Your Fault: Global Boiling Could Maybe Possibly Affect Satellites

Well, this is a new one. I guess the cult put together a panel to look for something unique to bleat about

Climate change could be threatening satellites as they orbit in space: Study

The ongoing surge of greenhouse gas emissions in the near-Earth environment could cause dramatic declines in the number of satellites orbiting the planet by the end of the century, a new study has found.

By the year 2100, the “satellite carrying capacity” of the most popular low-orbit regions could decline by 50 to 66 percent due to the impacts of these emissions, according to the study, published on Monday in Nature Sustainability.

“Our behavior with greenhouse gases here on Earth over the past 100 years is having an effect on how we operate satellites over the next 100 years,” senior author Richard Linares, an associate professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), said in a statement.

Linares and his colleagues determined that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases can cause the upper atmosphere to shrink.

The researchers found that the contraction of the thermosphere — the atmospheric layer where the International Space Station orbits today — causes a plunge in density, leading to ripple effects.

Could. Could. Might. Maybe. We think. And, of course, it’s something doomy 75 years from now. All because you refuse to give your freedom of choice to government.

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6 Responses to “Your Fault: Global Boiling Could Maybe Possibly Affect Satellites”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    Doug Ford just canceled a 100 million Starlink contract with Musk.

    Doug Ford muses about making Americans pay more for Ontario’s electricity amid tariff threat
    Canada expecting tariffs from the U.S. to come into effect March 4

    The classic reason why the USA has allowed themselves to be pushed around for decades by SO CALLED FRIENDS.

    EU has done the exact same thing as has Mexico to our south.

    Who uses Ontario’s energy supplies? Well, a map shows that it is almost exclusively Deep blue states that have run their own energy producers out of business to export energy from Canada, which pretends to be the GREAT STEWARDS of our GLOBE.

    But this is personal for Canada and for Ontario.

    Ford in comments made on Monday: “I don’t start a tariff war, but we’re going to win this tariff war. If they want to try to annihilate Ontario, I will do everything—including cut off their energy with a smile on my face, and I’m encouraging every other province to do the same.”

    Ford added, “They rely on our energy. They need to feel the pain.”

    The left should be cheering. No more Fossil fuels for YOU…..America.

    It’s time to stop relying on the world that hates the USA when we are not writing checks for their social experiments.

    Time to stop. I suggest we start with Ontario, Canada.

  2. Elwood P Dowd says:

    For those primitives who ‘think’ only in dualities – black/white, up/down, big/little, true/false, right/wrong – science is challenging, since probability is the language of science. Scientific theories are rarely ‘proved’.

    How likely is it that the Earth is warming? 90%, 95%, 99%?

    How likely is it that a pack a day smoker will develop lung cancer? Bladder cancer?

    Mr Teach complains about the use of the words ‘could’, ‘may’, ‘suggests’, ‘might’, because they imply uncertainty. That’s true! But these are not flaws, it is telling the truth.

  3. JimS says:

    This smells like BS to me. If there was such a thing as global warming, it would make the atmosphere expand, not shrink. An expanding atmosphere would increase drag on low orbiting satellites like the ISS, but a shrinking one would actually be better. Also, the most important satellites are at geosynchronous orbit, 22,300 miles up, far beyond any residual atmosphere.

    • Professor hale says:

      Shows what you know. The warmer air rises and escapes from Earth’s gravity and goes to Mars. so there is less of it.

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