There are already plenty of elected Democrats going full moonbat, trying to protect illegal aliens, including gang members. Virtually none have said that burning and vandalizing Teslas is bad. How many are saying “yeah, it’s a good idea to get rid of the graft, waste, and abuse at federal agencies,” so, will going more moonbat be the solution?
Liberal group warns Democratic leaders over their strategy against Trump
A major liberal group is warning Democratic leaders that they have deep problems with their base when it comes to their strategy toward President Donald Trump.
The progressive organization MoveOn said in a letter to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries that its members are irate over what they see as inaction from Democratic lawmakers in Congress. The memo, which was first shared with POLITICO, cautioned that grassroots volunteers and donors will stop helping the Democratic Party if it doesn’t do more to obstruct Trump.
“These members, arguably the backbone of the party, have reached a unifying consensus since President Trump’s inauguration,” wrote Rahna Epting, executive director of MoveOn. “Whether they live in a deep-red, purple, or blue district, their message is clear: Now is not the time for politics as usual. Don’t back down, fight back.” (snip)
The memo includes data from a poll of MoveOn’s members that illustrates the pressure that Democratic lawmakers are facing from their liberal base. The survey found that 78 percent of respondents do not believe that Democrats in Congress are doing everything they can to stop Trump, and 49 percent said they were less likely to volunteer for or donate to Democrats after seeing the party’s reaction to Trump. Meanwhile, 89 percent of those polled believe Democrats should take aggressive measures to thwart Trump, and only 4 percent said they should follow congressional norms to take him on.
Should they really be listening to MoveOn and the super hard left moonbat members/readers? Trump can’t be re-elected. Do they want to die on the hill of insanity? If they were smart they’d shift and try to push Trump towards some things they care about, like healthcare. They could work with him on find the waste, graft, and fraud already in the systems, freeing up lots of money for Americans. Maybe working with him to fix Obamacare to bring down medical costs. Do the same with other programs, like SNAP. Instead of barking about deporting illegals, they could work to increase temporary work visas for, say, agriculture, housing, and home health care that are truly monitored, while decreasing the visas for tech which take jobs from Americans. Make themselves look reasonable and that they want to work for the working and middle classes.
But, they won’t.
How did I get here?
— Angela Belcamino (@AngelaBelcamino) March 20, 2025
This is what’s happened to so many Democrats. They may not like Trump (I don’t, I think he, like most politicians, is scum), but, they agree with the policies. They may think he’s moving a bit too fast, and using a large chainsaw instead of a scalpel (I think he could slow down and truly expose the graft, waste, and fraud, really find out those who are not helpful and have their own agenda), but, they agree overall, and see Democrats as supporting the graft, waste, and fraud. Don’t think the elected Democrats will moderate and attempt to make themselves more appealing. They’re stuck in the middle of Crazy and looking reasonable.
They could still push their ‘climate change’ stuff but stop making it about Government power, higher taxes/fees, and taking away liberty. Push nuclear. Stop being crazy.

You go, baby girl… Keep doin nuffin for your constituents.
Indivisible removed board members’ names from its website after they got called out for organizing violent Trump/Tesla protests.
Make them famous!
Fatima Goss Graves