Bummer: Second Columbia Hamas Supporter Arrested

And a 3rd has self deported

Second anti-Israel Columbia protester, Leqaa Kordia, arrested by Homeland Security for immigration violations — as third self-deports and flees to Canada

A second protester who took part in anti-Israel demonstrations at Columbia University has been nabbed by immigration officials, who also revoked the visa of another student “for advocating for violence and terrorism,” sources said Friday.

Leqaa Kordia, a Palestinian who hails from the West Bank, was busted by Homeland Security agents Thursday for alleged immigration violations related to overstaying on an expired student visa, the sources said.

Kordia — who was turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Newark, New Jersey — was first arrested in April 2024 for taking part in one of the protests on Columbia’s campus while overstaying on her twice-canceled student visa, according to the sources. (big snip)

Kordia first entered the US in 2016 on a tourist visa and obtained a student visa the next year, sources said. But in 2021, the feds terminated her visa for lack of attendance. She applied to have her revoked visa reinstated and was approved later that year.

But she again failed to attend classes, leading the feds to again terminate her visa in 2022.

So, she should have been forced to leave the US in 2022, as her visa was done. Kaput. She wasn’t here being a student. Instead, she decided to advocate for the death of Jews and Americans, to harass Jews, to call for the eradication of Israel and the overthrow of the US government in favor, in both cases, of an Islamic government. They showed their support for Hamas and Islamic terrorism.

And then there’s Ranjani Srinivasan, who came in on a student visa on January 19, 2024. And

As part of her visa process, she failed to disclose that on April 30, 2024, she received court summonses for obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic and unlawful congregation and refusal to disperse, both related to protests, according to sources.

These are violations of student visas, which would lead to revocation

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9 Responses to “Bummer: Second Columbia Hamas Supporter Arrested”

  1. Professor Hale says:


  2. Dana says:

    This is for what the American people voted!

    • Elwood P Dowd says:


      she received court summonses for obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic and unlawful congregation and refusal to disperse

      She was not convicted by a jury of the felony of attacking a US Capitol Officer with a flag pole.

      The trump administration is cracking down on protest they don’t favor.

      MAGAtism is fascism.

  3. Elwood P Dowd says:

    tRump is now calling NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, WaPO (?!?) “illegal”.

    Should the State prosecute them and shut them down?

    MAGAtism is fascism.

  4. L'Roy White says:

    Explain how wanting to Make America Great Again is fascist. Please.

    • Professor Elwood P Dowd says:

      Hi L’Roy! It’s been a while! Hope all is well in Camden. I’ll be in Jersey in June visiting grandkids!

      Fascism : a populist political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, that is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition

      MAGA is just a slogan, not policy. Let me ask… How is shutting down protests, banning abortion, having the government root through our private bank accounts, creating inflation so they can create a recession, restricting voting rights, cutting foreign aid, cutting disability, cutting VA, cutting taxes on the wealthy, presidential immunity, cutting Social Security, cutting Medicare/Medicaid, restricting speech in schools, privatizing schools, increasing military spending, cutting education, backing Russia, attacking allies like Mexico/Canada/Ukraine/Europe/Panama/Greenland, Making America Great Again??

      Trump is using the office of the president to bully critics in the media, politicians and citizens.

      Fascism also aligns the government with the economy. Musk and Trump and their roster of billionaire are using government policy to benefit their businesses. The unelected Musk is dismantling agencies that regulate HIS businesses, SpaceX, Tesla, Starlink. President tRump performed in a Tesla commercial on the White House grounds!!

      Those are just a few of the reasons why I link the trump administration to fascism.

      • Jl says:

        Oh, my-what “voter rights” are being restricted? What Social Security, Medicare/Medicade is being cut? I haven’t seen any taxes cut on the wealthy yet, have you? But if it happens, all the rest will have their taxes cut, too. “Privatizing schools”-where? Or is that what you call school choice? Notice the word “choice”-usually only spoken by fascists…And increasing military spending is “fascist”? How so? And here I thought censoring political commentary, which libs did for years, would be more fascist-like. What education is being cut? Are you speaking of the DOE, that while in existence presided over US test scores going from nearly first to about 40th?
        J-is your Trump derangement syndrome in the room with you now? Is it speaking to you through the TV, or the toaster?

  5. Wylie1 says:

    The first pro Palestinian terrorist at Columbia: Is it just me or does it look like he hired a Jewish lawyer?

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