If All You See…

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on the State Dept ending funding to rebuild the Ukraine power grid.

Slight editorial: why would anyone try and rebuild the grid when an active war is going on? Seems rather wasteful.

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7 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. MrLiberty says:

    What I see is a 20 something girl likely not from around there, showing off hair color that you used to only see on women over 80. Beautiful scenery though.

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    Lest the cornball left just plain soil themselves into oblivion the Emails that Musk wants replied to are designed to find those people who are no longer government employees or are not even actual persons.

    It’s simple. If we find a 1000 fake people and remove them from a fat juicy paycheck, then we have saved the tax payers money. 10k….even more….

    Perhaps we might even find Hunter Biden cashing some government checks and giving 10 percent to the big guy. No worries. They have all been pardoned.

  3. Elwood P Dowd says:

    In June of 1941, Hitler’s Army began a rampage through Ukraine, razing towns, unleashing death squads, and massacring Jews by the hundreds of thousands. In one village, four Jewish brothers enlisted in the military, said goodbye to their parents, and walked off to fight the Nazis.

    By the war’s end in 1945, only one of the brothers, named Semyon, was still alive. He returned to find that the Nazis had torched his entire village, burning his parents to death. Semyon’s family was dead, and his beloved Ukraine was in ruins. The Nazis had murdered between 1.2 and 1.6 million Ukrainian Jews.

    Semyon married a fellow Ukrainian Jew who had survived the war by fleeing her city, in which the Nazis had killed 5,000 Jews. Two years later, in that same city, they had a son, Oleksandr, keeping alive the family line that the Nazis had brought a razor’s width from extinction. Thirty-one years after that, Oleksandr had his own little boy.

    That boy was Volodymyr Zelensky, who grew up to become the President of independent, democratic Ukraine. Today, he leads his outmanned, outgunned, ferociously defiant nation against the onslaught of Russia. As Russia dashes itself against the will of his people, Zelensky, the survivor of survivors, summons the resilience of his ancestors. He does not bend.

    Big Donnie’s grandpa, Friedrich Trump, ran brothels in Seattle and the Yukon!

    Like his ancestors, Big Donnie will do anything for money.

    • david7134 says:

      Fairly stupid Jeff.

      • Professor Hale says:

        Cutting an pasting Ukrainian propaganda. Probably created by USAID grants and broadcast by VOA. It is totally lost on them that now they ARE the Nazis.

        • Dana says:

          As President Trump and the DoGE are proving, there is corruption in just about every government, including ours. That Ukraine is on the right side of the war does not mean their government is as pure as the wind-driven snow, but it also doesn’t mean that they are as bad as the Russians. It also does not mean that it ought to be our war.

    • Grumpy says:

      In 1944-45 Ukraine, the Azov and Galicien SS Divisions were manned excluively by radical Ukrainians. Their purpose was to “purify the Ukraine” of all who were not Ukrainian, including Poles, Jews and Ukrainians who married non-Ukrainians. Their actions included razing villages to the ground, churning up cemeteries and even cutting down orchards to erase all evidence of anything non-Ukrainian – almost exactly one year before Putin’s Russian invasion, the Courts finally ruled those actions were a genocide. Some of the atrocities were so disturbing to the SS commanders, many of them were sent to France so as to put distance between them and the source of their animosity. Today, some of Zelinskiy’s divisions proudly display Azov SS and Galitzien SS patches on their shoulders and helmets.
      Now, as someone descended from Galicia-Volodomyra, tell me this shouldn’t bother anyone.

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