How soon till the wackos start saying that having books is racist and/or classist?
How Bookshelf Wealth Became the Ultimate Status Symbol
This year, the ultimate status symbol isn’t having a Ferrari, or a Rolex, or even an expensive designer bag. According to TikTok, the ultimate flex is owning a great number of books and—this is critical—staging them well.
Since its inception in early 2024, the term ‘bookshelf wealth’ has racked up 1.9 million views on TikTok, inundating one’s social media algorithm with cozy rooms worthy of a Vanderbilt estate. Think sinkable armchairs, patterned wallpaper, sophisticated-looking decor objects, fine artwork, and, of course, many books.
Books have long been associated with intellect and prestige, but today, they are more than just literary treasures. The way they are arranged and showcased can speak volumes about the homeowner’s style. Whether you’re an avid reader or simply want to present an air of refinement, a well-styled bookshelf can serve as the focal point of a room, conveying a sense of affluence and cultural depth. Inherent in this look, we must add, one must actually like to read.
While the bookshelf wealth trend celebrates the culture and presence of books, there’s also a design element to it. It’s not about cramming your shelves full. Instead, the key lies in thoughtful curation, as well as consideration of the room’s overall aesthetic, from seating to textiles to interesting objects.
If you, too, have deliberately avoided the Kindle world and continue to treasure the physical beauty of books, own that in your personal space. Ahead, we’re sharing six utterly novel ways to achieve the bookshelf wealth look in your home.
You know most of these TikTok wackos aren’t actually reading them, for the most part. They’re just spending lots of money on books to look TikTok hip, that they’re special. I have 3 different book shelves, maybe a 100 books left, having given away quite a few to the library when I moved to the house from an apartment in 2009. And all the ones I left at the parents house. I also would get more from the library. Now I am mostly Kindle. I don’t have them on the shelves for status: I read them all. It’s comfy looking at them. It’s not about status. On the bright side, surveys show that young folks are actually reading more these days, so, I like that. I read about 75-90 a year.
Anyhow, if you visit the article you’ll truly get the idea that it’s all about the visuals for the TikTokers, for clout, not for saying “yup, I read them.”

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[…] Now The TikTokers Are Ruining Books With “Book Wealth” […]
This is nothing new. I remember a decorating site years ago where you could order books by the foot. You could select the books by color of spine, same size or random size, hardbound or paperback, all to fit your room’s motif.
There was a time when a curated collection of books was an indication of LITERACY. The indication was that you had read all those books, and thus learned what was in them, and not just frittered away your day on TicToc. So naturally, TicToc (and other social media) culture would attempt to denigrate those who have a superior culture to their own.
During the Covidiocy panicdemic, you could — and still can — order the hoitiest and toitiest of Zoom videoconferencing backgrounds, including those faking having a dramatic personal library. Alas! Neither Fox News nor MSNBC asked me for a Zoom appearance, so I never needed to hide our fixer-upper and my extremely messy desk from public view.
When we moved from the Keystone State, we downsized by about 500 ft², and disposed of over a thousand books. Many were read-to-death paperbacks, but some good hardbacks were given to the Catholic school library. Now, as our esteemed host noted is his case as well, my library is mostly on the Kindle reader on my tablet.
Heck, I even got rid of my 1970s college notebooks, which I still had. Several boxes of stuff that had been packed 15 years earlier when we moved to Pennsylvania and had never been unpacked went to the dump.
I have been collecting books since the 70s, when I started making a little money. I find it one of the best things that a person can do. You might not read all of them, but it is surprising that they go out of circulation so fast. Many people reference these out of publication books, and it is fun to discount their papers as they often intentionally leave out material that would be opposite to what they are trying to promote. A good example is climate change. Prior to the obsession with carbon, the books on ice ages and major shifts in hot and cold, there was no mention of CO2. And they had CO2 back then.
LOL. Still whining about global warming? You’ve won! King Donald has shut it all down! Drill baby drill!
The US is/was the world leader. When we start spewing more greenhouse gases so will others. Let us hope for our sake that every climate scientist, major religion, government, scientific organization and NGO is wrong and the stable genius, King Donald I, is right!
So old books didn’t mention CO2 dependent global warming? Neither did the ancient Abrahamic holy books mention dinosaurs, the expanding universe, nuclear power, vaccines or genetic engineering. BTW, in 1896 Swedish Professor Svante Arrhenius published “On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground,“a groundbreaking study that quantified the contribution of CO2 to the greenhouse effect and explored the potential impact of CO2 variations on long-term climate changes. That’s nearly 130 years ago.
Old books like from the 90s that are still used as reference, or from the early 2000s? The period before the attempt to take over the world with environmental communism, like you practice. Your reference was proven false.
You can relax! King Donald and the fascists won! No supporter is allowed to understand the threat of global warming! But you won’t have the “scam” to blame for the decline!
The IPCC was formed in 1988. Since the collapse of the Soviet union there are only a few formally communist nations remaining… China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos. Russia and their satellites abandoned communism but some retained their authoritarian/fascist ways, like you and your King practice.
“Freed” states were Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Belarus remains the most tightly aligned to Putin. If Trump abandons Ukraine to Putin, the Baltics are likely to be at risk.
Do you believe King Donald would risk anything to help NATO defend Latvia? LOL.