The Not Dead man doing a little better

I’ve discussed Larry Donell Green a bit. He is the man who was pronounced dead, and then someone realized at the morgue that he, well, wasn’t. A bit of an update. He is slowly making a recovery, however:

"He can’t talk. He can’t walk. He can only signify by blinking his eyes. Sometimes, he may move his hand," Alston (Green’s father) said.

Doctors tell the family they cannot be certain whether Green will ever speak or walk again. Family members said for now, they will continue spending every day with him in the rehab center.

It really is a crying shame. This is one of those instances where I hope the family sues some people in a big way. Sure isn’t frivilous.

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3 Responses to “The Not Dead man doing a little better”

  1. Cao says:

    Gosh that is a weird and creepy story! How on earth could that happen? To be pronounced dead 3 times and then found alive in the morgue? CREEPY! I’m going to be saying mucho prayers for him and his family.

  2. Yeah, some folks weren’t doing their jobs in a BIG way. Several were, properly, dismissed. There is even small talk of criminal charges against the paramedics.

  3. JulieB says:

    Apparently it happens, particularly if there is a major crash and number of people are hurt, they take the ones that are least likely to live and take care of them last. They must have considered him so injured that he was sure not to make it.
    Sounds like this was different in that he was the only one injured. He must have had no vital signs, odd.

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