordable EV due 2026 A new range of smaller and more affordable electric Fords will be spawned from an upcoming ‘skunkworks’ architecture on which […]

US Islamist Group Urges ICC To Investigate Biden Over Gaza

Biden was very much hot and cold when it came to Gaza. It seemed like he wanted to side with Israel and Jews, but, also provide aid to the murderous Palestinians while also providing, sometimes unintentionally, aid to Hamas. He and his party have let in scores of Islamist into to the United States, doing […]

Pirate's Cove