Doom Today: UN Says Some Glaciers May Not Survive By The End Of The Century

I’d say “who gets fired when this doesn’t happen”, but, really, there are lots and lots of glaciers which have disappeared since the end of the last glacial age. That’s why this is called an inter-glacial. And then glaciers will come back during a Holocene cool period. Then disappear during the warm period that follows

End of eternal ice: Many glaciers will not survive this century, climate scientists say

Together with ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, glaciers lock up about 70 per cent of the world’s freshwater reserves. They are striking indicators of climate change as they typically remain about the same size in a stable climate.

But, with rising temperatures and global warming triggered by human-induced climate change, they are melting at unprecedented speed, said Sulagna Mishra, a scientific officer at the World Meteorological Organization

Last year, glaciers in Scandinavia, the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard and North Asia experienced the largest annual loss of overall mass on record. Glaciologists determine the state of a glacier by measuring how much snow falls on it and how much melt occurs every year, according to UN partner the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) at the University of Zurich.

How far back does that record go? Can it incorporate the previous Holocene warm periods for scientific integrity?

The latest data indicates that 25 to 30 per cent of sea level rise comes from glacier melt, according to the World Glacier Monitoring Service.

Melting snowcaps are causing sea levels to rise about one millimetre higher every year, a figure that might seem insignificant, yet every millimetre will flood another 200,000 to 300,000 persons every year.

Man, they are really going full Doom, eh?

WGMS’s Mr. Zemp, who also teaches glaciology at the University of Zurich, is already preparing for a world without glaciers.

“If I think of my children, I am living in a world with maybe no glaciers. That’s actually quite alarming,” he told UN News.

“I really recommend going with your children there and having a look at it because you can see the dramatic changes that are going on, and you will also realise that we are putting a big burden on our next generation.”

And how will they get there? Fossil fueled travel? Maybe they can talk about the glaciers during the next UN climate conference in Brazil after tens of thousands take fossil fueled trips.

Echoing those concerns, WMO’s Ms. Mishra added that if emissions of warming greenhouse gases are not slowed “and the temperatures are rising at the rate they are at the moment, by the end of 2100, we are going to lose 80 per cent of the small glaciers” across Europe, East Africa, Indonesia and elsewhere.

And if that doesn’t happen? Well, none of the people making the prognostications will be around to be fired.

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13 Responses to “Doom Today: UN Says Some Glaciers May Not Survive By The End Of The Century”

  1. SD says:

    DEEP DATA DIVE – NY Times analysis on the 2024 election is superlative. Very interesting . . .

  2. Dana says:

    At least it’s not as loony as the 2009 statement by former Vice President Al Gore the latest data “suggest a 75 percent chance the entire polar ice cap will melt in summer within the next five to seven years.”

    I’ll write about those disappearing glaciers at the end of this century. Of course, I’ll be 147 years old then, so . . . .

    • Dana says:

      My personal goal is to survive until April 5, 2063, the date of the first successful warp fight and when the Vulcans make first contact. It would also be cool if Betelgeuse would go supernova before then.

  3. Tctsunami says:

    1cm = 0.3937008 in. How do you even measure an ocean that precise but can’t a weeks worth of weather outlook even close.
    Oh well, the good news is Dana will surely be here when he is 147 years old. I have it from a reliable source that he as well as many of us will still be collection social security and voting. Life is good.

    • Professor Hale says:

      They average thousands of observations and then carry out the calculation to an unrealistic decimal place. Basic science tell us that if your measurement is to the nearest degree that at most you can interpolate to half a degree beyond that so any calculation beyond the tenths of degrees should be ignored. Similarly for sea level rise. If observations are to nearest centimeter, then calculation beyond half a centimeter should be thrown out as error. People used to learn that in High School.

      I am sure Jeff can now cut-paste a few paragraphs about how oceans are measured to the nearest hundredth of a centimeter with accuracy and precision using NASA and NOAA data. Science data from Science agencies are more “Sciency”.

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        The perfesser proves one more discipline he is NOT a perfesser of!! It’s divinity, isn’t it? Not the candy, but the churchy stuff! Not math, not oceanography, not econ, not biology, not chemistry, not statistics…

        BTW, those wascally scientists use satellite altimitry, bouncing laser or radar signals off the ocean surface.

        Ironically, the only temperature data the Deniers even consider is the calculated values from Professors Roy Spencer and John Christy! They don’t measure temperature per se but calculate it from wavelengths measured by satellite instruments. Spencer and Christy had to correct their earliest incorrect calculations, LOL.

        Back to sea level rise… tide gauge and satellite altimitry data show an approximate 20 cm (~ 8 inch) rise in overall sea level since about 1900, with half that occuring since 1980. The sea rise comes from two sources – warming water expands and ice melts!!

        But relax perfesser. King Donald is shutting down any sciency stuff at NASA and NOAA so that you won’t have to worry about this ever again.

        The satellites cover the entire surface of the oceans, not just the coasts, every 10 days!! But they’ll be shut down soon, or at least the data portals will.

        My recommedation is for the Deniers, rather than to look into the methods, to just claim that ALL the data is false and fixed by scientists craving gov funding. And repeat and repeat and repeat it over and over. Little new data will be coming from the US for at least 4 years. Relax!!

  4. ruralcounsel says:

    Didn’t they make a similar prediction about 50 years ago? How’d that work out for them?

  5. James Lewis says:

    I predict that by 2099 there will statues of me in every state capital.

    Prove me wrong.

  6. Elwood P Dowd says:

    There is a scientific consensus that 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) is the freezing point of water (H2O). It is, importantly, also the melting point!! Glaciers depend on temperature and precipitation.

    But, relax! Mr Trump is stopping all US support of global warming (scam) research and preparations. It’s over! Yes, a few of these hangers on will publish their latest work, but their research funding is evaporating.

    If any of this scheisse comes true, our ChatGPT-supported great-grandkids will deal with it. Anyway, by 2100 Elon will have already established Mars Bases 1-19. The techno-elites will have solved warming by then.

  7. Professor Hale says:

    My money is on the Meteor of death over Yellowstone super volcano for ending life on Earth. A few degrees of warm aren’t even worth paying higher prices on Easter candy to avoid.

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