I find it interesting how Green Central Banking (sounds rather commie) goes with rules: in other words, forcing the peasants to comply while the Elites are exempt
US states forge ahead with climate rules even as Trump rolls back policies
As the US federal government rolls back its green policies under Donald Trump’s anti-climate agenda, some states are taking the fight against climate change into their own hands.
Two bills reintroduced in New York’s senate would require climate disclosure rules similar to those adopted by California in 2023, while a bill requiring greenhouse gas emissions disclosures was introduced in Colorado in January.
State legislators in Democratic states have been considering climate reporting rules for several years, largely driven by uncertainty around the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) climate reporting rules. The SEC’s rules took two years to pass and were watered down to exclude scope 3 emissions, and have been frozen since the change in administration. (snip)
Because both bills target large companies operating in their respective states, there is likely to be some overlap. However some companies in New York that don’t operate in California, such as real estate and regional hedge funds, would be required to disclose, said Fajans-Turner. And having two major states with similar climate reporting rules would also send “strong market signals to companies about what the expected way of doing business is”, she added.
Or, it could cause those companies to abandon those states. You can bet there will be lawsuits the minute they are signed. And, it will cause quite a few companies to no longer give Democrats any campaign funding.
This is just the beginning, said Sawyer, as many states and Americans recognise the material impact that climate change has on the economy. State action is likely to increase, as it is up to states to “pick up the slack” from the federal government. The Trump administration has dismantled much of the climate progress made by the previous administration, such as rolling back an executive order that required federal agencies to assess climate-related financial risks to the economy.
Suddenly, Democrats discover States Rights.

Ain’t it amazing that our good friends on the left, who previously said that calls concerning “states’ rights” were all raaaaacist, homophobic, transphobic, and xenophobic, are screaming “States’ Rights!” now that Donald Trump is President?
Mr Dana, always prone to exaggeration to make a point, exaggerates “state’s rights” issues. State laws are NOT allowed to violate the Constitution, especially the civil rights of Americans.
Mr Dana has made it clear that if he were King Dana, only white, straight, christian men would be allowed to vote. Does he believe an individual state should be able to ban non-white, non-straight, non-christians and women from voting?
Mr Trump, by “kingly” Executive Fiat, is trying to force Executive orders on Americans that violate state laws protecting civil rights.
My prospective subject wrote:
Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence, namely that, were I Tsar and Emperor of All the Americas, I would allow voting at all!
However, were I to allow voting, the franchise would be restricted to normal, white, married, Catholic, property-owning men, aged 25 and above.
Why would you let those youngsters vote? They are barely old enough to rent a car.
Again, I feel forced to point out that marginally reasonable conservative/libertarian individuals are adopting specious and panicky arguments, likely because they realize how awful trump is overall.
Yes, trump gives them some basic good vibes for persecuting the people they hate – libs, media, truth, science, minorities, trannies and illegals – but they also see he’s a Russian sympathizer if not an agent – they see he has no understanding of economics – they see he has no understanding of the world order – yet, they are fell compelled to defend their Dear Leader – Big Brother – regardless of his dangerous actions. Are the trade offs worth it?
You realize, as you whistle past the graveyard, that unless trump seizes absolute power (he’s trying!), the bad guys will win the House, big league, and possibly the Senate. trump will try to window-dress his treason – he’ll threaten Putin with sanctions (pre-approved by Vlad) but won’t carry through. He’ll publicly harness Elon, but not really.