Is the job of the NOAA to spread fearmongering on how the World Is Going To End? Nope
Scoop: NOAA monthly media calls on climate change suspended
Monthly press calls featuring NOAA scientists detailing global climate conditions during the previous month have been suspended indefinitely, the agency told Axios.
Why it matters: While the data is still being provided publicly, a reduction in press coverage could reduce public awareness of climate change trends and NOAA research.
Zoom in: The monthly U.S. and global climate calls typically feature climate scientists from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) in Asheville, N.C.
They have been held each month for years, including during the first Trump administration and George W. Bush administration, both of which sought to edit climate science reports.
On these calls, reporters are typically briefed on the previous month’s U.S. and global average temperatures, and trends during the year-to-date.
Have any reporters asked why the data is constantly being changed so that the past looks cooler to make the current look warmer?
According to two sources outside the agency who were privy to deliberations from current employees, NCEI had trouble recruiting scientists to volunteer to be on the calls for fear of angering the administration by discussing human-caused global warming.
Good. There’s no need for a cult in the federal government.
What they’re saying: NOAA blamed the call suspension on a lack of staffing in the wake of cuts and in preparation for further layoffs.
“Due to the loss of a significant number of staff resulting from the recent release of probationary employees, the Deferred Resignation Program and employees retiring, NCEI will no longer be able to support the monthly NOAA Communications media briefing on the U.S. and global temperature and precipitation analyses and associated products,” an agency spokesperson stated via email.
Oh, well. Let me pull out the little violin.

It was under the Obama and Biden/Harris/God-knows-who administrations. They forced every agency to use taxpayer money to spread that message, even DoD and NASA. Even during Trump 1.0 they continued to do it because Trump was still a go along to get along kind of guy. Then Democrats tried to impoverish him and put him in jail for the rest of his life. That changed his perspective about using the federal treasury to fund Democratic party talking points.