LOL: “Make Democrats Funny Again”

I mean, this out of reality screed made me laugh. It’s by former Obama alum Joe Jacobson, who’s at the uber-Leftist Progress Action Fund, which is a different group that the The Center For American Progress Fund. Though, both are wackadoodle moonbat groups

Make Democrats Funny Again | Opinion

Despite President Donald Trump’s claims, the 2024 election always felt less like a Trump victory and more like a Democratic collapse. Kamala Harris outspent Trump by nearly $700 million—only to get knocked out on the first night. No amount of ads, door-knocking, or “all-star” consultants could make people like Democrats. And now, as America white-knuckles through a fresh constitutional crisis every other day, Democrats still can’t figure out why voters keep turning them away.

For years, Democrats have branded themselves as the adults in the room—the stable, rational choice. But in practice, that has meant coming off as stiff, preachy, and painfully out of touch. We have positioned ourselves as the political equivalent of the no-fun hall monitor scolding you, while Elon Musk and company drink beer and crack jokes in the parking lot. Democratic leadership seems stunned that this approach is turning voters away. But the numbers don’t lie—our approval ratings are at historic lows, and it’s time for the party to face the reality of the situation: we’re not funny, we’re uptight dorks.

No, you are not uptight dorks: you’re unhinged wackjob moonbats who embrace every nutjob position you can find, and are out of touch with the majority of Americans. To put it succinctly.

We weren’t always dorks. Democrats once had leaders like Barack ObamaBill Clinton, and the Kennedys—people you wanted to laugh and have a beer with. They weren’t just competent; they were likable. They could connect, make people laugh, and win voters with policy AND personality.

Clinton, sure, love him or loathe him. He related. Obama was as scripted as you can get, and as fake, but, he mostly didn’t act moonbat. People could relate to JFK, but, that was the early 60’s. Ted was a drunk woman killer.

With his absurd hair and larger-than-life persona, Trump is a walking meme. That’s precisely his power. He didn’t win because of business genius or some sixth sense to know the nation’s pulse. He won because he built himself into a character that millions of Americans feel they know. He’s not a politician to them; he’s an entertainer, a spectacle, a symbol of sticking it to the establishment. Democrats, blinded by their hatred of him, have ignored this. Worse, they’ve defined themselves entirely in opposition to him.

Trump was always Trump. If you grew up in the Tri-State area you know this is who he is. And, he does know the nation’s pulse.

Now, when was the last time you saw a Democrat crack a joke that actually landed with someone outside the base? The right has an entire media ecosystem dedicated to mocking liberals—Greg Gutfeld, Ben Shapiroright-wing Twitter trolls. Meanwhile, Democratic politicians are out here delivering lectures that sound like a college ethics professor on cough medicine.

Actually, more like unhinged nutter leftists on TikTok shaving their heads.

Voters don’t want to be talked down to; they want to laugh. They want leaders who can drop a killer one-liner, roast their opponents, and—most importantly—laugh at themselves. Instead, Democrats have spent years trying to win arguments instead of winning people over. The result? A party that often comes across as humorless, uptight, and, well… dorky.

They might also want elected politicians and such who feel the way Americans do, not just the crazy base. They do not want to be told what to do. They do not want to be forced into EVs, left holding the bag for unfettered illegal immigration, have the trans agenda forced on them, have kids be indoctrinated into trans in school, among others.

So, what’s the solution? Simple: Democrats need to get funny. Humor isn’t just for entertainment; it’s a weapon. It disarms opponents, builds connections, and makes people actually want to listen to you. John F. Kennedy had wit. Clinton was effortlessly cool. Obama had comedic timing so good he made roasting opponents look easy. If Democrats want to stop losing elections, they need to stop delivering lectures and start delivering punchlines.

Well, good luck with that. If Obama was so great then why did so few Democrats emulate him? Because they are humorless scolds with Authoritarian impulses.

We need to joke, laugh at ourselves, be mad as hell, and stand up when necessary. The voters need to feel like we are their friends again, not some group of dorks who look down on them. Because here’s the truth: people don’t just vote for the most intelligent, the most qualified, the most compassionate person in the room. They vote for the one they’d rather grab a beer with. And right now, that sure as hell isn’t us.

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12 Responses to “LOL: “Make Democrats Funny Again””

  1. alanstorm says:

    “Make Democrats Funny Again”

    Aren’t they already…

    Oh, the OTHER “funny”.

    Good luck with that. It’s tough for Calvinists to be funny.

  2. Dana says:

    I’ve been saying this all along: the more charismatic candidate almost always wins, and, love him of hate him, Donald Trump has charisma by the train load, while Hillary Clinton and Kamala Emhoff come off as humorless old scolds.

    I heard the lovely Mrs Clinton once described as every man’s first wife, after he had moved on to a second, prettier, nicer woman. If you were married to Mrs Clinton, you’d dally with Monica Lewinsky too! I didn’t hear that about Mrs Emhoff, who actually is decent looking, but who’d really want to be married to her?

  3. Dana says:

    There’s a movie clip that keeps popping up in my Facebook reels. Here’s the clip, from the movie The Little Death.

    Maureen: She’s not younger than me. She’s not skinnier than me. She’s not prettier than me. Why couldn’t it just be me?

    Phil: Because she’s softer than you.

    That’s how millions of men see Mrs Emhoff.

  4. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Trump has the personality of a television game show host, which he was, and is how he became widely known to the Great Unwashed. “You’re fired!”

    JFK, Reagan, Clinton, Obama… charisma in spades, and also effective presidents.

    There’s little question that either Ms Clinton or Ms Harris would have been better presidents than trump during either trump stint. Will the US ever elect a female prez? Unlikely. America was built on the oppression of woman.

    There is hope, though. Trump is the most feminine president ever – bouffant hairdo, thick make-up, shoe lifts, manicured nails, micropenis – just one ball gown away from full drag queen!!

    • Dana says:

      It’s always humorous when a commenter who is completely supportive of sexual deviancy uses accusations of sexual deviancy as an insult concerning someone he doesn’t like.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Rimjob does that a lot.
        Fucking perv that one.

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        My evidence that Trump has the sensibilities of a woman is not an insult but an observation. Agreed, being orange is deviancy, if by deviancy the commenter means deviation from the mean (average). Wearing orange make-up is exceedingly rare. Spending an hour styling one’s hair is deviancy – for a male. Having a tiny penis (according to at least one woman he paid for sex) implies a significant deviation from the mean, but not a defect. He was born that way – as are most LGBTs.

        Do you think with those delicate, little, manicured fingers he’s ever changed a tire, added oil to a Ford pickup, field-dressed a deer, stained a deck or bandaged a skinned knee of his child? LOL.

        Liking Donald Trump is unpopular! Favorability is now below 47%!

        Concerning perversion, most men have not been accused of sexually assaulting a girl or woman once, much less over 20 times! A jury concluded that Trump owed $5 million to E. Jean Carroll for sexually abusing her.

        Sexual abuse (and rape) is orders of magnitude more perverse than a man wearing a dress – except to a MAGAt.

        BTW – it’s likely that Trump’s perverse devotion to Putin and Russia involved sexual peccadillos.

        The devotion and worship (+ fear) of Trump while ignoring his many flaws is similar to that of Allah, Hitler or Mao.

        Trump uses the deeply rooted bigotry of the right (it defines y’all), who hate LGBTs, women, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims – in fact, all non-whites, non-christian, non-straight, the educated – to garner your votes. You hope, more than anything, that he’ll create the white, christian, male-dominated ethnostate* of your wet dreams.
        * a sovereign state of which citizenship is restricted to members of a particular racial or ethnic group

        • drowningpuppies says:

          As stated before, only a fucking perv writes comments like that about a man he doesn’t really know.

  5. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Typed Teach, projecting: they are humorless scolds with Authoritarian impulses

    The “sense of humor” of hard core conservatives tends toward slapstick, more Larry, Moe and Curly than George Carlin. More Hans Moleman’s “Man Getting Hit by Football” than Kubrick’s “Dr Strangelove”. More Jerry Lewis than Peter Sellers. More “Flintstones” than “Simpsons”.

  6. alanstorm says:

    There’s little question that either Ms Clinton or Ms Harris would have been better presidents than trump during either trump stint.

    There’s actually NO question. They wouldn’t have.

    Will the US ever elect a female prez? Unlikely. America was built on the oppression of woman.

    Incorrect again.

    Your consistency is admirable.

  7. JimS says:

    I’m reminded of a scene from the original (and better) movie “The Flight of the Phoenix”…
    “You told the captain he made stupidity a virtue, well you’re making it into a bloody science!”

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