Climate Cult Now Wants Dedicated Global Climate Courts

They just keep coming up with great ideas, eh?

We need a global environmental court – and we need it now

With temperatures set to dramatically exceed the critical 1.5°C limit of warming above pre-industrial levels, our planet is in a state of climate emergency. Our ability to withstand the environmental onslaught is being pushed to the brink, particularly in small island states like my home country of Trinidad and Tobago and other vulnerable nations.

Recognising this urgency, United Nations member states have requested an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the climate obligations of individual nations. Governments could use its advice to understand and legislate their own moral duties, but they aren’t legally bound…

OK, that’s all we’re getting from the New Scientist, but, the person who wrote it is Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona, the Former President of Trinidad and Tobago, who also wrote something similar for Newsweek back in the middle of February

The UN Must Establish the International Environmental Court Before It’s Too Late | Opinion

(Big snip)

While the ICJ can offer legal guidance to U.N. member states, its advisory opinions cannot be enforced. For that, we need an innovative new court with the power to adjudicate environmental issues when non-judicial means of settlement either fail or are unavailable.

I have long proposed that the U.N. should harness the ICJ’s opinion to trigger the creation of an International Environmental Court (IEC)—established using a statutory process similar to that which empowered the ICC to issue arrest warrants, prison sentences, and financial penalties.

Just as the Rome Statute awarded the ICC its jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and aggression, a new statute could create a specialized IEC to handle environmental violations as outlined by the ICJ’s guidance.

This could also cement global treaties under international law, mandating the transition of words into action.

Cool, a global court of unaccountable people who can force their doomsday cult beliefs on every country, company, and individual. At least other cults aren’t trying to force Everyone to practice what they believe in.

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8 Responses to “Climate Cult Now Wants Dedicated Global Climate Courts”

  1. […] post Climate Cult Now Wants Dedicated Global Climate Courts appeared first on Pirate’s […]

  2. Jl says:

    “To dramatically exceed the 1.5C limit…”. There’s absolutely nothing scientific about the 1.5 degree limit.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      Correct. It’s like speed limits, 10 yards per first down, 60 ft 6 inches to the pitcher’s mound, 72F for room tmmperature, 16 oz per pound, 98.6F for ‘normal’ body temp, ‘normal’ IQ of 100, ‘normal’ cholesterol under 200 mg/dL, 2 sexes, measles vaccines – all arbitrary. All about control!!


      • Jl says:

        Yes, thrown in at the last minutes of the failed Paris Accords at the bequest of several small island nations. Surprising that were all still several reports show that arbitrary limit being exceeded already

  3. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Relaz, Teach. Why do you keep riling your hapless followers?

    America has checked out of the Global Warming scam. The rest of the world can do whatever they want. The U.N. has no power over America. America Is Great Again! AIGA!!

  4. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Here’s the AI claptrap on the 1.5°C so-called ‘limit’:

    The 1.5°C (2.7 °F) limit is considered crucial in climate change mitigation because scientific research indicates that exceeding this threshold significantly increases the risk of severe and irreversible climate impacts, including more frequent and intense extreme weather events like heatwaves, droughts, floods, and wildfires, as well as potential damage to ecosystems like coral reefs, making it a critical point to strive for to minimize the negative effects of global warming; hence, the Paris Agreement set 1.5°C as the aspirational goal to limit global temperature rise.

    Relax. President Trump’s got this! Anyway, if they wanted America’s cooperation they wouldn’t insult us with Celsius instead of the American Fahrenheit!!

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Relax. It’s just that grumpy old woman, Rimjob, spouting nonsense as only she can do.

      More than a century of accepted science has established that the warming potential of CO2 decreases as its atmospheric concentration rises. This phenomenon of diminishing returns means that even doubling the amount of CO2 from current levels would have only a modest effect on temperature.

      Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!

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