This is a hoot, and shows how people have been indoctrinated to believe in the wrong things
Baltimore-area residents worry about effects of climate change on their lives
For Baltimore, climate change feels personal: Nearly three-quarters of city and county residents worry that climate change will hurt them, with that concern highest among the wealthiest Black households and the poorest white ones, according to a new report from the Johns Hopkins University’s 21st Century Cities Initiative.
The findings challenge widely held perceptions that climate change is a luxury issue for affluent white people, the report authors said.
“Our impressions are often shaped by the people who have time to turn up to meetings or those with access to media channels. They end up being the loudest voice in the room, so we assume they care the most,” said lead author Michael Bader, an associate professor of sociology at Johns Hopkins and faculty director of the 21st Century Cities Initiative. “But, in our survey, everyone has an equal voice. And our data show that many preconceived notions around who cares about climate change turn out to be wrong.” (snip)
When asked whether they thought climate change would impact them personally in the next five years, more than 90% of the Black households earning more than $110,000 a year said they worried they would be harmed, compared to 62% of the white households in the same income bracket.
So, essentially, higher end folks. The median household income for Baltimore is $58K.
But, let’s consider: according to Neighborhood Scout Baltimore is a 1, meaning it is “Safer than 1% of U.S. cities.” Zero is the worst. The average violent crime rate for Maryland is 4.26 and US is 6. Baltimore is 15.81. The property crime rate is double the Maryland and US rates. There are 408 crimes per square mile.
19.6% of the population is below poverty level. 60.7% are Black. Perhaps they should all be concerned with crime and stuff. Not the climate scam.

I left there long ago but still have relatives there. Most people in Charm City are more worried about being mugged than they are about this nonsense.
We are doomed to scream the right as the Supreme Court rules 5-4 that Trump, who is in charge of the disbursement of money approved by Congress, must give out 2 billion dollars he froze until further evaluations could be done.
Why the hell did this even go to the SCOTUS?
Well, all one has to do is look at the husbands or wives of Scotus judges and realize they are NOT INSULATED FROM LIFE.
Amy Coney Barret voted with Roberts and the 3 leftist judges to force Trump to pay 2 billion dollars that was temporarily frozen.
One only needs to look at her husband to realize why she voted AYE.
Meet US Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s husband Jesse Barrett: white-collar criminal lawyer, lifelong church-goer, father of 7 children and counsel for *******Fox Corporation*******
Billionaire Rupert Murdoch is going to court to push his 3 more liberal kids out of his Fox and News Corp media empires
He works for the ULTRA LEFTIST FOX corporation and was ordered to release the rabbit hole money. We know why Barret votes bizarrely as a supposed conservative judge who randomly out of the blue sides with far leftist ideals. This is the most logical reason why.
They forgot to take into account that universities use students to gather survey information and the students couldn’t care less about doing it right so they just make stuff up so they can turn it in for a grade. University surveys are a reflection of the university students, nothing more.
Be at peace, Baltimorians. The Democrats will get you first.