Not WWIII Watch: Trump Pauses Aid To Ukraine

The meltdown within the left-o-sphere and the Never Trumpers who love spending taxpayer money so Ukraine can send their people to die (and pocket quite a bit for Ukrainian politicians and bigwigs) is exquisite

Trump pauses military aid to Ukraine after Oval Office argument with Zelensky, White House official says

President Donald Trump is ordering military aid to Ukraine to be paused after his Friday Oval Office argument with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a White House official told CNN Monday.

“The President has been clear that he is focused on peace. We need our partners to be committed to that goal as well. We are pausing and reviewing our aid to ensure that it is contributing to a solution,” the White House official said.

Another official said the pause will apply to all military equipment not yet inside Ukraine.

The pause is a direct response to what Trump views as Zelensky’s bad behavior last week, the official said. They noted that a pause could be lifted if Zelensky demonstrates new commitment to negotiations to end the war in Ukraine.

The White House made the decision to pause military aid to Ukraine for now as officials seek an acknowledgement from Zelensky about the breakdown in relations following Friday’s blowup in the Oval Office.

What they should definitely include in this to audit where the money has gone so far. How much that has directly gone to Ukraine has gone to weapons and such and how much has been used for non-military purposes? We’ve heard that it has gone to pay for citizens to keep their businesses open (while Americans suffered from the COVID fallout). And to pay the politicians. How about those fighting? Has it gone to the soldiers? Why are we paying their politicians in the first place? Has it gone to their oligarchs? How about to the neo-Nazi’s like the Azov Brigade?

And how about to all the American companies making goods/shipping it over? Was the money a slush fund for Democrat donors/supporters?

According to several officials, Trump and his senior aides are seeking an acknowledgement from Zelensky – potentially in the form of a public apology – before moving ahead with the minerals deal, which had been close to agreement before Friday’s meeting, or a discussion on continuing foreign aid. The decision to halt the aid was made later on Monday, one person said, and is part of a pressure strategy on Ukraine.

Obviously, this means that Trump is on Putin’s side, or Putin has blackmail on Trump, or something something Orange Man Bad.


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4 Responses to “Not WWIII Watch: Trump Pauses Aid To Ukraine”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    All across the world, the usual suspects fighting against WAR have joined sides and are defending Trump in the Ukraine Crisis. Actually, it’s only a crisis for the left Elitists who run the EU and the far leftists in the USA who are trying to protect their empire built off rabbit hole grants sent out by the US government to fund leftists’ pet projects. George Soros has now been exposed for receiving 160 million in USAID money to disrupt INDIA and Bangladesh, for example.

    Everywhere I turn the EX-Protestors of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and ISIS are now lining up in support of DOGE and TRUMP on Ukraine.

    In the meantime, the UK and France have attempted to put together a peace plan.

    Nothing hints at a unanimous NATO position on helping or defending UKRAINE. Several NATO nations, such as Italy, Slovakia, and Hungary, refuse to send Ukraine any more money and indeed not any troops. Prof Clarke said Poland, Spain, and Germany are not expected to send troops as peacekeepers for different reasons.

    Hence why they are calling it the coalition of the willing.

    • Professor Hale says:

      Prof Clarke said Poland, Spain, and Germany are not expected to send troops as peacekeepers for different reasons.

      For one thing, you can’t be a “peacekeeper” if you were a combatant. If you really want peacekeepers, look to Brazil, India, or even South Africa. No one from the EU is qualified.

      For another thing, most of the world only wants to send peacekeepers if the USA is funding them and we are not.

  2. Dana says:

    There is very much a two-choice concept going on: either you support freedom — and think of Mel Gibson screaming “Freedom!” in Braveheart here — or you are a disgusting and vile Russian sympathizer and Vladimir Putin toady who supports authoritarianism and dictatorial rule. There sems little room for those of us who recognize that President Putin is a very bad guy, but who are not willing to expend American blood and treasure to keep him from conquering all of Europe, something the Ukrainian war has proven he cannot do.

    I was just a hair too young for Vietnam, but I paid a lot of attention to the news even as a teenager, and all I saw was the squandering of 58,000 American lives, with hundreds of thousands more wounded, all to fight a war in which we eventually cut and ran, and all of Vietnam fell to the Communists. I saw Iraq 2.0, and thousands of lives and a couple trillion dollars in treasure were wasted in getting rid of Saddam Hussein, but Iraq was never the peaceful, Western civilization-adjacent nation that the younger President Bush hoped to create. I saw Afghanistan, in which we had to fight after we were attacked, turn into a fools’ mission of trying to civilize the barbarians, and the same Taliban we kicked out of power in 2001 are right back in power.

    And now the fight is against a nation with a strategic nuclear arsenal, an unstable — at least by Western definitions — leadership, and people advocating a conventional war to actually defeat Russia, yet according to some, my thinking that this war is not a wise thing for us to join is tantamount to wanting to fellate Vladimir Putin.

  3. […] Also see: William Teach, “Not WWIII Watch: Trump Pauses Aid To Ukraine“ […]

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