Super Mean Trump Deported Mother Back To Laos Or Something

She’s not quite as bad as the violent Tren de Argula gang members Trump had deported that a leftist judge tried to stop, and then was ignored (which has made the NY Times very mad, unlike when Biden ignored the Supreme Court on loan forgiveness)

Milwaukee mother deported to Laos, a country she has never been to, where she doesn’t know anyone and doesn’t speak the language

A Hmong American woman who is a mother of five has been deported from the Milwaukee area to Laos, a country she has never set foot in, according to a new report.

Ma Yang, 37, is being held in a rooming house in Laos, surrounded by military guards, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. She does not speak the language, knows no one, and says the military is holding all of her documents.

“The United States sent me back to die,” Yang told the outlet. “I don’t even know where to go. I don’t even know what to do.”

“How do I rent, or buy, or anything, with no papers?” she added. “I’m a nobody right now.”

It’s so horrible! Will the ACLU also sue like they did to keep the gang members in the US?

The 37-year-old is also without insulin for her diabetes and is running out of her medication for high blood pressure.

Yang was born in Thailand and was a legal permanent US resident until she pleaded guilty to marijuana-related charges and served more than 2 years in prison. She took the plea deal after her attorney incorrectly stated it wouldn’t affect her legal permanent residency, which was later revoked, the Journal Sentinel reports.

Yang says she would’ve taken a longer sentence to keep her legal residency.

Oh, just a marijuana related charge, eh?

Yang was among 26 people indicted in a sweeping federal case in 2020. It alleged Yang helped count and package cash that was mailed to marijuana suppliers in California.

Yeah, drug running and money laundering. This is on her. Anyone who commits a crime while in the US on any legal status invalidates that status and means the person must leave. That’s it. There are consequences for criminal behavior, and, in this case, a felony. So, if she wants to cry, she should look at her own behavior. Of course, most of the news articles on this fail to mention anything beyond “marijuana related charges.”


It’s almost like the president had all the laws and resources necessary to do this.

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4 Responses to “Super Mean Trump Deported Mother Back To Laos Or Something”

  1. Dana says:

    She committed the crime, so now she has to do the time . . . abroad.

    Getting rid of criminal aliens is what the American people want.

  2. godhelpus says:

    And you can bet your ass she was on multiple sources of welfare, and all of her brood was on welfare too.

  3. Professor Hale says:

    Perhaps there is some religion-based charitable group that can help her settle in Laos, just like there seems to be so many that help people who have never set foot in the USA, don’t speak our language, don’t know how to rent or buy anything, and don’t have any documents settle here.

    Or perhaps those groups were only doing that for the money. Lots and lots of money and no one will pay them to charitably help someone in Laos.

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