Not just life on Earth, but, the Earth itself!
Trump’s Energy Policy Is ‘Drill, Baby, Drill.’ The Planet Can’t Survive This.
In less than two months since taking office, President Trump has reversed decades of progress against climate change, putting our economy, our lives and the planet in grave danger.
On Monday, Trump’s new energy secretary, Chris Wright, a former fracking executive, told a packed conference of oil and gas executives in Houston that global warming is simply a “side effect of building the modern world” and promised a “180-degree pivot” from previous administrations’ efforts to invest in clean, renewable energy.
As a member of Congress from a region hard hit by destructive weather fueled by climate change and an expert on low-carbon energy alternatives, we want American voters to understand how the Trump administration is endangering our safety, health and property by turning its back on established science.
The Congressman in question is Excitable Hank Johnson, the same wanker who thought Guam would tip over. Oh, and I be he doesn’t take the train, bus, or an EV between Georgia and D.C.
The future of American jobs, real estate and infrastructure – not to mention our lives – depends on tackling the climate crisis. That’s a reality that scientists agree on, according to the U.S. Global Change Research Program, which was created by Congress. With the recent devastation from wildfires in Los Angeles and record-breaking winter storms across the southern United States, the nation should be going full throttle to address climate change, not slamming on the brakes.
Those would be the wildfires which started by arson and incompetence, as well as the poor fire management of Los Angeles. And lots of scientists do not agree.
Ignoring these warnings, the president has gutted nearly every federal effort to slow climate change. He has withdrawn the U.S. from the 2015 Paris climate accords, halted lucrative green energy initiatives that were creating jobs at home and has vowed to “drill, baby, drill” by expanding oil drilling offshore and on protected federal lands, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
I already love what Trump has done when it comes to the climate cult, thanks for letting me know again.
Fortunately, lawsuits are moving forward in states from Hawaii and Montana to New York and Vermont to hold corporate actors accountable, seeking millions or billions of dollars to pay for damages caused by climate change. These cases include a Feb. 24 lawsuit filed by farmers against the U.S. Department of Agriculture for deleting vital climate data from their website.
It’s time for every corporate polluter to be held accountable in court. If federal officials are derelict in their duty to protect us, then governors, legislators, pressure groups and citizens must take up the slack. The planet won’t survive four more years of climate-denying policies.
Funny how it’s always about forcing Other People to comply with the cult beliefs, but, never about the cultists practicing what they preach.

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Our esteemed host quoted a
global warmingclimate quack:And if those lawsuits are won? It means that ordinary Americans will be paying far higher prices, because corporations simply pass on all costs of doing business. They have to, or they quickly go broke.
In the meantime, our good friends on the left have been trashing Tesla dealerships and Teslas seen in public. The
global warmingclimate quacks want us to get rid of the infernal combustion engine and all drive plug-in electric vehicles — assuming, of course, we’d be allowed to have personal vehicles, rather than be forced into public transportation — but the singular most popular and best EVs are Teslas. The other EV manufacturers are well behind Tesla in technology and engineering expertise for EVs, so they’re cutting off their own ugly noses to spite Elon Mush’s face.[…] good friend William Teach quoted a global warming climate […]
I disagree with Representative Johnson (D-GA) who the Excitable Mr Teach describes as ‘Excitable’. Did he mean ‘uppity’? The Earth will survive until our Sun starts to melt down and swallows up the planet – predicted to happen in a few billion years.
Global warming will NOT destroy the Earth. Global warming IS likely to significantly change human societies – but we’ll survive by adjusting. We’re the most adaptable of species!! But even if global warming somehow annihilates humankind, the Earth will survive. Even runaway warming from positive feedbacks should leave the world intact.
Remember just over 66 million years ago when a 6 mile wide asteroid pounded the Yucatan peninsula? Although 75% of life on Earth was eliminated, including the ‘thunder lizards’, the Earth survived just fine. The strike excavated a crater 120 miles across and a mile deep. In fact, killing off the big dinosaurs made the expansion of mammals possible, which was probably the gods’ plan, permitting the ascendency of humans in the past million years!
Homo sapiens also survived the eruption of the supervolcano Toba (North Sumatra) some 75,000 years ago. Although it appears the majority of humans died out, our adaptable species survived!! The northern hemisphere was more significantly impacted and Africa spared.