If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on a left wing wacko with a gun shot outside the White House.

It’s Blonde week!

Fun stuff: I fractured my ankle last Wednesday, totally freak accident where I turned, didn’t expect a chair there, started trying to keep myself up, and it swung around and the metal leg, strong metal, swung around and wacked my ankle. It felt off enough to send me to urgent care for x-rays Thursday. Not sure how big it is, doesn’t effect the joint, won’t know till ortho visit on the 19th. Obviously, not that bad. I’m in a walking boot, and can laze around the house with an ace bandage, just have to walk slow and careful. I’d forgotten how much it takes out of you, because you just have unbalanced pressure on the other leg, makes you a little shaky, too.

And the boot sits higher, so, sore hip and knee from weird walking, off side calf gets a workout. You burn energy. And I’ve been walking too much. Over 5,000 steps yesterday. Shouldn’t even have tried to work, but, do not want to sit home. Lots of those steps are tiny, though. And the prescription level Aleve (Naproxen) isn’t enough to wipe you out, but, kills energy quicker. And, the boot causes its own slight pain, rubbing. But, it’s there for protection and stability when out. Sigh. Hopefully won’t be a month or more.

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8 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. Elwood P Dowd says:


    Sorry about your ankle! I broke one each in 10th and 11th grade playing basketball. Missed both seasons!! One was so bad I had a full leg cast for 3 weeks + 3 weeks in a walking cast (which I messed up playing pick up games – oops).

    The suicidal right-wing loon shot a block or so from the White House didn’t know Donnie spends weekends golfing at Mar-a-Largo (~ $10 million per weekend)? Not a very good assassin!


    • Thanks, Elwood. Yeah, is shattered same ankle in high school, surgery and all. And broke lower leg bones same leg in college. Could be worse, could be in a cast, which would mean joint break

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    At agency after agency, we found spending outstripped growth of the staff and even inflation – often many times over.

    This week’s batch of agencies revealed more of the same troubling trend.



  3. Dana says:

    The thing to do is get an opposite shoe that’s the same height as the walking boot!

    I cracked, not completely fractured a wrist once, ice skating, because I am not good at ice skating, and went down hard. Other than that, I’ve never fractured a bone. I’ve been pretty lucky on the injury front.

    Will you be able to work?

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