European Media Turning On Giorgia Meloni Over Ukraine Support

Anyone who isn’t 100% down with supporting Ukraine will see themselves turned on. They best be flying Ukraine flags, have them in their profile, and make the appropriate responses as we are slowly led into WWIII

Europe has a Meloni problem

She was feted as the “Queen of Europe”, the pragmatic nationalist leader dragging Brussels to the Right on migration while acting as the EU’s bridge to Donald Trump’s White House.

But Giorgia Meloni’s crown has started to slip as Mr Trump’s Ukraine policy forces her to pick sides between the Americans and Europeans.

Until recently a staunch supporter of Ukraine, Ms Meloni has become a thorn in the side of European leaders, dragging her feet as they push for a massive rearmament to deter Russian aggression.

Last week, the Italian premier branded Franco-British plans for a European peacekeeping force in Ukraine “risky, complex and ineffective”.

Isn’t it? Putting NATO member troops in Ukraine, even as a supposed “peacekeeping” force, isn’t exactly safe. It would be rather provocative.

Ahead of a fresh summit of the “coalition of the willing” in Paris on Thursday one European diplomat said: “So far, she’s managed to straddle the fence a bit, but that’s increasingly becoming more difficult.”

“As the rest of Europe considers this an issue of existential importance, she risks placing herself squarely outside of the European mainstream,” the envoy warned.

Ms Meloni’s challenge is to preserve her status as a major EU power broker, while keeping an increasingly Moscow-friendly White House onside.

Oh, Lord, they’re doing this Putin-Trump thing again. I’d say they never learn, but, they just really do not care. Anyhow, she does still support arming Ukraine but without decimating Italy’s economy. She said so at CPAC. But, she’s not willing to put send her soldiers into Ukraine and she’s not for expanding EU support through military members in Ukraine. She’s not necessarily down with Trump’s peace plane, hence, she is not sufficiently pious to the Cause. The Cause which has no actual plan

She is a ruthless and canny negotiator.

“She has this pink pencil case, she gets it out and it makes everyone think she’s like a little girl at school,” a Brussels source told The Telegraph.

“And then,” the insider added, making a gesture across his throat, “she kills them”.

She is not to be played with, and she won’t take kindly to the media coming after her for not trying to drag Europe into WWIII. And she’ll stop being an ally. Yes, it would be great if Russia would get out of the small portion of Ukraine it has taken, but, is that going to happen? If so, how? Do we just keep feeding money and arms in a hope that Russian doesn’t widen the war?

Not mentioned in the article is that she is also a big supporter of Israel and Jews, not Palestinians and Hamas, and the Corporate Media doesn’t like that.

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6 Responses to “European Media Turning On Giorgia Meloni Over Ukraine Support”

  1. Dana says:

    Heaven forfend! The Premier of Italy is less than thrilled with the idea of spending Italian taxpayers’ dollars, and possibly risking the lives of Italy’s soldiers, over Ukraine!

    Until recently a staunch supporter of Ukraine, Ms Meloni has become a thorn in the side of European leaders, dragging her feet as they push for a massive rearmament to deter Russian aggression.

    Italy is one of the poorer nations in the European Union, one of the PIGS, Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain, which have been dependent upon the largesse of the wealthier nations in the EU’s north, and Italy cannot afford a big defense buildup. Miss Meloni knows that, and, shockingly enough, as the Prime Minister of Italy, she’s more concerned with actual Italians than Ukrainians.

  2. Dana says:

    Our esteemed host began:

    Anyone who isn’t 100% down with supporting Ukraine will see themselves turned on. They best be flying Ukraine flags, have them in their profile

    I’m one of those evil people who does not have a Ukrainian flag, or any flag at all, in my Twitter profile.

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    She’s Hot!

  4. Earl says:

    “Yes, it would be great if Russia would get out of the small portion of Ukraine it has taken…” ???! It is Russian land with Russian people and Russian history… try reading about it in anything other than the MSM.

  5. Doom and Gloom says:

    OBAMA is terrified that Ukraine will fold and all kinds of fingers will be pointed at him and his minions who swooped into Ukraine making hundreds of millions in personal wealth from the most corrupt country on the planet……maybe even more so than the USA.

    This is why Ukraine has become the hill on which to die. To protect the left’s rabbit hole of massive aide to spend on DEI around the globe.

    The left have become terrorists and Trump and MAGA stand firmly in their way. The difference is MAGA does not have trillions of dollars and a 100 years of infrastructure at their disposal to fight this political fight. Only a lone billionaire and the fact that the DEI left is nothing but liars bringing lies to the table in their efforts to crush anyone who gets in their way.

    Obama is the what we always thought he was. Pure evil with a nice smile and a smooth talking charm. Donald Trump is the Polar opposite of Obama and it drives the left literally out of their minds.

    Lest you think I am picking on Obama. There is and always has been an “OBAMA” behind the scenes in the USA for at least 100 if not 250 years of our existence. He is just the latest in a long line of Billionaire puppets running the show.

  6. ruralcounsel says:

    No surprise, since the EU media is bought and paid for through USAID and the CIA, who are controlled by the neocon war pigs and military industrial complex.

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